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Everything posted by march132010

  1. Congrats and welcome to the forum, you will find all that you need right here.... Happy Planning--------
  2. We did not do pre-marital counseling, in our group of friends we are the last 2 to get married and all of our friends that have they are having the most problems, so we didn't do it.... Good Luck.........
  3. Congrats and welcome to the forum, you will find a lot of useful information here, welcome and happy planning
  4. Quote: Originally Posted by butterfly4kathy2 Just ordered my Fi's suit! YAY! cant wait for it to get here! $124.99 with silk lining and shipping! Not bad at all! Make sure that you post pictures, when you get them..
  5. We used VRBO, when we went to the Bahamas!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We love it!!!!!!!!!!!
  6. Hi, I'm Martha and I'm addicted to BDW....
  7. Quote: Originally Posted by carolina24 that's what we're hoping. i went off the pill awhile ago, but we've been careful. went to the gyn last week to get a pre-baby check up so hopefully we come back with a little souvenir Cute little souvenir.......
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