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Everything posted by islandbride317

  1. You looked incredible -- loved the TTD water pics, too! What fun you and your new hubby must have had doing them! Congrats! Christie
  2. Of the weddings I've been to, some had it (and I participated) and some didn't (and I didn't notice or miss it a bit). I guess it just comes down to personal preference. I will most likely not have one, since my mother thinks it's super tacky to ask your guests for more money, since everyone that came to your wedding has already bought a gift for you, but I really like DrTracy's idea of donating the money to a charity. Christie
  3. The FI and I are in the "Helen Keller/Stevie Wonder" category of Blind if you're talking Blind Faith! Not only have we not been to Jamaica yet, neither of us have been to a Sandals resort, either, so we are just going on what we've read on Trip Advisor, the Sandals site, and what the wonderful ladies of the BDW have said or shown in their reviews! The adventure of going somewhere totally new to both of us is sort of symbolic of starting the journey of our lives together! If there are bumps along the way, at least we'll have each other along the ride! ~ Christie
  4. Thanks, Jerseykitten/Michele! Glad I could make you giggle! Sometimes, though, the real joke is how people behave when it comes to things like this, right? While I love and appreciate their enthusiasm, I just feel like when you decide on having a DW, part of the allure is that it can be a less stressful, drama-laden event and I don't want to be put in a position where I have to be the bearer of the "Say What? Oh, you're sooo not invited!" reality check to people I hardly know! I envy the position you're in with only having to deal with people you would like to be there to share your moment - lucky lady! I guess I'll continue the search for tactful let-downs in the meantime!
  5. Preach on, my sisters! Yup, I know the feeling, all too well -- I have a dreadful co-worker that I can barely tolerate (nevermind the fact that I've only known her a few months) and she is ALL ABOUT knowing every detail of what I am doing for the wedding! Whenever she sees me looking something up online during my breaks, she's always chiming in with comments like, "No, I don't think that will work, but that's just my opinion as one of the guests"....and I never even suggested whatsoever that she'd be on the invite list! Same things goes for some people from my last job - about 4 will actually be invited and 15 think they will be, simply because I became engaged while I was still working there and they said "Congratualtions!" Those joining us in Jamaica for the wedding itself will be small in numbers, mostly becuase people will have to pay their own way, but it's the AHR that will be my biggest problem. My father's side of the family is somewhat, well, rude and crass, and I really would prefer not to invite them if I want to stick to 60 people or under, but I don't want to hurt or offend my father, you know? I have to keep reminding myself that my FI and I are the ones paying for the vast majority of this and we shouldn't feel obligated to overextend ourselves to have people there that really aren't close to us! Keep your heads up, ladies! Christie
  6. Ooh la la! You look awesome....your man won't believe his eyes! (Speaking of which, does he even know what BD pics are, or will this be a complete surprise for him?) Hopefully, he doesn't, cuz what a great surprise it will be! Congrats on your wedding -- it's soooo soon! Christie
  7. How absolutely adorable! They turned out great...you should be delighted! And what a deal, huh?! Congrats, Christie
  8. They look FANTASTIC! Seeing yours might be the push I needed to go in the same direction...I had stumbled across the Hanson Ellis site as well, and thought "How perfect would they be as a non-traditional invitation to a non-traditional DW?" Your guests will love that you've taken the time to find something so fun and unique! Christie
  9. What an awful feeing, Jennifer -- but, like the others have said, you are fortunate to still have some time to work with before June. Who knows? You may go and try one a dress one day, and it will not only fit like a glove, but you will feel like a bride, too! And if all the stars align, you might even get it on sale! You understandably don't want to hurt anyone's feelings, but you are entitled to be 100% completely, unapologetically "selfish" about your appearance on your wedding day -- period! All the best of luck in your search, and be sure to post picks of the dress you find of the "Show us your Dress" thread! Can't wait to see! ~ Christie
  10. Thanks for the suggestion, mfry -- I think I may cross my fingers and hope that everything works out for the best with the speaker system they provide (since I will already be bringing too much stuff as it is!) If I am recalling the commercials correctly, The BOSE system is amazing (and surprisingly small), so I hope it works out for your big day! Christie
  11. HOLY AMAZING TTD! You looked so incredible in the Cenotes shots...like a bridal goddess of the water! Congratulations on your wedding and for achieving photography perfection ~ Christie
  12. CONGRATULATIONS! Wow, you must have just had the BEST time! While I also loved the "splash" pic, my fave was the shot of the two of you from the back, holding hands as you were walking into the water...so romantic! Christie
  13. What a fantastic idea for a thread! MUST HAVES: The man I adore! Our families there to share the moment Beautiful weather (fingers crossed) Great photos/DVD of the ceremony A good hairday of the day of (again, fingers crossed!) A fun, casual AHR DON'T CARES: Bridesmaids/groomsmen (no plans for any) Expensive flowers/decorations Spa treatments Costly Private dinner at the resort Here's hoping that everyone's "Must Haves" become "We Hads!" ~ Christie
  14. Sigh... "Speidi", or whatever hybrid name they're going my these days, are an utter catastrophe as far a relationships go! A car wreck though it may be, I can't help but tune in religiously to see what sort of drama they can whip up every week (ie. who will Spencer swear he hasn't been coming onto to, even though there is a camera crew there capturing his deceit!) A few seasons ago, they were engaged -- then they weren't. Then last season, they run off to Mexico, get loaded on tequila, and think, "Hey, why not? Let's get married!" and then they come back to reality in LA and don't follow through at the court house! Now, they're gonna get married again? Puh-leeze! I can't wait to see how the nightmare unfolds! Christie
  15. CONGRATS to you and your hubby on your wedding, Sarah! Your ceremony and TTD pictures were amazing -- you looked so gorgeous! As I am planning on being an SGOR bride myself, let me please say that your photos and (upcoming review - can't wait!) are ssooo helpful! Thanks in advance! Christie P.S. I absolutely loved the TTD pic of you standing on that cement block with the water as your background -- simply perfect!
