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Everything posted by islandbride317

  1. You're gonna LOVE being a part of this amazing forum!!! My best advice as you start down the road to your wedding day would be just to take your time and do lots of research before you book or buy anything (resort, dress, flowers, you name it!) and make sure it's all that you've envisioned for your BIG DAY! And that's where this phenomenal site comes in: BDW has proven to be invaluable in my planning, and it's comforting to know that there are other brides and grooms out there experiencing the same highs and lows during their planning process...a friend is always just on the other side of your computer screen! CONGRATULATIONS and Welcome to BDW...it's a wedding-planning heaven!
  2. You're gonna LOVE being a part of this amazing forum!!! My best advice as you start down the road to your wedding day would be just to take your time and do lots of research before you book or buy anything (resort, dress, flowers, you name it!) and make sure it's all that you've envisioned for your BIG DAY! And that's where this phenomenal site comes in: BDW has proven to be invaluable in my planning, and it's comforting to know that there are other brides and grooms out there experiencing the same highs and lows during their planning process...a friend is always just on the other side of your computer screen! CONGRATULATIONS and Welcome to BDW...it's a wedding-planning heaven!
  3. You're gonna LOVE being a part of this amazing forum!!! My best advice as you start down the road to your wedding day would be just to take your time and do lots of research before you book or buy anything (resort, dress, flowers, you name it!) and make sure it's all that you've envisioned for your BIG DAY! And that's where this phenomenal site comes in: BDW has proven to be invaluable in my planning, and it's comforting to know that there are other brides and grooms out there experiencing the same highs and lows during their planning process...a friend is always just on the other side of your computer screen! CONGRATULATIONS and Welcome to BDW...it's a wedding-planning heaven!
  4. You're gonna LOVE being a part of this amazing forum!!! My best advice as you start down the road to your wedding day would be just to take your time and do lots of research before you book or buy anything (resort, dress, flowers, you name it!) and make sure it's all that you've envisioned for your BIG DAY! And that's where this phenomenal site comes in: BDW has proven to be invaluable in my planning, and it's comforting to know that there are other brides and grooms out there experiencing the same highs and lows during their planning process...a friend is always just on the other side of your computer screen! CONGRATULATIONS and Welcome to BDW...it's a wedding-planning heaven!
  5. You're gonna LOVE being a part of this amazing forum!!! My best advice as you start down the road to your wedding day would be just to take your time and do lots of research before you book or buy anything (resort, dress, flowers, you name it!) and make sure it's all that you've envisioned for your BIG DAY! And that's where this phenomenal site comes in: BDW has proven to be invaluable in my planning, and it's comforting to know that there are other brides and grooms out there experiencing the same highs and lows during their planning process...a friend is always just on the other side of your computer screen! CONGRATULATIONS and Welcome to BDW...it's a wedding-planning heaven!
  6. You're gonna LOVE being a part of this amazing forum!!! My best advice as you start down the road to your wedding day would be just to take your time and do lots of research before you book or buy anything (resort, dress, flowers, you name it!) and make sure it's all that you've envisioned for your BIG DAY! And that's where this phenomenal site comes in: BDW has proven to be invaluable in my planning, and it's comforting to know that there are other brides and grooms out there experiencing the same highs and lows during their planning process...a friend is always just on the other side of your computer screen! CONGRATULATIONS and Welcome to BDW...it's a wedding-planning heaven!
  7. You're gonna LOVE being a part of this amazing forum!!! My best advice as you start down the road to your wedding day would be just to take your time and do lots of research before you book or buy anything (resort, dress, flowers, you name it!) and make sure it's all that you've envisioned for your BIG DAY! And that's where this phenomenal site comes in: BDW has proven to be invaluable in my planning, and it's comforting to know that there are other brides and grooms out there experiencing the same highs and lows during their planning process...a friend is always just on the other side of your computer screen! CONGRATULATIONS and Welcome to BDW...it's a wedding-planning heaven!
  8. You're gonna LOVE being a part of this amazing forum!!! My best advice as you start down the road to your wedding day would be just to take your time and do lots of research before you book or buy anything (resort, dress, flowers, you name it!) and make sure it's all that you've envisioned for your BIG DAY! And that's where this phenomenal site comes in: BDW has proven to be invaluable in my planning, and it's comforting to know that there are other brides and grooms out there experiencing the same highs and lows during their planning process...a friend is always just on the other side of your computer screen! CONGRATULATIONS and Welcome to BDW...it's a wedding-planning heaven!
