Thanks for starting this Tami!!
My DH and I actually met before he joined the army... we were both in junior college and on the track team. Very young, I was 18 or 19 years old and had just gotten out of my first relationship ever! Then I started dating Brandon and after two weeks he told me he loved me... which freaked me out! So we only dated for a few months back then (2002).
We've dated off and on since then... way more off then on... like 6 months on and 6 years off. I always told him I could never date anyone in the army because it would be too hard. He joined the army in 2005. He tells me now that he never would have joined the army if I was with him. Which makes me feel horrible!
Finally last year we spent a lot of time together and I was finally ready to get serious. He had joked around about getting married but I knew he was serious. I had always thought I didn't ever want to get married... I was having too much fun traveling the world with my friends and I was determined to be a vagabond. But he stopped me in my tracks and I realized that I only wanted to be with him.
I told him if he wanted it to work this time he had to make things official... like I had to know that we were boyfriend and girlfriend. So he asked me to be his girlfriend (July 4, 200.
Then I left on a trip to Nicaragua that I had been looking forward to for a long time... I had a horrible time because I missed Brandon so much and I ended up coming back early and changing my flight to visit him in Texas. When we got to his house from the airport he had flower pedals all over his room and candles and he asked me to marry him... and I said "That doesn't count you have to have a ring!". So the next day while he was at work I went to the mall and found a ring! I put all the info on Brandon's bed and when he got home he went in his room and came out and said "Lets go". I was like "where are we going?" and he wouldn't say. But he ended up taking me straight to the mall to get the ring. When we went home I went into the bathroom and when I came out I walked to his room and he had set it up exactly how it was the day before with the roses, rose pedals and candles... and he was down on one knee with the ring. That was on August 4, 2008.
I got to spend a few more days with him and then I had to go back home. We talked about wedding plans and we both just wanted to elope! So he flew down... technically went AWOL but no one knew since he was off at some school and we got married at the court house. September 4, 2008.
So everything went pretty fast! I moved out to El Paso, Texas in October to be with him before he deployed. We lived in this tiny studio like 400 sq ft. We both loved it. I had never lived with a boyfriend before but it was the best time ever. And right when I was getting used to things and loving life. BAM!!! They take him away from me... ok I guess it wasn't that drastic. I knew it was coming. But I still miss him so much!!
So now I'm back in California living with Brandon's brother waiting for R&R!! Working on my thesis. And wondering what happened to the independent woman in me...
Sorry that was so long!