  16. Thanks for all the sweet compliments, Ladies! I finally got around to scanning in the pics of myself in the dress I will be wearing for the ceremony...can anyone tell that I was excited? (It's not like I was showing it or anything, huh?!) Here is the front and the back -- simple and classic, just what I was looking for in a dress! ~ Christie
  17. Hi, ladies! So, has anyone heard of ultradiamonds.com? For work, I used to travel the PA Turnpike everyday and I kept seeing billboards for the outlet location in my area, but they also have the same selection available nationwide on their website (AMAZING prices, for men's wedding bands with and without diamonds!) My FI is not really the jewelry-wearing type, so he wanted something simple for everyday, and we found a two-tone band we really liked on his hand (surprisingly, all solid metal bands looked weird) for $149 (not including S&H). For some great deals, definitely CHECK ULTRA DIAMONDS OUT! They also have really nice anniversary bands, traditional and designer engagement rings, watches and ideas for bridal party gifts, too! ~ Christie
  18. A BBQ is a fantastic idea! We're doing the AHR on a private party boat cruise in Baltimore's Inner Harbor (since I figure if my guests can't make it to Jamaica, I still wanted to get them as close to a body of water, as possible!) On the boat, we are having a catering company keep a sort of "Tastes of Jamaica" theme going with a Caribbean foods station (Jerk chicken!) and fruity frozen drinks, plus we're thinking of doing a pasta station for our vegetarian guests. We'll also be having a traditional wedding cake for dessert, since the one we're having at the resort is a bit lack-luster! ~ Christie
  19. SO glad to see this thread, ladies! Having the same dilemma myself... Personally, I think I might go the route Meagan suggested. While it says pretty clearly that you mean no disrespect to anyone's "little darlings", you are really only interested in certain children that are close to you being in attendance. At a certain point, we all have to draw the line, hurt feelings or not, right?! ~ Christie
  20. I'm a Budget-minded David's Bridal kinda gal, myself! My mom, bless her heart, offered to buy my dress for me, so she was pleasantly surprised when I said, "I don't want you to spend a fortune, so let's check out DB!" and she only paid $750 for my dress, shoes, veil, strapless bra & slip! I'm sure you've all seen this dress before -- I know I have in other bride's pics in the wedding "testimonials" section on the Sandals site! So what if it's not a one-in-a-million, right? I felt like a million bucks when I had it on! Not a single alteration needed, and...I could BREATHE IN IT! Here's my ceremony dress! (Later I will scan in the pics my future MIL took so you all can see my ecstatic/hilarious reaction when I saw myself in the mirror for the first time at the salon!) When I ran down the line, high-fiving my Mom, my FI's Mom, and my sister, they knew I'd found the one! ~ Christie
  21. Aimee -- I am so glad you mentioned how much you budgeted for your Dress-To-Be-Trashed! While I love the idea, I will already have 2 dresses (traditional ceremony & cocktail length reception), so I didn't want to spend a fortune on yet another dress for Wet 'N Wacky photos! The search for my TTD will begin shortly... You look amazing in both dresses -- CONGRATS! Christie
  22. I agree! Part of my problem is that when I am at work, since it is a tedious/sitting-at-a-desk-the-entire-night kind of gig, I tend to drink way too much caffeine, so I am a live wire by the time I get home at midnight! And, I've been meaning to say -- safe travels to Israel, Beverly! ~ Christie
  23. I just remembered....my friend Gretchen danced with her father to "Daughter in the Water" performed by Bob Dylan (it's the song that played when the credits started to roll at the end of the movie, "Knocked Up". (I believe Loudon Wainwright did a version of it, too.) It was so adorable and fitting to the bride's kinda quirky personality -- great lyrics, and worth checking out! ~ Christie
  24. What's happenin', my fellow noctural chicas! Ok, so am I a freak because I feel guilty for falling asleep on the couch last night while watching a movie, and I didn't get a chance to get online last night?? Sorry, y'all! And to answer your question, Tammy/Purrfected, I sleep whenevery my mind stops rehashing/rethinking things over and over and over....! No, actually, even though I adore my FI, he snores and keeps me up (FYI: Breathe Right strips DO NOT work for male snoring!), I actually don't even try to sleep until around 7:30 am when he leaves for work, and then I get up around 1:45 pm to get a shower and head off to work (the 3-11:30 shift). I'm so glad to meet all of you! Now when I am submitting a reply at 4 am, I will do it with a smile and PRIDE, thinking of the other members of the "Sleepless Sisterhood" out there, typing through the night! See you guys later this evening! ~ Christie
  25. P.S. - JHarwood: I LOVE your "some e-card" in your Siggy. That site has got to be one of the best of it's kind, with just the right amount of sarcasm! Nice find!
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