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Everything posted by islandbride317

  1. Welcome aboard, JHarwood and BudgetJamaicaBride! I'm at work on a break right now, but I just wanted to check in and say "Holla!" ~ C
  2. Congrats! Enjoy the sense of relief in having made it official...I can't wait to see what that feels like myself! Christie
  3. Thanks so much , tdmitchell! I am in southern, central PA (about a 4 hour drive from Pittsburgh), so Ohio is a hike, but it would absolutely be so worth the drive! Since I am not getting married until May 2010, I have time (but I already have a dress...maybe I'll just have to get another?!) Thanks again! ~ C
  4. Here's a weird "news flash" of sorts -- over here one the Eastern side of the U.S., I just looked out the window and our cars are dusted with SNOW! Thanks, Al Gore --as my fiance is about to be heading out the door to work, I am witnessing an Inconvenient Truth! Enjoy your nap, Purrfected -- I am about to look into one myself! Hope to see you on here tomorrow night! ~ C
  5. MarieSam -- the Rose Bowl is a whole other matter! Wink, wink! Guy friends of ours that know I went to school there always give me a hard time whenever the football team is having a bad season -- am I Joe Pa(terno)? Or a Linebacker for the team? That's always what I ask them, and they never have a decent response expect, "Uh, no...but uh, hey, where's my beer?" Anyway, thanks for the props on nursing, and I chose the field partly because it is recession-proof! I am doing an I.T.-esque sort of job right now for a major healthcare system in my area (I pretty much set up computer application accounts for doctors, nurses, techs, you name it) -- boring, but it pays the regular/upcoming wedding bills! You're fun -- glad we've met! ~ C
  6. Purrfected - CONGRATS on the puppy! I am such a dog-person... once they stop biting/chewing everything you own, they are an absolute joy -- P.S. YOU'RE NOT CRAZY! You're just one of the chose "After Hours" posters, if you will! Have a great day at work! ~ C
  7. MarieSam - We are the Vampalicious of the night! I actually have my B.A. in Journalism from Penn State University, but the news industry in Pennsylvania (at least where I live!) is not so enthralling...close to 6 years out, and I will be going back to school (ugh, yet again) for Nursing. A totally different path, I know, but it is what it is, right? There is always a need for nurses and I just happen to be the nurturing type! Purrfected -- I am going to do my four day wedding adventure at SGOR, and then my 3-day mini-moon at Sandals Royal Caribbean. Same island, two diffent experiences, if it works out the way I hope! All the ladies of the morning, say, Yeah! ~ C
  8. Purrfected -- we're both Jamaica Brides! Yea, Mon! I am ABSooOOOlutely obsessed with this site! My FI is like, "What did you learn on the BDW today, honey?" everyday, because he knows that I will have some new tidbit of info.! You joined in Janurary, myself in March - but don't you feel like you've gained a wealth of knowledge already (Side bar -- if you come across miskaytee, she is delightful! One of my new BDW BFFs, for sure!) You are in Cali., about 3 hours in time behind me in EST, but you and BEACHBRIDE 10 seem to know what it means to be up at night, err, early morning -- it must be about 3 am where you are right now! ~C
  9. OMG!!! I was NOT expecting such quick replies...but then again, we are all used to waiting to hear back from people that keep "normal" schedules, aren't we? You're both divine...I was so excited to see y'all posting already that I didn't even see if you asked me any questions! Answering back in a sec, Christie
  10. Hi there, my fellow late-night/very early A.M. ladies! I feel like the "Mayor of Crazytown" whenever I hit the "Post Reply" button and it's 4-5:30 am -- do you Do you think that when someone looks at the posted time of your reply and it's 3:23 a.m., they will think you're nuts for being up at such an hour? You shouldn't! I work 2nd shift, and this is my down time...and I believe it's yours, too. Or, maybe , you can't sleep because your mind simply refuses to stop dancing with thoughts of your upcoming destination wedding?! Costs, calculations, details...AARRGGH! We are a very unique SISTERHOOD -- let's UNITE! Love, hugs, and high-fives! Christie
