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Everything posted by islandbride317

  1. You're gonna LOVE being a part of this amazing forum!!! My best advice as you start down the road to your wedding day would be just to take your time and do lots of research before you book or buy anything (attire, flowers, you name it!) and make sure it's all that you've envisioned for your BIG DAY! And that's where this phenomenal site comes in: BDW has proven to be invaluable in my planning, and it's comforting to know that there are other brides and grooms out there experiencing the same highs and lows during their planning process...a friend is always just on the other side of your computer screen! CONGRATULATIONS and Welcome to BDW...it's a wedding-planning heaven!
  2. You're gonna LOVE being a part of this amazing forum!!! My best advice as you start down the road to your wedding day would be just to take your time and do lots of research before you book or buy anything (attire, flowers, you name it!) and make sure it's all that you've envisioned for your BIG DAY! And that's where this phenomenal site comes in: BDW has proven to be invaluable in my planning, and it's comforting to know that there are other brides and grooms out there experiencing the same highs and lows during their planning process...a friend is always just on the other side of your computer screen! CONGRATULATIONS and Welcome to BDW...it's a wedding-planning heaven!
  3. You're gonna LOVE being a part of this amazing forum!!! My best advice as you start down the road to your wedding day would be just to take your time and do lots of research before you book or buy anything (attire, flowers, you name it!) and make sure it's all that you've envisioned for your BIG DAY! And that's where this phenomenal site comes in: BDW has proven to be invaluable in my planning, and it's comforting to know that there are other brides and grooms out there experiencing the same highs and lows during their planning process...a friend is always just on the other side of your computer screen! CONGRATULATIONS and Welcome to BDW...it's a wedding-planning heaven!
  4. You're gonna LOVE being a part of this amazing forum!!! My best advice as you start down the road to your wedding day would be just to take your time and do lots of research before you book or buy anything (attire, flowers, you name it!) and make sure it's all that you've envisioned for your BIG DAY! And that's where this phenomenal site comes in: BDW has proven to be invaluable in my planning, and it's comforting to know that there are other brides and grooms out there experiencing the same highs and lows during their planning process...a friend is always just on the other side of your computer screen! CONGRATULATIONS and Welcome to BDW...it's a wedding-planning heaven!
  5. You're gonna LOVE being a part of this amazing forum!!! My best advice as you start down the road to your wedding day would be just to take your time and do lots of research before you book or buy anything (attire, flowers, you name it!) and make sure it's all that you've envisioned for your BIG DAY! And that's where this phenomenal site comes in: BDW has proven to be invaluable in my planning, and it's comforting to know that there are other brides and grooms out there experiencing the same highs and lows during their planning process...a friend is always just on the other side of your computer screen! CONGRATULATIONS and Welcome to BDW...it's a wedding-planning heaven!
  6. You're gonna LOVE being a part of this amazing forum!!! My best advice as you start down the road to your wedding day would be just to take your time and do lots of research before you book or buy anything (attire, flowers, you name it!) and make sure it's all that you've envisioned for your BIG DAY! And that's where this phenomenal site comes in: BDW has proven to be invaluable in my planning, and it's comforting to know that there are other brides and grooms out there experiencing the same highs and lows during their planning process...a friend is always just on the other side of your computer screen! CONGRATULATIONS and Welcome to BDW...it's a wedding-planning heaven!
  7. You're gonna LOVE being a part of this amazing forum!!! My best advice as you start down the road to your wedding day would be just to take your time and do lots of research before you book or buy anything (attire, flowers, you name it!) and make sure it's all that you've envisioned for your BIG DAY! And that's where this phenomenal site comes in: BDW has proven to be invaluable in my planning, and it's comforting to know that there are other brides and grooms out there experiencing the same highs and lows during their planning process...a friend is always just on the other side of your computer screen! CONGRATULATIONS and Welcome to BDW...it's a wedding-planning heaven!
  8. You're gonna LOVE being a part of this amazing forum!!! My best advice as you start down the road to your wedding day would be just to take your time and do lots of research before you book or buy anything (attire, flowers, you name it!) and make sure it's all that you've envisioned for your BIG DAY! And that's where this phenomenal site comes in: BDW has proven to be invaluable in my planning, and it's comforting to know that there are other brides and grooms out there experiencing the same highs and lows during their planning process...a friend is always just on the other side of your computer screen! CONGRATULATIONS and Welcome to BDW...it's a wedding-planning miracle!
  9. My dearest Christina -- I can DISTINCTLY recalll, when I was a child, being in "Brownies" (if you are familiar with the whole Girl Scout thing) and we were on a camping outing with the "Daisies and Pixies" (ie. younger children). ONE lactating mom of a Pixie with an infant was full-fledged bare-breasted feeding her son right in front of us all.....at 5 years of age, and having taken in that experience and still remember EVERYTING at the age of 29, I was completely changed FOREVER!!! I, personally, detest breastfeeding in public because of what I experienced first hand as a kid...and my opinion has not waivered yet. I think breast feeding is natural, but mothers should try to keep "feeding" their children out of sight of the public. I think it (as well as breast-pumpimg) are appropriate IN THE HOME if you need to secure your breastmilk for your kids, so they may have it elsewhere. I might come up against opposition, but I still FIRMLY believe somethings are better left under "cover"!
  10. I just can't get over how the chick in the video was rubbing her head like a liitle kid, who just had a MAJOR boo-boo! Owwwwch!
