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Everything posted by Krista_H

  1. Raykel - is it your first fitting? They asked me to book my fitting, but is it early? Sorry Shells guess I didn't explain it properly. And no holes for traps and cheese, our basement is totally finished.
  2. Ya I'm not big on traps either....however even if I was, they won't fit cause we have very limited open spaces
  3. So FI & I are hearing chewing in our basement ceiling. We can't figure out where the heck this thing got in, but we just know we want him out. I know they can squish pretty small. Any ideas?? We want to stay away from tearing the ceiling down, but we have no idea what to do and we don't want it chewing through any wires.
  4. Oh I hate winter. I'm in Canada too and every winter I tell people I was born in the wrong country ha ha ha Hope you had a good time at your party regardless!!
  5. Timberly - best of luck on your wedding if I don't message on here again this week - I have a very busy week at work coming up and I'm not looking forward to it. Post pics when you're back. Susie - good for you for giving them a piece of your mind!! Funny story about carrying the cigarette around. I worked with ALL smokers once and so I took non-smoking breaks. GREAT idea about the bracelet!! I'm thinking I might have to change my mind about what I was going to get my mom. Just got back from Florida - oh how I already miss the 87 degree weather. Although flew out on Wednesday when we had a huge storm and what usually takes 1 1/2 hours to get to the airport - took 4 and I missed my flight. Had to change airlines and it ended up taking me 13 hours to get from Toronto to Florida. What a horrible day. Still not sure I've caught up. Then my FI and I are sitting downstairs trying to catch up on some shows we taped while I was away and we hear this chewing noise...we have a guest in our basement ceiling. What the heck?? Seriously I've heard in the attic, but in the basement ceiling? Good news!! While I was away my dress came in!!!!! So excited!!
  6. Great job on the Cabo booklet!! I have a big ol' duotang full of info - I wish I could fit it all in a little booklet.
  7. I am also in Waterloo. We're getting married February 18th at the Breezes Curacao.
  8. I am also doing 1 bag per couple and I only have 20ish people coming (works out to 13 bags). I definately would not be doing it if it was going to cost $600-$800. Have you thought about just doing a beach bag or a customized travel mug? Just a suggestion, being there definately is the most important part and my guests are not coming because of the OOT bags. ha ha
  9. Also found my shoes...what do you think (the silver ones)? Caparros Bold Sequined Slide - DSW
  10. Oh my goodness girls - I go away for 5 days and more than 10 pages appear!! I have to go to FL this week and then that will be the last trip until the wedding (crossing my fingers). Although while I was away I got great deals - got my dad's shirt, FI's dad's shirt, FI's tie and loads of christmas presents - almost had to pay for over weight luggage. Okay can you believe it was going to cost me $50 for 5 lbs. over? Rediculous. Next time I take 2 suitcases - it was only $20ish for another suitcase. I still have yet to start planning my resort wedding I am also only getting married there - I didn't want to confuse the FI with two dates. ha ha ha
  11. Quote: Originally Posted by shellk well got hair cut nd coloured ready for friday.starting to crap myself a little. You're going to be great. Just take a deep breath and pretend the camera isn't even there. No one will have to see them but you and your FI. You have nothing to worry about as I'm sure he's seen you at your worst and he's still there
  12. Quote: Originally Posted by SusieQ Oh that sounds like so much fun.... I would love to meet any of my Feb peeps.... Ok we have to send out the search party Erica has gone missing.... where is she?? I know was headed back to the states for Thanks Giving and she ws going to be super busy... But what the hell? How many of you brides are wearing a veil? I was going to wear a headband with stones and pearls, now I am leaning towards flowers only.... I'm not wearing a veil. I have flowers, starfish pin and I'm looking for a headband (Tiara). I know a lot, but I don't want to get there and wish I had. I just may have a lot of stuff to sell after the wedding ha ha ha I seem to remember Erica talking about a spreadsheet to keep track of all of her plans. If she needs that, she most likely doesn't have time for a computer. BTW Love your new avatar pic!!
  13. Quote: Originally Posted by svetayasofiya Girls, check out this site, it's super helpful: Wedding Planner - Wedding Planning Tools and Tips, Wedding Sunset Calculator Awesome site thank you for sharing. My photographer wants to take some sunset photos so that's very handy for planning ahead.
  14. Happy Thanksgiving!! Hope you didn't eat too much turkey and are getting some rest.
  15. Definately fight for it. Could you tell them you don't want a dj? or are they forcing you to have one?
  16. One thing you'll need to do is learn to do what YOU want to do. There are SO many posts on here of unfortunate things happening, such as people not wanting to come. I know myself I have gotten more of a backbone after reading all the posts from these strong people on this forum. This is what I'm doing and if you can't be happy for us and celebrate our wedding then we don't want you there. As for your heart racing - start by making a list of everything you need to do and want to do and cross them off one by one. Let me tell you by reading the forum your list will grow almost daily ha ha Hope everything goes well.
  17. Quote: Originally Posted by Shinbinea I'm not too worried about it - She's my Fiance's little sister so I can't really ask her not to come but really at the end of the day she is just making herself look like an ass and my getting all worked about it won't solve anything... Speaking of younger sister...my FI's sister HAS to be the center of attention and recently got upset for not being included in things. She's not in the wedding party, but her hubby is - I guess that's where it all started. So my guess is that she's going to announce she's pregnant at the wedding. ha ha
  18. Take a deep breath...I am ALWAYS second guessing myself. Rum will definately help ha ha ha
  19. ha ha ha ha and just think it'll probably get worse as the time gets closer!!
  20. Would you feel confortable talking with his sister and getting her point of view? She probably knows him best. Otherwise I would tell him that the invite was for him (you can be nice and say and his guest) and that since you've never even met the two girls you don't think it's appropriate for them to come to such an event as celebrating your marriage.
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