  11. Ummm...can anyone guess if that little angle is having the time of her life in that dress?! I can remember being her age and I would have ABSOLUTELY loved to feel like such a "princess", so she needs to wear the dress! Love and hugs (to you and the adorable little one!) Christie
  12. I wish there was a sale-point in Pennsylvania! One of my dearest friends, Andrea (I was a bridesmaid in her wedding) lost her mother to cancer about a year and a half before she got engaged...her Mom, Mrs. Vasellas, never got to see her daughter get married. It was so hard to give the bride some semblance of peace, but we tried to comfort Andrea on her wedding day the best way her dearest friends knew how. When her wedding day came, we just hugged and loved her all that we could! Wishing they could find a cure already, Christie
  13. I wouldn't add a thing -- it's beautiful, and lush-looking as it is! Great job...don't be surprised if you get PM'd with a million "how-to" questions since yours looks like the work of a pro! Christie
  14. Since I want to keep my actual dress to wear for my AHR, I think I will be doing a semi-TTD, if that is even possible! I'm sure I'll want to take some pics in the sand with my new hubby, sure, but any type of submerging in water is out of the question! Sand will shake out, and it will still be easy enough to get dry cleaned back to perfection at home! Plus I already have in mind a second cocktail dress for the reception at the resort, so to buy another dress for the TTD would make 3 and that's a little much in my opinion! ~ Christie
  15. Congratulations - it's gorgeous! And way to be "green", too -- you will look, and feel, great! Christie
  16. Drum roll, please..... #1 all the way! You look fantastic in both, but I just kept going back to look at #1 (plus, I have to agree with everyone who said you will be glad to have the short train in the long run!) Congrats! Christie
  17. WOW, LADIES! Such a collection of Bling-tastic Brilliance in one place could put any jewelery boutique to shame....do be careful not to blind innocent bystandards with the glare off of those gorgeous ROCKS! My FI was terrified to get my ring on his own and hinted that he wouldn't mind a little guidance, so a few product # codes later, he got me the Vintage Art-Deco Engagement ring with a Double Diamond Insert Band that I was so hoping for! I can't wait until next year to be able to wear the band -- sometimes I am sneaky and try it on with my e-ring when my FI is at work! Naughty, I know, but a girl's gotta do what a girl's gotta do! Congrats to all! ~ Christie
  18. Well...perhaps my idea is not the best way to go, but I am planning on having the dress, which is also a reasonably slim A-line, pressed at the dry cleaner's at home and asking them to fold and package the dress in such a way to make it fit in my carry-on luggage! The way I see it, it won't get anymore wrinkled in the suitcase than if it gets smushed by accident in an overhead compartment. Plus, I don't want to bank on the airline having somewhere to hang it, because if that were my primary plan, naturally they wouldn't! My sis is bringing along her "Steam Buddy" (a great little investment), so as soon as we get there, we plan to take the dress out of the bag to hang for a few days and then be steamed (in her room away from the FI!) I have read horror stories of other brides having their dresses sent out to be steamed/pressed at their resort, and then having to wait (sometimes down to the wire!) to get their dress back just minutes before the ceremony! My paranoia would never allow me to relinquish my dress to strangers...so I hope my idea pans out ok! Hope that helps...or at least you got a chuckle out of my craziness! Christie
  19. Thanks, Jamaicabride...and great advice on scheduling, Jennifer! I was thinking about possibly getting married at one of the locations on the Manor side, and then doing some photography on the Riviera side by the ocean (which is the side I am planning to book for my stay), and I have been trying to figure out what sort of time frame we'd need for photography not to be rushed! I love this forum...
