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Everything posted by islandbride317

  1. We are all a little "different" INDEED, Ms. Tropicalhopeful! Glad you're joining us...and congrats in advance on your wedding -- you're less than a month away! Now, get some sleep, you soon-to-be bride! Christie
  2. Such a designer look at a not-so-designer price! It's going to look insanely gorgeous in your TTD pics! Can't wait to see the pics! I'm envious! Christie
  3. PLEASE let us know how very much he loves the BD pics of his sexy bride! Get an icepack, because his jaw will HIT THE FLOOR!
  4. Hi there, my glorious ladies of the BDW! Yes, I have drank the coffee. Oh, and yes, I have had the Pepsi I should have done without. All of these things stain teeth, but you don't think about it at the time, right? It's happy-go-lucky until you think about your, drumroll please...WEDDING PHOTOGRAPHY! So, I ask you this....what is the best over-the-counter teeth whitener out there because I want my pearly-whites to look, well, "pearly white" on the day of the wedding! (P.S. If I could afford Lumineers, I would totally get them!) What sort of whitening strips, bleaches, etc. have you used with success? Thanks in advance for all tips and insight! Christie
  5. I've said it in other threads, but I suppose I am a Traditionalist. Nothing says "Bride" to me like a veil -- mine is a 2 layer, ribbon-edge number that cost $130 at David's Bridal, and I wouldn't have gotten it for the overpriced cost but it matches my dress exactly! YOURS IS GORGEOUS! How glorious and bridal you will look -- CONGRATS on the find! Christie
  6. Great advice, everyone! I am excited to try this stuff out over the weekend, and I think I will wear it when we go to get our Engagement photos done so I can see for sure how it will photograph! As you can see, I have VERY fair skin (which I am hoping to have a bit more tan by the wedding), so I definitely don't need something with a white hue to make me look even lighter! And Kathy -- I agree with Dreamy101...you looked so gorgeous! Great job! Christie
  7. I'm GETTIN' MARRIED to my absolute best friend and soulmate on 5/14/10! We're booking our DW at Sandals Grande Ocho Rios by the end of MAY this year! Congrats and hugs to all 2010 brides! Christie
  8. Call me a Traditionalist, but the little hairs on my arm still stand up everytime I hear Pachelbel's "Cannon in D" -- even at an island, it is perfect and sooo WEDDING! It has been my walk-down-the-aisle song for as long as I can remember. Some things like this you can't let go of, no matter where you are getting married, right?! You'll find your perfect song, I just know it! Christie
  9. Yup! Look at the hour...I'm up! And hoping all of my other Sister of Sleeplessness are well! Hugs (and semi-drowsy) high-fives to all of you! Christie
  10. Ugghh! What a mess! Sorry to hear that something that is supposed to celebrate your wedding has become so muddied with scheduling drama! That, my friends, is why we've decided on NOT having any bridesmaids/groomsmen! Wishing you luck and lots of hugs! Christie
  11. CONGRATS on your wedding...and your successful AHR, Seaprincess! I would love to see a review of it -- I am planning to do something similar, a few months after the wedding (ours will be on a private yacht/party boat in Baltimore's Inner Harbor!) so I would love to know what worked and what didn't! You got married in the DR, so did you play "DW themed" music -- I'm sure your guests loved it if you did! And how did you go about playing the footage of the ceremony? I absolutely want to do the same, and I am looking for advice on when would be appropriate during the AHR! Thanks (oh, and I adore the pic of you and your DH in your Siggy!), Christie
  12. Hi, My Dear Ladies of The BDW! Ok, so I got suckered into one of those terrible infomercials and just purchased the "Get Started Kit" from Bare Minerals, in hopes of not having to pay to get professional make-up done at the resort on the day of the wedding. (After all, it's not like I will be able to fly to Jamaica for the weekend to do make-up trials with these people!) I am hoping that this stuff is awesome, and I will have that "fresh faced" look that they claim, but you never know what you're gonna get with these type of things. My apprehension about getting professional make-up done for the DW is that I am still recovering from the trauma of too many Homecomings/Proms/bridesmaid-at-friends weddings "Gone Terribly Wrong!" Let me just say that I have misplaced my trust in some "professionals" that should not have the power to wield eye shadow and blush brushes or a mascara wand! Anyone else using "Bare Minerals"/doing their own make-up, or should I give them benefit of the doubt that I will not end up looking like a clown on the biggest photography day of my life?! And insight would be a gift! Christie
