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Everything posted by JaimeandBrandon

  1. Congratulations!! I LOOOOVE Koh Samui... it must have been such a beautiful wedding! ~Jaime
  2. I'm getting married in PV too! My wedding is in October and we're already at 50%... so we invited 80 people and 40 people have booked so far.
  3. I sent a request to join... but I also didn't have the option to add my BDW screen name. Please accept BrandonandJaime... thanks!! I was just thinking that they should have a facebook this week too! Thanks for posting this butterfly4kathy2... maybe we should create a group for LC brides! It would be so much easier to organize pictures on FB (ie Reception decor and whatnot) ~Jaime
  4. Jennyco116- Can you post a picture of your box? I would love to see how it turned out!
  5. Hey Ann and Andi! I see you both didn't have a wedding party... any regrets? I kinda really don't want a wedding party. I hate having to choose between all my friends and I really just want it to be about me and Brandon. BUT sometimes I think about pictures though and kinda want a cute picture with me and all my matching girlfriends. I can't decide! Did you ask your guests or friends to wear a certain color?
  6. It took about a year for mine... I'm wishing I had gone with platinum! So annoying!
  7. That freakin sucks... I can't believe he talked to her the day after your wedding!! I'm so sorry you have to go through this. I honestly think the only way this is going to work is if he does what you ask (passwords, etc..) Otherwise, you'll never be able to trust him. Quote: Originally Posted by bnbrmy Most importantly don't let him make you feel bad for not trusting him. <---EXACTLY!, I've been in similar situations and they always try to make you feel bad and then you start to doubt yourself. If he is already refusing to do any of the things you asked him to do then he most likely has something to hide and I'm sure he is trying to make you feel bad for not trusting him... don't let him make you feel guilty! You know in your heart that you are right so please, please, PLEASE stand up for yourself. I really hope he comes around to his senses and gives you everything you need so that you can move on from this and finally have your happily ever after.
  8. Thanks Andi, do you remember what time the drummers and fire dancers performed? Does it have to be at a specific time?
  9. That's not bad... 20 minutes of fire dancing @ $300 sounds like a much better deal than 2 minutes of fire works for $1,200 !! Anyone know about the drummers? Do they perform at the same time as the fire dancers? Or is it completely separate?
  10. When is your wedding? Why are you planning her wedding?!! Stand up for yourself!! You should let her know that you're willing to help but you can't commit to planning her entire wedding... especially if money isn't an issue!! HELLO, that's what wedding planners are for! :-) Maybe you could ask one of the TA's on here to contact her. Good luck!
  11. Hello Ladies!! It's been FOREVER since I posted. To be honest, I was having a hard time moving from the old thread to the new thread... I think it was separation anxiety! . However, I am now ready to move on! Someone asked about the cruise + Las Caletas route... that's me! I still haven't spoke with Kelley because I was talking to Nicole this whole time. But it is totally doable and they can work around the cruise schedule no problemo. Pretty much the only difference is that you have to leave Las Caletas by 9pm in order to get back and board the ship for departure by 10pm. But we are just planning on continuing the party in the dance club on the ship! Mind you, this is assuming you are cruising with Carnival via the 7-day Mexican Riviera Cruise... from what I have found they are docked in Puerto Vallarta the longest (9am-10pm). Plus, Puerto Vallarta is the first stop on the cruise. I hope this helps future Cruise + Las Caletas brides! Jaime :-)
  12. I would totally do it! I personally don't like a whole lot of attention on me and I would love to have a close friend or cousin to do all the planning with and share costs. You can have two completely different weddings... even different locations but in the same area/city. Ultimately it's up to you! If you can agree on a general location then I say go for it!
  13. Welcome Lety!! I'm getting married at Las Caletas on October 13, 2010... check out the Las Caletas forum on here! Jaime
  14. I have a similar dilemna... only not really :-) My mom has ALWAYS been there for me and I've always wanted her to walk me down the aisle... but I feel bad leaving my dad and step-dad out. Maybe you could have one walk you to the aisle... and the other walk you down the aisle? Not sure how your set up is but I've seen something like this done before. I've also seen both parents walk the bride down the aisle... so I suppose you could have both dad's walk you down! hmmm I don't think I was very helpful :-) But let us know what you decide to do! ~Jaime
  15. Thanks Magalie! classadiva- I actually haven't moved forward on anything regarding the invites... I'm still in love with the booklet invite I showed you and I found out who designed them, here's her e-mail if you're interested: [email protected] I believe she does passport invites too but I'm not sure of the price. She seems very creative and I have no doubt she would come up with something unique. I'm just on a really tight budget so I haven't pursued anything yet... I have the opportunity to take some online graphic design courses for free so I'm actually going to start that in Feb. and I'm hoping I will be able to learn enough to create my own invites! Let me know what you end up doing!
  16. 09-09-09 what a great date! You should get married on 10-10-10! Have you looked at any places in Puerto Vallarta? I'm getting married at Las Caletas in Puerto Vallarta... you should check it out. :-) Jaime
  17. I haven't seen my FI in 7 months (he's in the Army and deployed to Iraq). I cried everyday for a month when he left but he's on his way home now... I can't wait!
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