  20. AWESOME advice, yet again, Jennifer! Since I originally had my heart set on Sandals Grande St. Lucian, I think that is where we will be going for our 1 year anniversay. With not only airfare costs but room accomodation costs being a major factor in whether or not some of our guests can make it to the wedding, we are most likely going to do 4 nights and the ceremony at SGOR and then an additional 3-night mini-moon at Sandals Royal Caribbean when our guest leave. While my FI and I are planning on staying in only concierge level rooms at both resorts, some of our guest are completely cool with staying in the least-expensive room SGOR has to offer; if that's what they want to do, we'll just be happy to have them there! You recommended Whitehouse or SDR though, so I will be looking into those resort further before we set our mini-moon! I just liked the idea of SRC being so close to the airport when we have to leave -- we will have already made the 1.5/2 hour trek up from Ocho Rios midway through our vacation! Many thanks! Christie
  21. Love the game plan, Kaytee! That is sort of what I am wondering about...I don't want to "abandon" my guests (sorry if that sounds melodramatic), to go and do photography right after the ceremony, but what else are you supposed to do, you know? You have to capture the moment, for goodess sake! Or maybe we could have the ceremony, do the reception immediately afterward, do some shots with guests, (and then do the ones of just John and I while everyone goes back to their room to change/have downtime), with everyone meeting up for dinner later. And I am planning on wearing a second white dress in the evening, as well. I found this adorable little white cocktail number online (Style #2005 in the Destiny Collection on the Alfred Angelo website, if you're interested in seeing it. Less than $200, I think!) Quick TTD sidebar question: what do you do with your dress afterward? Do you literally "trash" or throw away your wedding dress? Otherwise, how would you get a soaking wet gown home? Anyway, thanks for the itinerary -- I might just have to steal it, my friend! ~ C
  22. Thanks, Amanda! That makes me feel so much better that it's not just a little portable CD player or something (perhaps my imagination was getting the better of me that I thought it might be)! I'm glad there are so many brides like you on this site to offer tips and advice on their experiences -- it is more appreciated than you know, believe me! Smiles and high-fives! Christie
  23. Thanks so much, Jennifer! You always offer such great advice, and I am glad to know for sure that this little idea of mine probably isn't going to fly! (But, I thought it was worth at least finding out about, you know?) If my FI and I can swing it, I would love to do the 3 hour private reception and dinner at SGOR, which is $75 pp if I am not mistaken -- we'll have to see how the budget is looking closer to the time we are planning to go. Otherwise, your idea of doing the less expensive cocktail reception and then having everyone do their own thing for dinner makes a lof of sense, since everyone in my group is so picky about thier food anyway! One other reception question: are they immediately following the ceremony or can you delay it so there is time to take pictures with the photographer, and then rejoin your guests? (I am trying to avoid doing photos before the ceremony, as I would like the first time my FI sees me as a bride to be when I am walking down the aisle!) Sorry if you have already answered this questions a million times...I've been looking around the forum quite a bit and haven't come across this question as of yet! Many thanks again for sharing your expertise! Christie
  24. I will probably do some simple OOTs, as I estimate that our group will be less than 15-20 people, when all of the bookings are said and done. I want to keep the spending on each below $15 per person, with perhaps one monogrammed item (a travel mug?) and some other "I didn't think to bring that" necessities our guests might need. I will be using the bags in place of favors, so I feel like it will even out as far as spending is concerned. But I have to agree with everyone else, though: they are not mandatory, but if you can squeeze them into your budget, they might me a nice gesture/unexpected surprise for your friends and family that have come to join you for your big day! Christie
  25. Ettiquette-schmettiquette! I agree with Sarah (I ADORE your work, by the way, and plan to contact you about ordering a monogram after we officially book our date!) that maybe you should go the first-names only route to avoid any monogram controversy! I think it is a great personal touch to OOT bags, travel mugs, t-shirts, whatever you like -- it will give your guests a keepsake to remember how much fun they had being there to share in the special moment with you and your FI! Monogram away, I say! Christie
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