  9. Quote: Originally Posted by SgtPepperette I will add that I talked to a bride that recently had her wedding there. She could not say enough positive things about the property. She was a little creeped out when she found out he lived there, but said he left for the day. The rest of the week she said they never saw him or his wife. I saw a few pictures from her wedding to and they looked amazing. Oh, Melissa -- I am so sorry to hear about this predicament you find yourself in, and so close to your wedding date, but just keep repeating what you said yourself above about how great that other bride's day was and maybe that will give you a little piece of mind. I think after the wedding, you should write him a letter to encourage him to come up with a much clearer booking procedure and an actual contract that is sent out to the couple for their review and is to be signed and returned (with all of the "doesn't matter if it's 8 people or 6 or 4....it's all the same cost" fine print included!!) so that people aren't blind sided at the last minute with this type of nonsense! And you're right -- most people, if they are lucky, only plan one wedding, and although there are a million bridal magazines out there, NO ONE can prepare you for how suspicious and on-top of some vendors you have to be so that you don't get taken for a ride. We are all happy and blissful, and thinking the best of everyone when we start making our plans, and it's a shame if it ever gets to the point that you have to have a team of lawyers review your contract for your venue or anything else!!! I mean, puh-leeze!!! Hopefully, creepy upstairs-dwelling-guy and his wife will make themselves scarce during the time you are there and you, your FI and your guests can focus on the beautiful day/bridal experience that surely awaits you! Stay strong, and TONS OF HUGS TO YOU!
  10. Oh, Jacilynda -- Bestill my beating heart!!! WOW, are your photos ever gorgeous or what? You look like a model, for goodness sake -- and the essence of what was captured was so sexy and fun, yet completely elegant and sophisticated! CONGRATS again on your wonderful TTD shoot (and for not letting the darkness and the suggestion of bats get the better of you, because you're shots are tooooo fabulous to have been missed!)
  11. Quote: Originally Posted by Lashawn ISLANDBRIDE....I really like you, we could definitely go out for drinks if we lived near each other LOL. Great comment! A lady after my own heart. Actually ladies I really appreciated ALL of the comments. Thanks so much for reassuring me that I am not being an uptight bridezilla. She makes my blood curl.. my FI has a bond with her sons (their father is "away" for 22 years!!) so he has really stepped in and shows them that they still have a male figure in their lives so that they don't stray. This psycho b*tch threatened that they will NEVER be allowed around him as long as I am in the picture.. and that the 17 yr old can't be his bestman, unless he finds another bride..so sad that she wouldn't put her sons feelings before hers. Thanks for letting me vent LASHAWN -- I really like you too, lady, and if this chick needs straightening out, just say the word! Myself and the other "scrappers-undercover" here in the BDW won't stand for such ridiculousness! Stay strong, and soldier on, girl! And, I would absolutely take you up on that drink if it were possible...cheers and salut to you across the miles!
  12. Oh, Nonnie...I feel absolutelly AWFUL that this has happened to you. Really sh*tty things happen to the best people sometimes, and you deserve the best. My heart and prayers are with you, sweetheart
  13. Starchild...THANK YOU, LOVE!!! This nonsense really has taken over my life, and I appreciate you retitiling this thread to depict my situation! HUGS
  14. TERRIBLE --- he was SO very talented. Good Lord Almighty, please rest his soul....
  15. THANK YOU, LADIES! You are all my HEART, for supporting me when my sister dropped the "I'm gonna get married 72 hours after you" bomb! MUCH LOVE, my sweet & kind BDW SISTERS!!! I really love you all!
  16. Sweet tip, Michelle! And Becks (Allurements by Rebecca right here on BDW) contacted me this afternoon as well to inform me that she might be able to design something that is WAAAYY more affordable, that we can still be proud to give our guests. She was amazing to work with on my logo and my custom RSVP postcards, and it's fun to work with a Vendor that also doubles as a really cool friend! THANKS AGAIN, REBECCA!!
  17. YOU GIRLS are my ROCK, and are the "wind beneath my wings" (sorry for the Bette Midler reference, but here it's so fitting)! I heart my BDW sisters!!! Ok, so here's another schizophrenic turn of events -- not only has she backed down, and moved her wedding to March 13, 2010 (it's 2 months BEFORE my wedding, but at this point I'll take what I can get), BUT she's told me in all seriousness that she'd like me to be a potentially be one of her bridesmaids!! My head is spinning... Again, is going on here? Am I living in some sort of weird, alternate universe or like Crazytown, USA? The past 24-36 hours have been so utterly psychotic that I can't find the words to accurately describe it. Good Lord, now I have to fill my Mom and my FI in on this new wave of absurditity -- and naturally, you'll all be updated as future developments occur! We are trying to avoid this coming to a "Clash of Bridal Titans" or some nonsense, and now I will have to give the bridesmaids invitation some SERIOUS consideration since she's yielded and apologized for being such a moron! It's so TRUE...you can pick your friends, but you can't pick your family! T.G.I. (Freakin') F. -- I need a stiff drink in the worst way!
  18. YOU GIRLS are my ROCK, and are the "wind beneath my wings" (sorry for the Bette Midler reference, but here it's so fitting)! I heart my BDW sisters!!! Ok, so here's another schizophrenic turn of events -- not only has she backed down, and moved her wedding to March 13, 2010 (it's 2 months BEFORE my wedding, but at this point I'll take what I can get), BUT she's told me in all seriousness that she'd like me to be a potentially be one of her bridesmaids!! My head is spinning... Again, is going on here? Am I living in some sort of weird, alternate universe or like Crazytown, USA? The past 24-36 hours have been so utterly psychotic that I can't find the words to accurately describe it. Good Lord, now I have to fill my Mom and my FI in on this new wave of absurditity -- and naturally, you'll all be updated as future developments occur! We are trying to avoid this coming to a "Clash of Bridal Titans" or some nonsense, and now I will have to give the bridesmaids invitation some SERIOUS consideration since she's yielded and apologized for being such a moron! It's so TRUE...you can pick your friends, but you can't pick your family! T.G.I. (Freakin') F. -- I need a stiff drink in the worst way!
