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Everything posted by mlagodny

  1. Hey everyone!! I have put together two emails for my guests - one about the swine flu and one with travel information. Thought they would be helpful. Feel free to cut and paste. Just change the Melissa and Joe. Hello!! I'm sure you have heard about the swine flu outbreak here and also in Mexico. I have been trying to stay away from the mainstream media, because it seems that they are making a HUGE deal out of it. Admittedly, it is a problem, but one that I think that healthy people who take necessary precautions and use proper sanitation can avoid. I have found the CDC's website helpful - I hope you can take the time to read through the information. I also attached the official travel warning. There are many tips on how to travel safely. I feel that as long as we are aware of the problem and stay informed, we will have a safe and fun trip to Mexico!! Here's a couple of points that I found helpful: A doctor can prescribe an anti-viral for prevention of the swine flu during travel. (tamaflu and relenza are both options) Wash your hands, cover your mouth with a tissue when you sneeze or cough, and use hand sanitizer. Basically, just stay clean and keep your germs to yourself One month to go!!!! Love, Melissa and Joe CDC - Influenza (Flu) | Swine Influenza (Flu): General Information Swine influenza and Severe Cases of Respiratory Illness in Mexico | CDC Travelers' Health Hello!! I have been fielding some questions about appropriate attire for our wedding on the beach. I like to call it "beach casual." No ties necessary, definetely no tuxedos (or speedos). Look pretty for the pictures! Beachy dresses work (unless you're a boy), in which case you may wear nicer shorts or pants with some kind of breezy shirt. You get the idea. . . . . let us know if you have any questions!!!! I have also compiled a list of useful tips!! Here it is. - Bring singles or some $2 bills for tips. You will be the hero to the person who makes $10 a day. (and your drink will miraculously always be full) - American dollars work in Mexico, but if you must get pesos, do not exhange at the airport or at a bank. You get the best rates at ATMs. - Make a copy of your passport. Leave it at home with someone. In case you lose your passport in Mexico, a copy at home will be very helpful. - Practice bargaining. Go to the 5 Star Swap Meet in Villa Park or Montana Charlies in Romeoville. Practice makes perfect. Pick up some fake designer outfits for the trip. Two birds - one stone. - Eat yogurt every day for a week before your departure date. I hope I don't have to explain this one. Just do it. You will thank me later. - Buy water shoes. The beach is a little rocky in parts, ask Joe. Cuts on your feet + salt water = no fun. - Bring a pen on the airplane (to fill out custom forms). You don't want to wait to borrow the pen that everyone in the plane has used already. - If you take a Rx, bring an extra Rx from your doctor. If you don't take an Rx - go to the doctor and get one for Tamiflu. Then, you will be able to prevent the dreaded swine flu. - If you are bringing a camera, take a picture of your name, address, email and phone number. If you lose it, you have a better chance of getting it back. - Call your cell phone provider and make sure that you can roam in Mexico. Check prices too, you definetely won't be calling home unless it's an emergency. - If you are planning on golfing, bring your own balls and tees. We all know how expensive pro-shops are. - If you take a cab in Mexico - ask for the rate BEFORE you get in. By the time you get out, it's too late. Pay or go to Mexico jail. - Put all of your leakable toiletries in plastic bags. It's no fun to get to the hotel with a big old puddle of contact solution, shampoo, sunscreen and whatever other liquids you plan on bringing in your suitcase. If you have any other questions or more travel tips to share, feel free!!! We are getting really excited!!!!! Melissa and Joe
  2. My name is Melissa and I am getting married at the Catalonia Riviera Maya on May 29, 2009. Two months away!! I have been using this website extensively in my research. I made homemade invites and now I am working on my OOT bags. (see, I even have the lingo down!!) Plain canvas bags I found at Hobby Lobby for $2 each and I am going to paint them with fabric paint with some tropical stecils That's where I am at with my wedding, hope everyone else's plans are coming together!!
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