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Everything posted by JaimeandBrandon

  1. Welcome Carmen!! I'm getting married in Las Caletas, Puerto Vallarta... but I have been to Jamaica several times and it is absolutely beautiful (my fave is Negril)... good luck with your big decision!! ~Jaime
  2. Welcome! I'm getting married in Puerto Vallarta also... a place called Las Caletas... it's beautiful, you should check it out!! ~Jaime
  3. Hi Courtney! Welcome to the thread! I'm pretty new to the military life too... Brandon has been in Iraq for 4 1/2 months now. :-( It sucks but it's nice to know we're not alone! Jeni! I just saw the pics in your siggy... you look beautiful... great pictures! Congrats on your wedding!!! ~Jaime~
  4. It's me!! Hi Michele! I'm doing the same exact thing... getting married at Las Caletas while in port. I'm not going until Oct. 2010 though. I'm assuming you're doing the 7-day Mexican Riviera Cruise... what have you done so far? Do you have a photographer? Did you send out your invitations? Feel free to PM me! Jaime
  5. It's finally official!! I met Nicole at the Bridal Expo in LA today and gave her our deposit... I'm so excited! 10.13.10 is the day! So PhillyBride2011, i booked exactly one year and one month out :-) ~Jaime Louise~
  6. Where is everyone?! I hope you all had a great summer! Happy Labor Day!! Jaime
  7. Samantha!! I just started doing crossfit... as a fellow former track and field athlete (heptathlon) I think you will love it! I am so sore but I love how short and intense the workouts are. It takes a little digging but the website (crossfit.com) has modified version of most of the exercises. There is also crossfitendurance.com that I like also. I plan on eventually doing both but for now am trying to alternate between the regular crossfit workout of the day and the crossfit endurance workout of the day. I eventually want to do triathlons or adventure racing, which is why I like the crossfit endurance. Let us know how it goes! -Kate- Why don't you just go to the crossfit website and do the workout of the day on your own? ~Jaime
  8. Looks great! What are you using to attach the magnets? I have the same plan but haven't quite decided what to use for attaching the magnet to the postcard yet...
  9. Oh Jaime Lynne!!! Your slideshow is so amazing! I love the music... some of my favorite songs! Congratulations!! ~Jaime Louise ;-)
  10. Hello Ladies! Just checking in... it's been a while. I visited the new LC website and love it! I was actually wishing they would update it... and vuala! they did it! I hope you all had a great summer! ~Jaime Louise
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