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Everything posted by Jenna20

  1. Jenna20

    DR Newbie

    Congrats and Welcome! Happy planning!
  2. I'm doing one per couple/Family...and then customizing slightly if there are kids. As for when to give them out, if you are having a welcome cocktail or reception or even plan to get together as a group upon arrival that would be a great time. Ive heard of others giving them at a rehearsal dinner if you plan to have your wedding at the beginning of the trip vs the end.
  3. Congrats and welcome! You will find lots of inspiration on the site...so much helpful info. Happy planning!
  4. Jenna20

    Hi Everyone!

    Congrats and welcome!
  5. This is Awesome! Thanks SO much for posting...Its great to see how affordable some of the items can be. I recently read in a thread about a resort charging $5 per bow...and you got yours for a $1 a piece! SO great...and the pashminas, I def want to have that for the ladies in the OOT bags!
  6. Quote: Originally Posted by AshManahan You get a dinner reservation for 40 with the packages. Thanks Ash! Wow that is VERY good value for the money. Other resorts that I have looked at seem to cover 20 people and then charge quite a bit for every additional person. Your answer might have just made my decision for me! Do you happen to know how much additional it is over the 40 person limit? Thanks again!
  7. Great information everyone...thanks so much for posting! I have seen the promotions currently being offered....trying to narrow things down. Kacelb thats great to hear...on the Sensatori forum it sounds like a few girls were thinking of moving there weddings as they didn't get a good vibe??
  8. Hi Ladies, Could any of you tell me how many guests the wedding packages cover? I have reviewed the details on the website but have not come across the number of guests per package? Also, did any of you consider Azul Beach? I havent seen a forum on here and was curious to find out if there were/are brides planning at that resort? I have selected my resort just yet...but narrowing it down. Its either Azul Sensatori, Azul Beach or Dreams...?
  9. Congrats and welcome! This forum is a great place to start! There is SO much great information of all kinds on here. Happy Planning.
  10. Jenna20


    Congrats and Welcome!
  11. Jenna20


    Congrats and Welcome! Happy Planning.
  12. They do seem like great resorts! I also havent found much information on Azul Beach Hotel, seems as most have chosen Azul Sensatori? Have either of you heard anything feedback? I did a search of trip advisor and surprisingly there are VERY poor reviews on Sensatori overall feedback is 3.5 Stars, whereas Azul Beach got much more praise and was rated at 4.5. Recent traveller's (Just this past Aug) have not too many nice things to say about Sensatori which I found surprising, "looks" like a nice resort, which is one thing they said...dont get lured in?? I'll keep searching...are you ladies still narrowing down your resort selection, or have you decided on a few?
  13. Jenna20


    Welcome! You will find all sorts of information on here.
  14. Jenna20


    Congrats and Welcome!
  15. Jenna20


    Congrats and Welcome!
  16. Congrats and Welcome!
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