That freakin sucks... I can't believe he talked to her the day after your wedding!! I'm so sorry you have to go through this. I honestly think the only way this is going to work is if he does what you ask (passwords, etc..) Otherwise, you'll never be able to trust him.
Quote: Originally Posted by bnbrmy Most importantly don't let him make you feel bad for not trusting him. <---EXACTLY!, I've been in similar situations and they always try to make you feel bad and then you start to doubt yourself.
If he is already refusing to do any of the things you asked him to do then he most likely has something to hide and I'm sure he is trying to make you feel bad for not trusting him... don't let him make you feel guilty! You know in your heart that you are right so please, please, PLEASE stand up for yourself.
I really hope he comes around to his senses and gives you everything you need so that you can move on from this and finally have your happily ever after.