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Everything posted by march132010

  1. Our suits came today, when FI get home he will try on doubt he will let me put a pic up on the world wide web, my son will be home from school, later and he most def. will let me post pic....
  2. TO ALL MY Choclate brides My 7 year old is my bridesmaid, she has truley natural hair and I get her hair done every week with cornrolls in differnt styles, I can not do hair, and wanted some help with cute styles low maintence for her with ALL NATURAL if yall know what I mean PLEASE HELP!!!!!!!!!!
  3. disklike playing hookie from work during the middle of the day
  4. Quote: Originally Posted by tammikins Hi Everyone! We ordered my husband's suit from here. It was perfect. Fit him like a glove. We just got our professional photos back, and it looks great. Also, when I took it to get drycleaned, the lady there was commenting on how good the quality was. Definately money well spent. Here are some photos so you can see what the suit looks like after its actually ironed. Tamara Moldon's Photos - Our Wedding | Facebook Thnaks for posting your photos FI and I were trying to decide if we wanted him to wear a white shirt and colored tie.... Thanks a bunch andn Congrats!!!!!
  5. Like: Watch fi or dh play video games
  6. Misery:James Caan (LOVE THIS MOVIE)
  7. We should DO at Get together---
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