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Everything posted by robbiemoe

  1. Hi Ladies, Does anyone know if the IV has facilities to steam my wedding dress if it gets wrinkled in transit? I have a steamer, but would rather not bring it if not totally necessary.... Thanks!
  2. Sigh. Does anyone have a working number for her? I think I'm in the same boat........ Updates from any of you as to how it all worked out in the end? Getting kind of nervous here....
  3. Hi Ladies I'm getting married at the Iberostar Varadero in May, and have a couple of questions. Has anyone been married legally in Canada and had the ceremony in Cuba? What was the ceremony like - was it in English, what was said, etc.? Wedding cake - I know that the wedding cakes in Cuba aren't like those we're used to in Canada, but for those of you who went to IV - what was the wedding cake like? What electrical converters did you need to bring? I have a couple electric appliances to bring and want to make sure I have the right converters! Is there a place to get your wedding dress steamed on the resort? Phew! That's a lot of questions but I'm just starting to realize that I should get some stuff in order! Thanks so much!!
  4. Hi everyone, Thanks so much!! Where in Cuba are you guys getting married??
  5. Hi everyone, Just joined, got engaged last month, looking to get married in Cuba (spring 2010). I may be going for a 'research' trip in a couple months, but I'm looking for advice from ladies who have been married in Cuba! Thanks
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