Quote: Originally Posted by KittenHeart LOL!!! Throwing up on your dress?! What is wrong with these girls? I mean have fun, have a cocktail but damn!
Ok, so I haven't been to too many weddings but this was the worst:
Bride met groom 5 months pregnant... he proposes and they marry, with her 8 months pregnant.
It's on a Wednesday night in Santa Barbara, CA which is almost 2 hours away @ 7pm so rushing out of work to change and drive up (in traffic) to no actual address, it's a beach location so we are late driving back and forth trying to find out where the portion of beach they are at is. We get there around 7:30pm or later because by time we're standing on the beach it's COMPLETELY dark. There were about 25 of us and we were lined up making an aisle way for the bride. The person at the end of the aisle where she starts her walk is holding a boom box and plays a cd of the Celine Dion Titanic Song, "My Heart Will Go On"
The sheer cheesiness of the moment causes laughter burst in me and my best friend which no one can even tell who did it because we're in the dark. 5 seconds into the song it skips, the entire time. We could barely see the bride and who she was marrying, we couldn't hear a word anyone said due to the nearby crashing waves and they were faced away from us.
We went to a local restarant after and each paid for our own meal which was fine, at least we were told this was happening. The ceremony was pointless though not being able to see or hear her.
Marriage lasted about 6 months... you can't marry the first man that proposes while you're pregnant, this guy has done this since twice! Oh my goodness - that's all I can say ha ha ha
The guy has done this twice since with pregnant women? Most guys I know would run the other way.