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Everything posted by islandbride317

  1. HOLY-AWESOME-WEIGHT-LOSS, LISA!!! CONGRATULATIONS, Miss Lady! That is a great problem to have....you've lost close to 20 lbs. and I am sure your aunt will understand, since I'd imagine you had mentioned you were dieting, as you two were working so closely on the dress over the past few months. I think as long as the credit that she made the dress is given it's fair due, then I really don't think she'll be offended. And who knows? Perhaps she will even feel a little relieved that her work on the dress is done, and now she can just hand it down to another seamstress to take care of the little "nips and tucks" that don't require her expert attention?
  2. Very pretty.....maybe buy one to see how you like it in person before you buy the rest (like the other girls said, you might not love it) so this could save you a lot of hassle.
  3. I voted for dress #1! Maybe if you want to make your MOH look extra special, put her in dress #2 so she'll stand out as MOH (plus you said she looked great in BOTH), and have the rest of your girls wear dress #1? Just a thought! They're all adorable, though
  4. Wecome aboard, you Mother of the Bride, you! That's really sweet that you're getting so involved and helping your daughter by joining BDW -- I think you'll find that not only will YOU love it, she'll probably end up wanting to join in the fun herself! HAPPLY PLANNING to you both!
  5. CONGRATS and welcome aboard, Jessica! You are gonna LOVE this incredible forum....everything from resort reviews to advice on what to pack can be found on this one amazing website! And what's better is you will meet some really amazing people along the way!
  6. Thanks for the warning, Heather! I am going to look through again to see how GeminiLibra's actual cake turned out (I only saw the inspiration pic she posted as of yet), but I am thinking of having the cake for my AHR, not for the actual ceremony in JA, so hopefully it will turn out ok! As always, good looking out, and I appreciate the head's up!
  7. MARIA!!!! Roberta has truly done it again -- they are FANTASTIC!!! I adore your bouquet (and your tasteful touch of bling!), but I am especially digging your hair flowers....it's stunning, and looks incredbile in your hair! Wow, and you only have a little over a month until you are able to use them for the BIG DAY itself -- how psyched are you?!? (P.S. Thanks for posting; the more pics I see of fellow bride's bouquets from her, the more excited I am that I decided to go with Roberta from Plumeria's Wedding Flower Boutique!)
  8. Oh, Holly.....soory sorry to hear of your bridesmaid troubles, love! Everytime I hear about someone's BM drama, it makes me feel like I made the right decision not to have any myself -- there are just too many variables to deal with when trying to have a bridal party attend a DW, and the stress it causes (as you WELL-KNOW, I am sure!) is intense. I think if your friends can't attend, then maybe they shouldn't have to buy the dress (and if it means that much to you that they wear it for your AHR, then maybe you can help them pay for half?) Or maybe they could just be announced as bridesmaids at your AHR in a dress that is special to them (that they may already own), so they could still participate without the added cost to anyone? Maybe these are silly ideas I am suggesting, and I know it's tough to find a solution to this problem, but I wanted to at least grab at some straws and see if I could help! Sorry, and good luck Miss Holly!
  9. Don't cha just love dogs and all the crazy, adorable little things they do?!? THANKS for sharing, and for the giggle!
  10. You're gonna LOVE being a part of this amazing forum!!! Your friend is very lucky to have someone like you on her side as she plans her BIG DAY.... Welcome to BDW...it's a wedding-planning heaven!
  11. You're gonna LOVE being a part of this amazing forum!!! My best advice as you start down the road to your wedding day would be just to take your time and do lots of research before you book or buy anything (attire, flowers, you name it!) and make sure it's all that YOU, as well as your fiance, envisioned for your BIG DAY! And that's where this phenomenal site comes in: BDW has proven to be invaluable in my planning, and it's comforting to know that there are other brides and grooms out there experiencing the same highs and lows during their planning process -- a friend is always just on the other side of your computer screen! CONGRATULATIONS and Welcome to BDW...it's a wedding-planning heaven!
