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Everything posted by march132010

  1. Congrats and welcome to the fourm... which ship are you getting married on--- Happy Planning
  2. Congrats and welcome to the forum!!!!!!!!!!! Happy Planning
  3. Congrats and welcome to the forum!!!!! Happy Planning
  4. Tim Roth :Planet of the Apes
  5. Congrats your day is coming real fast---- Happy Planning
  6. Quote: Originally Posted by hoyt75 My dress is ivory too... we originally picked out another outfit for him, but I think we might try to order this if we it can be delivered before our wedding (40 days from today). We're going with a darker color and, like the english linen or the beige linen, then he could wear a white shirt and a tie to match our color (midnight blue) and he would still look great. Does anyone know how long it takes from the time you order to the moment you receive it? Our wedding isn't to far away and I don't want to rely on something that won't make it here on time. Our came in 3 weeks we order 5 suits and they all came together--- Good Luck, I also put in my notes to the tailor when our wedding date was and please rush...
  7. Ashley, Congrats and welcoming to the forum, happy planning--
  8. Quote: Originally Posted by Matt May At outdoor weddings, the bubbles are usually placed on the guests' chairs for when they arrive. Everyone blows the bubbles as the couple walks back up the aisle as a married couple. It's really pretty. I suggest to walk slowly and enjoy the moment. It can be kinda magical. You can check out some bubbles at this outdoor wedding we shot in Golden Gate Park. Beth and Adam’s classic San Francisco wedding… Matthew May Photography — San Francisco, CA — The Blog Great Pictures thanks for sharing.....
  9. Congrats Tracy, welcome to the forum... Happy Planning--
  10. Congrats and welcome to the forum Happy Planning
  11. Quote: Originally Posted by cougs um what? 27 days before the wedding she backed out of her financial promise? (i say "promise" instead of "responsibility" bc i don't believe it's anyone's parents' responsibility to pay for weddings ... but once they've said they *would*?) terrible to back out now ... and she's probably known for awhile that it was going to be a hardship to cover the expenses ... a heads up a little earlier might have been nice! of course i say this without knowing the circumstances ... has there been a sudden job loss or major expense? yeah maybe you should repost this under the venting section! LOL! Not sure if what the case was but no sudden job loss or move (they make really good money), Oh I am sure she knew way before 27 days... but we did what we had to do, since we have about 40 people going to our wedding, I'm still mad at her, I was telling FI last night I need counseling, I can not speak to her...
  12. Quote: Originally Posted by Loveisintheair FI called and told me the suits made it..and it fits him perfect! So excited. Cannot wait to get home to see him in it. I promise to get a pic and post because you all have been wonderful. YAY for perfect fitting suits, can't wait to see the pictures... glad you got some good news today
  13. This has been a very depressive topic for us.. When we got in engaged over a year ago, My mom agreed to pay for everything that had to do with wedding except our travel. My mom then added on all these great things she wanted to have at our wedding, So FI and I paid for all the invitations, my dress, kids clothes, my dad suit and all the gifts for our guest and all the OOY bags and, we decided on the ship we will treat our guest to an hour of free drinks..... Well 27 days before the wedding my mom told me she did not have the money and we needed to pay for it ourselves.... So we had to remove some ok a lot of the things that she added on....................May be this should be in the VENT section
  14. Congrats and welcome, Happy Planning, you will find a lot of useful information..
  15. Congrats and welcome to the forum Happy Planning
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