  19. Thanks for being just as ticked at my idiot sister as I am! WARNING - it's sort of long, but I wanted to submit the following message straight from my sister it in it's entirety Here's an exact quote of her feelings on the matter, after I flipped out on her yesterday afternoon on the phone when she called to give me the news (And can you even BELIEVE that she wrote the following email to me today?) "ok-As far as my NEW plan I will not speak to you about that right now. I can not believe the way you spoke to me yesterday. I am not going to allow you to think that YOU are something special and that no one else in the world should dare get married in the same year as YOU. How dare you think that Rachel did anything wrong for picking 4 months after you. She has the right to do her thing when she wants to do her thing and that has nothing to do with you. You are afraid that people are going to "steal your thunder." I think maybe that you need to worry about your self instead of everyone else and what they are doing. You do not have the right to tell anyone how to live their lives or what to do with them. You are so selfish and don't even realize it. Don't worry I am not going to pick your MONTH but you have no say so in that anyway. We have discussed this for a while and he is the one that really wants to finally do this. We are looking at homes and are trying to move forward with our lives and that is our business. I do not butt into your life or your decisions so please let mine alone. I am so sick of you thinking that you are the center of the world and that everyone is suppossed to bow down to you. You have a lot of growning to do little missy. You need to learn how to treat people. You are so self centered. You have broken the last straw this time." Ain't family grand?! And although she said she's picked a different date, in light of how she's behaved, I told her she might as well try to get her deposit on the trip to Jamaica back because she can just stay the hell home as far as I am concerned. I could care less if she invites me to her joke of a wedding or not, and I told her if she wanted a war within the family, she's got it.
  20. Oh, Niki -- it's so beautiful! The beadwork, and bodice design are genius! And how exciting that you still have the anticipation of the first time you get to try it on to look forward to, right?! Please keep us posted on how it turns out! MAGGIE FOREVER!!!
  21. Hey, everybody! So, I have been in search of a really cute canvas tote for my OOT bags and I found one that I felt was worthy to share with all of my fellow Jamaican-island brides! Now, each bag is around $17 before shipping costs, so they might not work for someone who is planning on having lots of guests, but since we anticipate a rather modest turnout (less than 20 people or so), I think I might splurge and get them anyway! Here it is -- it's simple, and it's classic, so I hope guests will want to use it long after they return from the wedding (plus, it's in our aqua/brown color scheme, too so I am digging it even more: And I wanted to provide the link, in case you need more specifics, or if you want to check out other items they have available: Jamaica beach Tote Bag - CafePress Hope you like it as much as I do!
  22. Yea, Bosi! I am glad to hear that things seem like they are going to be worked out, and EVERYONE will be happy in the end....whew! What a relief, right? Please keep us in the loop on how your TA does in getting this mess straightened out for you -- it's stressful enough just being a bride, let alone having to orchestrate so many people's travel arrangements! That's why you trusted a professional in the first place, huh? I would just give her a friendly reminder that this is not just another yearly family vacation, too (I think it might be easy for her to forget that this is in fact YOUR WEDDING when she is busy with other clients and their trips!) I'm sure she is doing her best, but it's not like you can just hit a "do over" button if major things get missed. It's a once-in-a-limetime event, and I think it's only fair that she give your wedding the proper amount of time and attention it deserves. Stay strong, and solider on, my friend!
  23. Quote: Originally Posted by erinleigh Someone can use them....me! I'm 100% going to use: Two hearts joined as one, so cheers! And have fun... thanks again!! So glad to hear that I could be of use, Erinleigh! And that one is actually my favorite of the 3 that I concocted, and I just may end up using it myself (if not printed on the mug, then maybe I'll add a little ribbon with the saying on a tag tied to the handle!) Whatever works, right?! PLEASE post pics when your mugs are printed, will you?
  24. How pretty! And I'm relieved to hear that you had such a positive experience with Light in the Box (sometimes, ordering gowns online can be hit or miss, and brides are left in a bad spot with what shows up on their doorstep!) CONGRATULATIONS -- your simple gown is going to be beautiful and classy in ivory! I'm with Amy...when do we get to see some pics of YOU in your dress?! You know how much the BDW-crowd likes to see pics of the actual girl in her gown
  25. All I can say is "WOW!!!" Your FI is gonna flip when he sees his hottie bride coming down the aisle to him in that one-of-a-kind gown...I've never seen anything quite like it, and that is a GREAT thing! I'm with the other girls who have said it has a Pnina-esque sort of flair (and you know her gowns are crazy-in-demand right now), but yet it's still so super original! Plus, the fact that you said the designer is a dream for you to work with will make your entire dress-creation journey an even more memorable part of your wedding-planning memories. CONGRATS on finding the dress of your DREAMS! You're rockin' it, for sure!
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