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Everything posted by Jenna20

  1. I am having the exact same feeling regarding this as well! Its such a tough thing, and I totally understand what you mean by wanting it to feel as real as your "real" wedding day would. I still have not decided, I do really want to avoid any hassle with paperwork etc. I'm not of much help..but am in the same boat.
  2. Jenna20


    Congrats...this is a great site for SO many resources!! Wishing you all the best!
  3. Primer is a great idea especially with the hot weather. I have been using Urban Decay Eye Shadow primer and it is hands down the greatest stuff ever!! My eyeshadow stays in place all day, does not crease or fade. I have to checked to see if they offer a primer for facial application, but if they do I imagine it would work just as great. The reason I chose this was based on reviews on sephora.com and it definitely stood up to all the positive feedback it recieved. I recently thought I would give an organic primer from Sephora a shot and was greatly disappointed. I have heard that smashbox photo finish primer is good stuff as well...I currently use their eyeshadow and bronzer/blush. I have sensitive eyes/skin and have no problems with their products. I think overall a great item to have on hand would be blotting tissues...its bound to get hot and powder or blotting tissues will be a huge life saver!
  4. I LOVE your save the dates!! They turned out so nice...love the colors. Did you buy the Fiskars Trimmer at Staples?
  5. Great review...thanks so much for posting! I am considering Dreams as well, they seem to always have great feedback. I love the use of the starfish to hold the wedding band. Great idea!
  6. Jen, That is SO exciting!! Can wait to hear your feedback...Is Zama an all inclusive resort?
  7. Hi Kacy, I am in the same boat as you so to speak! We are trying to narrow our location as well. My wedding planner has mentioned to me that the mayan will allow you more options as far as all inclusives go. Los Cabos is an amazing area and there were a few resorts that she would recommend one being Dreams. From research that I have done is does appear that there are limited all inclusives that meet our requirements. Unless the sky is the limit in terms of price, of course there will be more options. Another thing that was mentioned was the beaches can tend to be rocky and the water a little more rough in terms of swimming. However, the Mayan can be more windy, but does offer nicer beaches/swimming? This is just what I have heard, I have no experienced it myself...? Have you narrowed down any options as far as resorts go? Happy planning!
  8. Thank you SO much for posting this!! What an awesome breakdown of all items!! I will definitely take a lot of ideas from here.
  9. Your bags look great! Looks as though you went with an orange theme, as everything looks like it matches! Very nice.
  10. Great idea to have a Canadian resource site! Dollarama seems to be a great place, as well as buck or two and the dollar store. Make sure to check out the thread with an entire list breaking down all items that have been used. I took a lot of ideas from it! Apparently right now is the best time to buy, esp with summer coming to and end. So if you have a ball park its a good idea to get started early on purchasing some items.
  11. What an awesome review! I had checked out travel advisor to look at previous feedback and came across the fact that the resort is VERY spread out. For older guests I can forsee this being a problem to walk 30min here and there to get to different areas esp in the heat. After reading I may still consider using the resort as our party is half the size you had. Looking forward to reading the details of your actual wedding day! Thanks for all the detailed info!
  12. Hello everyone...what a great site. Looks as though there is some really great information on here. Cant wait to get started! I'm hoping to do a destination wedding in Cabo. Dream seems to be a popular spot. Id like to explore all options before chosing "the one". Happy planning! Jenna.
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