  13. Well, Bridechilla, maybe ask yourself the following questions: Does a little cleavage make me feel sexy and confident, or I will I end up feeling self-conscious the whole day? Do I feel weird wearing it in front of my male family members (Dad, Grandpa, brothers)? Will anyone even look at my face or are my breast going to steal the show? Are my "ladies" all anyone will focus on when they look at pictures later? If you answered YES to any or all of the these questions, you may want to consider going a little more modest, and try the lace panel that was suggested. I've seen them do that on TLC's "Say Yes to the Dress" before and it made all the difference in the world to the bride's comfort and self-esteem! Not matter what you decide, just do what makes you feel great about yourself, after all it will be your big day (no matter how "big" your assets may be!) Christie
  14. Mrs. A......you are List GODDESS! Whew, you nailed everything down to a tee! As the others have said, I plan to use the list for the FI and myself, as well as our guests! Thanks again and congratulations on your wedding! You sure made one beautiful bride! Christie
  15. Loved the site -- it was an "Add to Favorites" no-brainer! High-fives to you, K'osh! Christie
  16. Oh, and where are my manners? I forgot to say, THANKS for the adorable idea, Courtney/Mrs.D!
  17. What a fun idea to add to an OOT bag, too! I might tweak the wording on the card (since we won't technically be having a gift table at the resort) as follows: I'm your camera, so go have some fun! You'll make this album an incredible one! Snap away, add memories to the collection, And please bring me to the At-Home Reception! A little twist, but whatta you guys think? ~ Christie
  18. You are the GREAT BARGAIN DIVA, FOXY! Thanks for another great tip...don't be afraid to keep 'em coming! ~ Christie )
  19. Congrats on your scholarship....yet another clue that nursing school is in the future for you! I may find myself in a position similar to you before too long! Although I have a B.A. in Journalism/Communications from Penn State University, I've made the decision after a few years in the field that it is simply not for me. I've decided to take the small steps into a nursing career, first by getting my CNA, then doing an LPN program, and then doing an "LPN/Advanced Standing to RN" program. The schools in my area are also very competitive, but more so in the admissions to the clinical components, not necessarily the school itself. I AM PULLING FOR YOU and I think that you'll find yourself on the path/timeline that was intended for you, rather than perhaps the one you had in mind! Keep us posted, darlin'! Christie
  20. Congratulations -- and I think you're absolutely right about your late husband wanting your happiness above all else. When someone really loves another person, they want nothing more than the very best for them, and may he rest soundly knowing that you are in the very trustworthy hands of his best friend. All the best, Christie
  21. Meli122 -- checked out the "A Giftful Heart" site and I LOVE IT! Just added it to my favorites...they had just what I was looking for and I think the prices are totally fair for what they offer! Many thanks for the head's up! Christie
  22. I think I'll be going the traditional route and have it preserved. I voted that way, but I doubt any future daughter of mine would want to wear it (rightfully, she would want to find her own "perfect" dress). I can just remember being a little girl and having my Mom pull her dress out from time to time to show my sister and I -- those memories were priceless to me, and they wouldn't have happened if hadn't kept her dress. Christie
  23. Well, my band is actually an "insert" -- meaning it is 2 connected bands with a space in the middle for the engagement ring to fit between (so it sort of feels/looks like one ring, if that makes sense). If I were to have a single band, I would be wearing it at the bottom of my finger, with the e-ring on top. Whenever I see it opposite, it just always looks kind of odd to me, but everyone has their preference! Christie
  24. WHAT a complete nightmare! So sorry you had to deal with that mess. I'm sure you are thanking your lucky stars that you found out as early as you did, because it seems like that was only the tip of the iceberg of problems you could have encountered! It's hard enough to decide on your location to begin with, but it sounds to me like it is a huge blessing in disguise that it happened this way... All the best with your new planning, now that everything is a lock! Christie
  25. I completely agree, hamster627! As I plan to officially book in the next few weeks, I have begun to think about how to address this very topic and I think I will be including a letter similar to the one posted by S2BLennon, since it touches on pretty much everything I want to convey. Christie
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