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Everything posted by waltandjean

  1. Congrats! Ill be going to vacation in May 2009 to Costa Rica. Good Luck and welcome to the forum!!
  2. Congrats! Im so jealous! My wedding feels like it is SOO far away! Have fun!
  3. You sound like me! I use to search around prior to getting engaged. I am engaged now though, but I think there is nothing wrong with getting an idea of what you want beforehand. Good Luck!
  4. That's so nice of you helping your daughter out. You are going to find so much helpful information in this forum. I know I did! Welcome to BDW!
  5. Welcome to the forum and congrats! You will def find a lot of helpful information here! I know I have so far and I have only been searching around for a couple of weeks! Good luck!
  6. Everything is really wonderful there and the staff is so friendly and helpful. The more and more I read in this forum about MP, the more and more I realized we made the best choice!
  7. Hi Jamie! Welcome to the forum and congrats on your engagement! That sounds like an awesome idea to me! Very neat! You will find this forum SO helpful! It has tons of great tips, reviews, and advice! I'm sure someone on here has answer to your question. Good Luck!
  8. That is so cute to go back and get married where you got engaged! I love that idea! Welcome to the forum and congrats on your engagement! You will find this forum SO helpful! It has tons of great tips, reviews, and advice! I know it has really helped me out, and I have only been looking around for a couple of weeks!
  9. First off, Congrats!!! and Welcome. We have decided to get married at the Moon Palace Resort in Cancun, Mexico. We have been down there a couple of times and just fell in love with the place. There is a whole forum dedicated to this resort with sooo much helpful information. The beach isn't as bad as people make it.. there is some seaweed, but the staff does a great job of cleaning it all up.
  10. Welcome. You will find this forum SO helpful! It has tons of great tips, reviews, and advice!
  11. Welcome and Congrats!!! I love this forum too! It has soooo much great information!
  12. Welcome! This forum will DEF help you figure out a good location for your wedding. Good Luck!
  13. waltandjean


    That is so nice of you to be helping out! You will find plenty of advice and information on this forum!
  14. Welcome! I have not heard anything about this site's services yet.. but if there is anywhere that you will find an answer, it will be here!
  15. Congrats! I always thought getting married in Disney World/Land would be SUCH a cute idea!
  16. waltandjean


    Welcome and Congrats! You will find this forum SO helpful! It has tons of great tips, reviews, and advice!
  17. waltandjean


    Welcome. You will find this forum SO helpful! It has tons of great tips, reviews, and advice!
  18. Welcome. You will find this forum SO helpful! It has tons of great tips, reviews, and advice! We are getting married at the Moon Palace Spa Resort.. we have been down to Aventura Spa Palace twice.. we love the Riviera Maya area!
  19. waltandjean


    Welcome. You will find this forum SO helpful! It has tons of great tips, reviews, and advice! I'm going to Costa Rica for vacation this May 2009! I hear it's amazing!
  20. waltandjean


    Welcome. You will find this forum SO helpful! It has tons of great tips, reviews, and advice!
  21. waltandjean


    Welcome. You will find this forum SO helpful! It has tons of great tips, reviews, and advice!
  22. Does anyone know good beaches/locations in this aread for a TTD session?
  23. Thank you for this pricing information... this is such a big help. I have fallen in love with Elizabeth Medina's work though.. I am waiting to hear back from her!
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