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Everything posted by Krista_H

  1. Wow so many interesting walks of life - it's amazing what you find when you put people together that share one interest. I work in patents in-house at a big telecom manufacturer. I love always have the latest device out there and not having to pay for it
  2. Wow that sounds very familiar. My friend said when she walks in to a room she knows she's going to insult 80% of the people in the room. To me that's unacceptible. I think you're in a better position because you're done with the friendship. I would just sit her down and explain to her by giving examples. Let her know that she should not have a say in who YOU invite to YOUR wedding and let her know that you think it's best for her and for others that she doesn't come. Easier said than done for sure.
  3. Thanks BachataBride - just set my pvr!!
  4. Great job!! I love the meet the guests - fabulous idea!!
  5. I had a similar situation where a "friend" of mine (who is slowly becoming not a friend) has no filter and I didn't want to worry the whole week that she was going to offend my family or my FI's. I made it even harder on myself by inviting her sister (as my photog) and from what I hear she's not too happy about that. Honestly it came down to I wanted to have a good time and not have to worry the whole week about people fighting, being offended or people not having a good time. You and your FI need to be happy and have a stress-free time!!
  6. Congratulations and best of luck!!
  7. Congratulations. I also had trouble finding a travel agent that wanted to do a destination wedding. It was also hard because pricing wasn't out yet and I didn't have a clue where I wanted to do it.
  8. I've never watched the show, but know of them. All I have to say is yikes!!
  9. So give us the scoop!!! Inquiring minds NEED to know!!
  10. Says more than 10 available. Luggage Tag Loops for laminating pouches Clear, FREE on eBay.ca (item 250454502639 end time 26-Sep-09 17:22:06 EDT)
  11. Take someone with you and get them to come in the room with you to "help".
  12. Wow your planning thread is great. I love the scavenger hunt cameras - brilliant idea.
  13. I just read an interview with another contestant on the show that he had to give a lot of information for them to do background checks so he assumes this guy had to do the same. I guess when no one reports things there's no way to find them Another article I read said that there have been numerous times they've id'd a body with the serial numbers. It's awful!
  14. Yeah!!!!! Okay I looked at this at work this morning when it was on the first page....it's now night and 10 pages later. I don't usually add people I don't know to facebook, but I'm so adding you so I can follow the love story!!
  15. She's being compared to Britany with her horrible MTV show after she fell apart. Funny thing is that people are saying Brittany did a better job than Heidi. That says a lot!!
  16. Yeah!!! Best of luck, but by the sounds of you don't need luck - you just need to be yourself as you have been for the last 12 years and EVERYTHING will fall right into place. Awesome story and thanks for posting it!!
  17. For any one that watched - what the heck were they thinking asking Heidi Montag to sing? Firstly I don't think she actually sang and secondly the girl can NOT dance. Can you tell I'm not a huge fan of her's? ha ha ha
  18. Wow glad I stubbled upon this thread. Thanks for posting!!
  19. Grew up in Kitchener, now currently live in Waterloo. I know it's just down the road, but when you grow up playing sports and Waterloo is your biggest rival...there's a big difference
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