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Everything posted by Krista_H

  1. Quote: Originally Posted by krista.baird Breens I'm glad to hear that you are doing okay and you are not feeling to sick. Don't worry about the emotional rollercoaster, we've all been there in one way or another! Just hold on and enjoy the ride! LOL! I'm sure, like weddings, having a baby is an emotional process, and every time something new happens, you'll be thinking, wow, I'm having a baby, and the realization of it will keep hitting you, until 8 months from now you hold your beautiful baby in your arms! Then you'll really be thinking WOW! This is real!! It's such a beautiful blessing so enjoy every little step, every little emotional bump, and every second of it! Besides, I'm sure your hubby loves the idea that you are emotional because you are carrying his and your's baby! wow life is so amazing isn't it? Sorry ladies, I'm just having a little cry here...I'm such a sap! LOL! I'm so excited for all these wonderful events we are all experiencing!! Today is a great day! Quit that emotional sappiness I am at work!! ha ha ha ha Chris - funny the people on your FB were thinking it was a baby or so it sounded like to me ha ha ha I was thinking I really don't think she would be announcing THAT on FB. Beautiful cake!! We're getting a small one for us to cut and then a slab cake for everyone to have a piece I'm so excited for our party!! A girl I work with, her and her hubby RSVP'd that they were coming. Just found out that they're getting divorced - they just got married in November. It's so sad. It's bad - to the point that they've called the cops on each other.
  2. Aw Brooke that sucks that you have to wait, but yes you must wait for Justin. I'm trying to figure out if I should take the test early because I'm going to FL or wait till I get back. So Chris...pictures or a butt kickin?? Tell your photog he has his pick ha ha ha ha
  3. Ugg just read this. We flew Skyservice and missed this by 1 month. I can't even imagine people that are flying out today or tomorrow. Indy Chic - thank goodness you have some time.
  4. So just found out that the airline we used for our wedding went under. Phew we missed it by a month as Glenn and I flew home on March 1st. Sabrina - I totally agree with Chris...you are a Feb Bride!! I was also so excited. It honestly feels like I just found out one of my best friends is pregnant.
  5. Oh Sabrina - that is alcohol abuse!!!! ha ha ha ha but you gotta do what you gotta do and ya totally trashed hubby = not happy wife.
  6. man-scaped ha ha ha I've never heard that before - too funny!!!
  7. WOOHOO SABRINA!!!!! Congratulations!!!!! Our first Feb Bride baby!! Ha ha ha ha funny how you quoted the pregnancy test. I said to Glenn I know there's a test out there that tells you early I've seen it on tv. ha ha ha Advertising does work!! Keep your chin up Chris...if it's not this time you just get more practice time.
  8. I haven't decided who I'm telling and when. I'm pretty superstitious, but...I always said I would want it to be a surprise, but now I want to know the sex. I definately won't be telling the SIL first!! ha ha We haven't had much contact since the wedding and I'm really okay with that. I joined that site that Erica mentioned, but I had to join the Canadian version and honestly can't remember what the site was so I doubt I'll be keeping up with that. The one good thing is that we've all connected on FB so you can always hunt someone down that way. I'm good with continuing to post here when we have a chance.
  9. It might also be nice to let him know it went towards your wedding and he can feel like he was involved.
  10. Ummm didn't we already know that? ha ha Ricky Martin Reveals He's Gay - Ricky Martin : People.com
  11. Quote: Originally Posted by FutureMsMoulton Are you trying to tell us something with the TRUST you?? I am thinking the EXACT same thing...come on girlie fess up!! Brooke I was thinking the exact same thing about drinking at the AHR. I do drink a lot of water to begin with. I normally drink vodka and sprite so it won't be that hard to get just sprite, plus you'll probably be so busy that hopefully no one will notice. We were at a Stag & Doe this weekend and I told Glenn that if any one bought me a drink he'd have to drink it. ha ha ha ha He has told me that he doesn't think I am...that it can't be that easy. I think he's just preparing for if I'm not so he's not too dissappointed. So funny thing..he's sitting beside me and says what are you reading? I say the forum and he's like not the wedding forum still...I said heck ya I am!!
