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Everything posted by Krista_H

  1. At least it was hard wood and not carpet and be glad it was just pee!!
  2. ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha you SO should have said that. You could have made one of the priceless commercials out of it.
  3. I have the date booked with the hotel - I think it's just a technicality with the government. But the hotel won't do anything until the government approves. We had to get the documents to them no later than 3 months before and as 3 months just hit we had them there well in advance so hopefully it will go quicker. We have booked and we're all paid. Congrats on becoming a "real" member - download until your heart is content!!
  4. What a fabulous idea!! I would definately use something that means something to him like the girls have already mentioned (his tie or his favourite sports team jersey).
  5. Quote: Originally Posted by svetayasofiya what the hell does that mean? We're getting married in Curacao and things are a little different there. We had to write a letter to the Civil Office saying what day and time (and alternatives) that we wanted to get married on. We also had to send copies of our passports and copies of passports of our 6 witnesses, along with legalized copies of our long form birth certificates and single certificates. It was a pain in the butt let me tell you and rather expensive, but considering the wedding is free - it works out in the end. So now we wait for them to approve it.
  6. What about if he "walked" your mom down the aisle?
  7. Oh oh oh sorry for 2 posts. JUST heard from the WC - she's waiting on the government to approve our wedding date.
  8. Quote: Originally Posted by vdaybride OH yes, I forgot to mention.... I hit the 50% off motherload.... my cousin came through hooray for extended family that you haven't seen in over 7 years!!! Wow that's awesome!! Do you need another cousin?? ha ha ha Susie, sorry about the toe - I think it'll be back in time for the wedding. If not I have heard of people putting on fake toe nails (like fingernails).
  9. svetayasofiya - did you see U2 when they were touring? I went in Toronto. I'm not a fan, but my work gave everyone tickets to go. They sure do know how to put on a show. Hey quick question - was at wal-mart the other day and they have travel q-tip packages for $0.57. What do you think for OOT bag? FI thinks it's a dumb idea.
  10. I found it painful and tiring registering...like you we have almost everything. I told a friend of mine that the bank should let you register there. ha ha ha ha ha
  11. Fabulous idea!! Age: 32 Children: 0 Sign: Aquarius Favorite color: Baby Blue Favorite food: Pizza Favorite drink: Pretty much anything with vodka in it Car: Nissan Sentra (hate it) Pets: None yet Job/Career: Patent Clerk at Research In Motion (maker of the BlackBerry) Status: Engaged/Never been married Music: Hip hop/Pop/R&B - I'll listen to pretty much anything Fav. Show: Grey's Anatomy, Private Practice Siblings: 1 older sister - yes that makes me the baby!! So I agree with you all about xmas - doesn't seem the same this year which sucks cause it's the first year in our new house. So we just got the house in Aug, we just bought a new car, we have Christmas coming up, all the showers and bachelorette, my birthday in Jan and then the wedding in Feb and I just agreed to throw a party for FI's birthday for next weekend. AM I INSANE OR WHAT ha ha ha ha
  12. Wedding planning is not bad...well AHR is going well, but I still haven't heard from the WC. Next week I am sending another email/follow-up - I know they work on "resort" time, but it's not the speed I like to go. Got a sample of fabric from the girls dresses and now the hunt is on for the groomsman shirts. I'm hoping I find a good deal at Kohl's or somewhere similar. If not, we come back home and try our luck here.
  13. vdaybride - your dress is gorgeous!! Susie - love the dresses you're taking. Do you have a favourite seller on eBay? I love eBay!! How is everyone's Christmas shopping going? I'm usually done by now and it's driving me nuts because I have so much more to buy. Doesn't help that I have to go away for work again, although I'm heading to TX after the US Thanksgiving so I'm HOPING they will have great sales!!
  14. How funny that you're going to have Chinese food in China!! I can always count on your girls for a laugh. futuremrsgoodrich - excited to see your project. I haven't done any sequin work and maybe I don't want to see cause that will add another project to my list. ha ha
  15. I checked with my TA and apparently it's resort specific and my resort is not a part of that
  16. Susie - at least you've gotten somewhere. If we left today there would be NOTHING done, haven't even received one email from her. Congrats on the job offer!! It's nice to have options and be wanted, even if you decide not to take it.
  17. FutureMsMoulton is right it will get worse before it gets better, but it WILL get better!! futuremrsgoodrich - I'm starting to feel the same way. When we were getting the legal documents together I emailed the resort and didn't get any response. Had to get my TA involved and finally got it all worked out. We sent the docs to the resort and I know they got them, but haven't heard anything. I emailed the WC on Monday (or Tuesday - all my days seems to be running into each other) and haven't heard anything. I'm starting to get very frustrated, but trying really hard not to let it get to me. Just means that I might have to get others involved to get the ball rolling, which I was hoping to avoid - again.
  18. Thank you very much. Just emailed my TA.
  19. Can you tell me where you got this? They told me 18 people to get a free seat and our 2 1/2 yr old nephew doesn't count as 18 (even though he has to pay $1000 to come). So if it's 16 we would qualify.
  20. Okay enough with the numbers - there is enough freaking out going on as is.
  21. Quote: Originally Posted by Meyer2010 Yeah, Who is doing your hair? The resort? I have a friend that offered to do my hair but I'm second guessing my decision and might have the resort do it. The reason I'm nervous about her doing it is she is bringing her 8 month old daughter to Mexico and I'm worried if her daughter is having a bad day on my wedding day what if she can't do my hair exactly how I want it. Is this being too selfish? I mean it is my wedding day!?! I might just nicely tell her I'm having the resort do it. It's only $75 for a piece of mind. What do you think? Would you feel more confortable if she did a trial run and you knew she could do it? Or you know she can do it and are just worried about her child? Model in a bottle - I'm so going to look for that. Got the FI's suit last night and get this....50% off!! Score. I hope the rest of my list goes that way. ha ha I'm a little slow at work right now and I told my boss I don't know what I'm going to do after the wedding. One day she walked in and was like can you do me a favour? I said no I'm planning my wedding. She laughed so hard. It helps that my boss is one of my best friends.
  22. Wow you ladies have been busy. Spent the last week in DC and it was boring sitting in a hotel conf. room listening to someone talk on and on. So while I'm there I get a message from my FI - tried to put the deposit on the hall and it's been booked. WHAT Not happening. After awhile of back and forth I tell him to leave it be until I get home - not much I can do from DC. Let me back up a bit. We put a hold on the hall (FI's parents are members and do a lot of business there). The dumbass tells us not to worry about a deposit yet and if someone else wants it he'd call us and make us make a decision. We hadn't heard from him, but thought we should put the deposit down. So the call pretty much goes like this: FI - so we want to put our deposit down. Dumbass at the Hall: Sorry dude, your day is taken. FI - you said not to put the deposit down and you'd call if someone else was interested. Dumbass at the Hall: Since you didn't call we thought you weren't interested anymore. ...Click. Oh no you didn't. So FI messages his mom who DEMANDS the number. 5 mins later my FI gets a message - all fixed the date is now yours. ha ha ha ha ha I LOVE MY FMIL!! All your talk about being upset - oh my have I ever and being in another country I've never felt more helpless. To be honestly I'm kinda glad I was away or some yelling might have happened and I might have made it worse.
  23. Our resort offers a reception for $30/person. I think that is crazy considering it is an all-inclusive resort. I'm going to ask them to rope off a section of one of the restuarants so that we can make sure we all eat together.
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