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Everything posted by Krista_H

  1. So sorry to hear that Susie. She sounds like a tough cookie so she definately has that on her side!!
  2. We also want to have a baby sooner than later. Ugg I never thought about swelling!!
  3. ha ha ha I love all inclusive too. A friend and I were talking about the wedding and another friend over heard, and obviously wrong, and was like ohhhhh the wedding I thought you were talking about being prengnant. I said ummm no - did I not mention the all inclusive??
  4. Brooke - wow great job!! I have all my waxing/nail appointments booked. I did this awhile ago because we leave on vday and figured if I didn't book them awhile ago all the valentine's day people would scoop them up. Just have to make an appointment for my hair now. Susie - 18 days?? I'm at 40 and nervous. I have everything ready, I'm just a worrier (probably causing myself lots of grey hair and wrinkles!! ha ha ha)
  5. Wow something is seriously wrong with this site or my comp cause it keeps refreshing and not letting me read. I did quote Timberly - not sure if it will go through. Maybe that's it...her pics are so hot she made my computer go nuts!!!! For those worried about daylight - check out this site. Wedding Planner - Wedding Planning Tools and Tips, Wedding Sunset Calculator
  6. Quote: Originally Posted by vdaybride I agree, they are crooks for charging that much for shipping. Michaels crafts has some loose stones for $4.99 I got mine there and used a coupon discounting my entire order by 20% go online and print a coupon and have some fun...lol. Thanks for the Bday wishes my honey buns! I am finally legal..HAHA Thank you for the picture compliments. I finally finished my BD book on my publisher.. if you want to take a peek go to MyPublisher My ID is: S3066947 password is: 2908222 That crap took me forever, but its like a weight off of my shoulders. One more thing to check off of the list. It is 4:20 and I am still awake.. I have to have the munchkin at the school bus at 7:04 am and I haven't been to sleep yet Good morning my fabulous, funny, fun February brides.. hope you have a super Friday!! *stumbling off to bed* for a snooze..literally ;( HOLY HOT MAMA!! Great job with the pictures and putting it together. It looks amazing!!
  7. Wow Timberly no wonder you're doing fake. My BM bouquets will be $17.50 and I think $4 for the guys. I don't think I'm going to do flowers at the AHR so I think I'm good with the flowers there. Susie - great advice. I have to keep reminding myself to breathe!! Welcome Tinkatude!! Hope everyone is having a good day.
  8. Timberly - I went to her site and got a quote from her. Not sure if I want to do that or get real from the resort (they have the option of paying for more flowers). Are most of you doing real touch (or silk) flowers?
  9. Just made this and wow is it good. Thank you for posting!! I'm going to try your sweet potato fry one next
  10. Shells - sorry about your car and glad you're not hurt. Raykel - funny story - however I do have to say that I have a fart application on my BlackBerry. It has a delay on it so I can set it and put it beside someone and it goes off. Yes I know very immature, but it's really funny. Can't believe it's 2010 and what was once a year away is SO close. So we went to a friend's house for New Years and I was talking with her about how stressed I am right now with the wedding and my grandma is really sick and I'm hoping she makes it for our reception in April, but there's no telling. So my other friend comes in the room and hears stress and is like oh don't you worry it's going to be just fine and goes on and on and makes me feel stupid for being stressed. I wanted to tell her to shut up, but we were celebrating. I am so frustrated with people these days....I just wish everyone would leave me alone (except you guys of course)
  11. Great idea. If you do it, post the pic for us all to see.
  12. Thanks guys. I KNOW I have to do what I (we) want and not do things to not upset her. I think she's upset that she's not the center of attention and in fact will get no attention at all. Her son will be our ring bearer, but she is not walking him down MY isle. Oh that sounds so petty!! We talked yesterday for a bit and everything seemed okay. We'll just play it by ear...I can't help it if she over reacts to things she THINKS are happening, but aren't. Again, thank you for the encouragement!!
  13. We're keeping things pretty low key this year as well - just going over to a friends. I'm over the spending a lot of money on drinks and celebrating with strangers thing (mostly the money part ha ha). Hope everyone has a great NYE!!
  14. So let me start out by staying that FSIL grew up as the Princess and never wanted for anything. FSIL and my sister are not "officially" in the wedding but are our witnesses. We wanted to include as many people as we could so we decided to do it that way. So we had a little issue awhile back where she was feeling left out (probably because her husband is standing on the groom's side). So that all got straightened out. NOW it has started again. She found out that FMIL asked me to go dress shopping with her. She said she's being left out of all the girls' nights, etc. (which there haven't been any). I had a family shower and there is a friend one coming up (invites haven't gone out yet) and she's upset that she's not involved in it. Now FMIL says that she should be involved in the planning, but I am confused. She's not in the wedding party, she's not going to know anyone, but yet she should be involved? Can someone advise what I'm not getting? I'm going to call FSIL this afternoon and ask her if she wants to come to the shower - or should I just get my girls to invite her? So the big thing is that she hasn't said any of this to any one...we got an email from her husband yesterday about it - so why can't she just speak up. She's never been shy about voicing her opinion before. I'm so tired of trying to make everyone happy. I told FI yesterday we should just elope!!
  15. Shells I think that's plenty. Don't forget they are getting a vacation out of it too. Susie - your stories are great. Sorry you had to deal with the crazy lady at Christmas, but you're always going to have the story to make fun of your brother with.
  16. Hope everyone had a great holiday. I feel the same way Shells, bring on the wedding now. FI and I have off until Jan 4th - thank goodness I need a break. So today for non-Canadians is boxing day where there are crazy sales. I refuse to go out in that mess of traffic and people. I think I'll wait until Monday when a lot of people have to go back to work!!
  17. Yeah done work until Jan 4th...ahhhhh sleeping in!! I purchased some keycard/tip holders from ebay and had to purchase more than I wanted. I have 10 left over (just the plastic part). Does any one need any? I will just ask what I paid + shipping if you're interested. I can take a pic if need be.
  18. Breathe girl!! You're going to look fabulous regardless. Your wedding is so soon!! So excited for you.
  19. Alison you look fabulous!! Brooke would you be able to ask for all your guests room numbers when you check in? Other than that your mobile might be the only way to go.
  20. Wow what a great story. The dress is fabulous and you look great. Congratulations on the weight loss and best of luck for your wedding!! Can't wait to see the finished pics.
  21. Yikes that's not good. I'm going next week to start the process so I will have a chance before Feb to correct it, if it doesn't work. Why do you say it's not going to work for you?
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