  12. Beautiful pictures Allison!! I got my photos just over 4 weeks - although it helps that it was a good friend of mine that did them. I haven't posted any on here yet, but I have a bunch on facebook. None of your TTD turned out? That seems really weird to me!! We have our AHR coming up soon (Apr 17) and I'm so excited. It's going to be such a non-reception. We have prizes, we're thinking of doing the ice cream thing and we're going to have a dance competition. I keep referring to it as "the party". As for the baby thing...we just started trying this month. The sad thing is - I'm going to be in Florida during when I should get my period so if I don't...he'll be so far away. We were going to try on our honeymoon but I got a little scared. I've always wanted kids, but when it came down to it I freaked out a bit at the fact that we would be responsible for this new little helpless life.
  13. Hopefully no pics means they are taking all this time to edit them extra special. I know it's so hard to be patient. Hang in there girlie!!
  14. I'm sorry to hear that the July brides aren't as fun as the Feb brides...they do have a lot to live up to As for the people who haven't booked...you may be disappointed that they're not there, but the day you get married you won't even notice and nothing will matter except that you two are getting married. I am such an anal planner and the day of I didn't care what happened...it was really weird, but really refreshing.
  15. Erica - it's a company that comes in and I believe the cups are already full of ice cream and you just put the toppings on. I do have to call and get a few more details from them. We are also doing a photo booth and I have some great props - we started buying at Halloween ha ha ha Cake girl backed out so now trying to find another one. Even though our reception is April 17th the responses from cake places being able to do it is quite good. Yes I have some pics up on facebook. We have 3 dvds of pics and around 3,000 pics (includes originals and edits) to go through. We were tired after the first one, but my photog rocks and categorized them all for me.
  16. Quote: Originally Posted by A2Bride Thank you all for your thoughts and well wishes. Unfortunately my grandma passed away Saturday night. So we have been busy dealing with funeral arrangements and getting family together. The funeral is on Wed and we leave Sat night for our early Sunday flight. Going to be a long week...and we still are not completely ready! I am sure things will come together, and if they don't...nothing I am going to stress over!! Life is short...live it the best we know how to! Thanks again for your support girls! I'm so sorry to hear about your loss. It is never easy. My grandma passed away Jan 27 and we left Feb 14. The one thing I will say is that in a way I was relieved because it didn't happen while we were away and not here with her. Keep your chin up sunshine!!
  17. Our AHR is in less than a month. We're meeting with the hall to go over some things tomorrow. I've asked him if we could have an ice cream station set up. Marble Slab Creamery was at a bridal show I went to and I believe you pick two flavours of ice cream and five toppings - I forget how much it costs, but I need to look into it a little more. I need your thoughts - do you guys think you would like that if you were attending someone's AHR?
  18. Quote: Originally Posted by SusieQ I know I'll be down sizing big time, but less mortage and upkeep. By downsizing does that mean not bring the evil step-daughter with you? ha ha ha ha
  19. Shells - great to hear everything went well!! Timberly - I'm so sorry to hear this. You learn A LOT about people when you have a wedding. A friend of mine warned me, but I didn't realize it until it happened. I had a friend that I was on the fence about - she didn't come to the bachelorette, she didn't wish me a happy birthday (not even on FB), didn't come to my shower and didn't even contact me when my grandma passed away - I have since taken her and her bf off FB. I do not have time for people who could care less about me. On the other hand it has brought me closer to the people who came with us and I wouldn't change anything for the world!! Keep your chin up sunshine. You have a great hubby and daugther and you are happy - that's big time!! So remember the really sweet date night? Ya we were in bed around 8pm - sleeping that is ha ha ha ha ha I can't believe how tired I am. All that matters is that I was with him though!!
  20. I'm still on honeymoon let down. Less than a week after getting back I had to travel and it was the hardest ever leaving. I just got back last night and am so ready to spend the whole weekend with my hubby - doing nothing!! Last night it was the cutest thing...we were laying there and he's like can we do something tomorrow night. I said sure like what? I don't know, but just you and me. He's so sweet!!
  21. Quote: Originally Posted by futuremrsgoodrich Good morning ladies Krista, pictures, no pictures? I should be able to post some this weekend. I haven't been able to get together with any one that took wedding pictures (and now I'm in Texas). My photog told me she is almost done editing. Weird thing - I go to Texas quite often for work and I love coming here, but this time it's weird. Maybe cause I just spent 2 weeks of non-stop time with the hubby, but this trip is difficult!!
  22. Tricia - that pic of you and Brooke is great!! Amazing that you two could get together.
  23. He's just mad cause you're hot and he now how to cross you off his list cause you're married and he can never have you Give me the word and I can be there and kick his butt!!
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