  12. You're gonna LOVE being a part of this amazing forum!!! My best advice as you start down the road to your wedding day would be just to take your time and do lots of research before you book or buy anything (attire, flowers, you name it!) and make sure it's all that YOU, as well as your fiance, envisioned for your BIG DAY! And that's where this phenomenal site comes in: BDW has proven to be invaluable in my planning, and it's comforting to know that there are other brides and grooms out there experiencing the same highs and lows during their planning process -- a friend is always just on the other side of your computer screen! CONGRATULATIONS and Welcome to BDW...it's a wedding-planning heaven!
  13. islandbride317


    You're gonna LOVE being a part of this amazing forum!!! My best advice as you start down the road to your wedding day would be just to take your time and do lots of research before you book or buy anything (attire, flowers, you name it!) and make sure it's all that YOU, as well as your fiance, envisioned for your BIG DAY! And that's where this phenomenal site comes in: BDW has proven to be invaluable in my planning, and it's comforting to know that there are other brides and grooms out there experiencing the same highs and lows during their planning process -- a friend is always just on the other side of your computer screen! CONGRATULATIONS and Welcome to BDW...it's a wedding-planning heaven!
  14. You're gonna LOVE being a part of this amazing forum!!! My best advice as you start down the road to your wedding day would be just to take your time and do lots of research before you book or buy anything (resort, attire, flowers, you name it!) and make sure it's all that YOU, as well as your fiance, envisioned for your BIG DAY! And that's where this phenomenal site comes in: BDW has proven to be invaluable in my planning, and it's comforting to know that there are other brides and grooms out there experiencing the same highs and lows during their planning process -- a friend is always just on the other side of your computer screen! CONGRATULATIONS and Welcome to BDW -- it's a wedding-planning heaven!
  15. I can't figure out how they take care of all of those kids either, but good for them all the same! I just worry about the effects of giving birth to 19 kids (who knows how many they will end up with in the end), and what it will do to her health in the long run.....having THAT many kids just can't be good for a woman's body! But, it is HER BODY and a choice that she and her husband made, so again, I support the Duggars' regardless!
  16. Um...."WTF!!!" doesn't even begin to cover it! That is one of the most DISRESPECTFUL, sad, endlessly pathetic things I have ever heard someone's future SIL do to them -- the madness has got to be stopped! How does she think this is an "ok" thing to do? Has she ZERO respect for herself, more or less the two of you? And good gracious, how does she even muster the courage to look you in the eye after behaving like little more than a drunken, shameless bar rat (and then have the nerve to bring her flavor-of-the week into YOUR home and leave her stain of never-ending impurity on your new sheets?!?) My mind is sufficiently "blown"...which is something else that probably occurred in that very room, no pun intended! She needs to apologize immediately, and buy you new sheets DIRECTLY after that! Also, your FI has got to be the one to take charge of the conversation (since she is HIS sister, after all) and let her know that her behavior of using your home like a cheap brothel will not happen again, and won't be tolerated! Some people's total oblivion to the way they should conduct themselves in someone else's home never ceases to amaze me...Give her the blast of reality she needs, girl! Because the sh*t really will need to hit the fan to get through to this thoughtless, sad little creature! Sorry to be so harsh to this girl since she is one of your bridesmaids, but I respect you and feel like you deserve my honest opinion!
  17. CONGRATULATIONS, DEE! Isn't it such an enormous relief to have that MAJOR decision now checked off of your list of wedding-things-to-do? Everything else from here will feel a lot more calm and orderly, I assure you! And what a beautiful area you will be cruising in, right?! Grand Cayman will be GRAND indeed!
  18. They're beautiful, Christie! I think realtouch is totally the way to go, and you've picked such amazing flowers/colors....they've turned out like a dream! And that's great to hear that your floral designer uses the same flowers as Roberta (Plumeria's Wedding Flowers Boutique) because she is who I've decided to go with to do our flowers! Woo-hoo and congratulations all around!