  11. I originally bought a David's Bridal dress for $350 on sale...and after much thought and consideration (I'll wear it for my AHR), I got the DRESS OF MY DREAMS a few months later: Are you aware of designer Maggie Sottero? And her ever more LUXE line, Sottero & Midgley? Here is a pic of my dress (Sottero & Midgley RSM1038 ), which I love more than I have ever loved ANY article of clothing....and for the low price of $1300.00! Not only is it my dream, but my mother said it was HER perfect vision of what I would wear for my wedding, whether it was in Jamaica or not! I adore it!!!! It's more glamorous than I ever could gave imagined! Here is ME in the same dress (the sample was a 6 and I am a 12 so please excuse any misfittings here): And the DRAMATIC back of the dress which I adore! And then there's the Maggie hairpiece, which matches the gown EXACTLY! ALL THIS GLORIOUS-NESS FOR LESS THAN $2000? TOTALLY DO-ABLE!!!!
  12. I know, right?! And God love ya, I saw that one too, Lisa! Hey, maybe I am still a 12 year old at heart, because that kind of nonsense puts me into fits of uncontrollable laughter (and I'll say the obligatory, "as long as no one got hurt")! Anyone else with any fancy-dancin' faux pas, please post away!
  13. Sooooo gorgeous, Joanna! HOW ABSOLUTELY beautiful everything turned out....and what a stunning bride you made!
  14. Wow, Marise! How chic and modern.....LOVE your photos, and what a beautiful couple you make!
  15. Sooooo beautiful (and yes, magical!) Sol! "GENIUS" just isn't even a big enough word for what you and Matt do....thank you so much for sharing your phenomenal art with us all!
  16. Good gracious, pretty lady! I said it before, but it deserves repeating: YOU WERE SUCH A STUNNINGLY BEAUTIFUL BRIDE, MarieSam! And wow, are you ever photogenic, too! Plus, I'm with Tammy -- Tommy is one fine-lookin' fella! It must be nice to be like, "Yep -- that's MY husband!" now! I can see why you're so delighted with the way everything turned out because it was just the essence of perfection! HUGS and congratulations again on achieving your dream wedding and greatly deserved "day in the sun"...
  17. Oh, ANGELA!!! You look phenomenal, but I guess that's pretty easy since you're such a beautiful girl! (And your hunky FI's not too shabby either!) CONGRATULATIONS, and I thought maybe you had some freshly-finished pics when I saw that new amazing pic in your siggy -- I dig that it's an action shot, capturing just how absolutely adorable you two are together in a very "unstaged" way! Just fantastic... You must be thrilled!!!
  18. Ok, so I don't know if you girls have already seen this (or if it has been posted here before), but I just thought I'd share this with those who might be considering taking Pole Dancing lessons to keep that spice and fire in your relationships! I was literally CRYING I was laughing so hard the first time I saw it, so I wanted to make sure everyone else got a chance to see this dancin'-disaster unfold! (And wouldn't the mattresses you'll see in the background have proven useful at the base of the pole?!?) HILARIOUS, indeed....enjoy! YouTube - Pole Dancing Rookie
  19. I AM more embarassed for this moron than words can really express -- and what's more pathetic is that there is a creepy guy at work that totally seems like the type to do this kind of thing! I'll never look at him the same way again... Yeah, and I am so sure the woman he called really feels like she missed the boat on this catch of a guy -- NOT! LOSER ALERT!!! I agree with Karla -- a deadline? Puh-leeze! My eyes couldn't seem to stop rolling when I was listening to him go on and on and on...I'd never wish it on anyone, but I think THIS guy will be SINGLE for the remainder of his sad little life!
  20. ANOTHER UPDATE! Ok, so my sister officially got up the guts/nerve TONIGHT to FINALLY tell my parents about her plan to now have her wedding on March 13, 2010 here in Pennsylvania and to their credit, they didn't completely flip out on her (but I really think that's only because I told them in advance that she was moving her wedding to more than 3 days away from mine)! Now, like I said, she wants everyone to be all honky-dorry, if not excited about the news...I still can't say that I am thrilled, but since she is my only sibling, I'll guess I'll try to be somewhat happy for her that after sooooo many years with this guy, that they are finally going to get married. I am not even going to get into the fact that my parents believe that her FI is the one that wanted the "way too close to mine" wedding date, and that our family has had a whole slew of major issues and run-ins with him over the years. We're doing our best to avoid the producers of the Jerry Springer show from calling us and inviting us on the show at this point! Much love to you all once more for your incredible support during this particulary emotionally-challenging time -- You're AMAZING!
  21. Yup....just showed that pic to my FI, and all he could say was "FOUL!"
  22. God, between the other thread I just saw about the "Go Girl" standing women's urinal thingy, and this monstrosity of epic, DISGUSTING proportions, I don't know WHICH IS WORSE! OMG, I am with Gossip Girl/Lori....I feel the need to yak right now! The wonders of hot water and a bar of soap should not be overlooked, especially by this woman! Do you think she knows that this completely embarassing pic of her backside is up all over the web? I just can't stop shaking my head in disbelief!
  23. Can you EVEN believe that someone was actually sitting there thinking, "OMG! I have just come up with a sure-fire million dollar idea! YES!" and believing that women were ACTUALLY going to buy, more or less use, this ridiculous, disgusting contraption?!? HYSTERICAL, Kathy! I join y'all in thinking it was a joke the first time I saw it! What WILL they think of next....
  24. P.S. to all of you "K" ladies....I can't say that I'm not down on myself either about a number of things (weight, lack of career success so far, etc.), but I want to remind you all that life's just too damn short to forget all the fantastic things in our lives that mean so much more that we should shift the focus to (and how crazy-lucky we are that we all found men that love the total messes that we are!) John even calls me his "mess-terpiece", and it's a title I wear with pride! Oh, wait! Can you guys hear what I'm hearing? Is that Christina Aguilera singing "You are beautiful, no matter what they say. Words can't bring me down"?!? Yeah, I'm cheesy, but it's fitting, no?
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