  19. What a fantastic JOB!!! Your "unofficial bridesmaids" are going to be just thrilled to get them...and I'm sure it'll warm their hearts that you not only took the time to make those adorable necklaces by hand for them, but that you also sat down and wrote letters to each one of them individually, to let them know how special and meaningful their friendship is to you!
  20. Fabulous job, Autumn!! I love your comment about your FI wanting to kill you if you don't stop adding Bling to Everything -- hilarious! Well, maybe just tell him there are some things that grooms (and men in general) just don't understand, and the overwhelming desire for things to be sparkly is just something that women are powerless to help! It's like a crystals-addiction, and he should be supportive, dang it! I LOVE the way everything looks together...wouldn't change a thing about your bling! Well done, lady!
  21. Soooo pretty! Simple, but yet oh-so-elegant, indeed! Yep, for whatever negative things people have had to say about Martha Stewart's public financial issues in the past, there is NO DOUBT that she is the reigning Queen of all things Crafty! Thanks for sharing!
  22. Quote: Originally Posted by LadyTrunck I think you can incorporate both for different things since they are the same theme, love them both! I agree with Jannae -- I think they are BOTH fantastic, and you should definitely try to use both of them to keep the theme going, but with a slightly different look (ie. use one of them for ceremony things like programs, and maybe the other for reception items like menus, placecards?) FANTASTIC JOB!
  23. Soooo sorry to hear what a hard time you are having, Courtney! I know when I bought my first dress @ David's Bridal for $350 (it was just a very simple, strapless a-line without a train), I got it because it FIT, not only me but also my budget, and my idea of what I "thought" I had to have for a DW. After a few months and looking at it in my closet a few hundred times, I began to have that "Ugh...I'm not so sure this dress is, or ever was, THE ONE". So, I broke the news to my mother (who had bought the 1st dress) that I was going to be purchasing another dress for myself, and wearing the one she got me for my AHR. At first she was mad, but then when she saw the $1300 Sottero & Midgley I wanted (one that had "all that jazz" you're talking about), and then I tried it on and had that "OMG!!" moment we all wait for, I knew I had made the right decision, and she and I both couldn't be happier. Sometimes, you've just got to go with your heart, and if you have to cut something from your budget or downsize elsewhere to get the dress you adore, then maybe that's what you should do. I know you only wear it once, but it will be the most photographed, and sentimentally special article of clothing you may ever buy, you know? Another BDW member said somewhere on here that there are a few things you should spend the money on if at all possible: the dress, the rings, and the photographer. I agree whole-heartedly! Good luck, and if you try on the Alvina Valenta or Paloma Blanca gowns, fall in LOVE, but still don't want to spend the money, maybe check out some of those sites that do designer imitation dresses for less?
  24. Wow....you're up against a tall order on what he'll see as "good enough" -- hang in there! There is help out there though, and you've come to the right place to find it. You're gonna LOVE being a part of this amazing forum!!! My best advice as you start down the road to your wedding day would be just to take your time and do lots of research before you book or buy anything (resort, attire, flowers, you name it!) and make sure it's all that YOU, as well as your fiance, envisioned for your BIG DAY! And that's where this phenomenal site comes in: BDW has proven to be invaluable in my planning, and it's comforting to know that there are other brides and grooms out there experiencing the same highs and lows during their planning process -- a friend is always just on the other side of your computer screen! CONGRATULATIONS and Welcome to BDW...it's a wedding-planning heaven
  25. You're gonna LOVE being a part of this amazing forum!!! My best advice as you start down the road to your wedding day would be just to take your time and do lots of research before you book or buy anything (attire, flowers, you name it!) and make sure it's all that you've envisioned for your BIG DAY! And that's where this phenomenal site comes in: BDW has proven to be invaluable in my planning, and it's comforting to know that there are other brides and grooms out there experiencing the same highs and lows during their planning process -- a friend is always just on the other side of your computer screen! CONGRATULATIONS and Welcome to BDW...it's a wedding-planning heaven!
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