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Everything posted by islandbride317

  1. They're beautiful, and so well coordinated! And that graphic is just stunning....CONGRATULATIONS on your chic, elegant invitations!
  2. I'm on board with the colored starfish, as well! THEY LOOK FANTASTIC, and I love the ribbon with the starfish around the invitation....ties the whole look together beautifully!
  3. Samuel L. Jackson - Pulp Fiction
  4. "I had a nickname for you! You wanna know what it was? I'm not going to tell you. All right, it was Laser." (Slackers) _________________________ "I imagine that right now, you're feeling a bit like ____________. Hmm? Tumbling down the rabbit hole?"
  5. October 13 - 10:21 pm (York, Pennsylvania, USA) Checking out BDW to distract myself from my frustration about how much I think the AHR I'd like to have next fall is REALLY going to cost....
  6. Minnie Driver: Good Will Hunting
  7. "Oh, I was just smelling - smiling. I was just blouse - browsing. I, uh, heh heh. Well, I guess it just wouldn't... Oh hee hee, it wouldn't be the Christmas shopping season if the stores were any less hooter than they-HOTTER than they are. Whew. It is warm in here, isn't it?" (National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation) ________________________ "A little Crisco and some ___________ wire and we'll be in business."
  8. Yep -- I know exactly where you are coming from, sister!! It's so irritating that some people don't understand the importance of getting back an RSVP to a DW bride-to-be so that she can accurately try to plan nice things....for the guests benefit, in the first place!!! Just yesterday, I found out that one of my dear FI's guy friends that we sent an invitation to has had it for close to 3 weeks and hasn't even BOTHERED TO OPEN IT YET!!! I'm mean, he ought to just reach out and slap me in the face because it would hurt less than his blatant disregard for how much money and time I spent on the invitations! So, yes my dear, I FEEL YOUR PAIN and wish my guests would straighten us, as well!
  9. YEA, CHRISTINA!!! Now you're a Mrs.! And what a beautiful bride you made, my dear! Plus the photos you got on the beach (Jersey shore, right?) looked like you had a DW anyway, so you truly got the very best of both worlds! I AM THRILLED FOR YOU and wish you and your new husband endless joy and CONGRATULATIONS!
  10. Oh WOW -- it fits you like a glove and the gown is just gorgeous!!! And the necklace looks perfect with your dress, too; what a wonderful story of things working together to created a beautiful bridal ensemble!
  11. I already posted this one, but I'll answer it again to keep the ball rolling! No biggie! "I have nipples, Greg. Can you milk me?" (Meet the Parents) _________________________ "They may take our lives, but they'll never take our ___________!!"
  12. "May I admire you again today?" (Duckie, from Pretty in Pink) ________________________________ "I have to remind myself that some birds weren't meant to be caged. Their _________ are just too bright."
  13. "The world will know that free men stood against a tyrant, that few stood against many, and before this battle was over, even a god-king can bleed." (300) ----------------------------- "The first rule of _____ _____ is you DO NOT talk about ____ ______."
  14. Hands down, I would have lipo on the my rear-end and on my legs....and after John and I get married and have a few kids, that is exactly what I plan to have done, too! I told him if I am going to carry a baby for 9 months and then give birth to it, the least he can do is shell out a few thousand dollars to improve my body image and self esteem -- and after he said the obligatory "I love you just the way you are", he then said 'no problem, babe'!! Woo-hoo! Nothing wrong with a little nip and a little tuck in my book!
  15. Quote: Originally Posted by meldal101010 It's BOBSLED time...Cool Runnings. I loved that movie "Why don't you go back to your home on ______ island" "Why don't you go back to your home on Whore Island" (Anchorman) ------------------------- "I've got __________Greg. Can you milk me?"
  16. Oh, God -- this is awful!!! But please, step away from the edge.....NO MAN is worth that! And you have every right to be furious, scared, jealous and wondering "WTF?!?", my dear! I would be livid if I found ANYTHING related to one of John's ex-es anywhere in our apartment, more or less in his lunch bag! I would just remind him of how it would feel if the shoe was on the other foot; how he would feel if you not only worked with one of your ex-flames, but were hanging on to momentos that relationship -- it's not fair for him to expect you to be rational when this situation is clearly inappropriate. I AM SO SORRY you are hurting and so close to your wedding, too -- I think it'll work out, but he needs to put YOU first and respect your wishes more than he respects his ex-girlfriend/co-worker!!! Oh, and just remember, he asked YOU to marry him, not this broad, so obviously he loves YOU and she never was the one for him!!!
  17. Quote: Originally Posted by jennierin Damn the man. Save the empire. (Empire Records) "I gave her my heart, she gave me a _____" "I gave her my heart, she gave me a pen". (Say Anything) ------------------------- "You can't handle the _________!"
  18. Quote: Originally Posted by future_mrs2010 "Of all the gin joints in all the cities in all the world, she walks into mine." -Casablanca "__________ never say die!" "Goonies never say die!" (Goonies) "_________?" Ferris _____?
  19. "You're killin me smalls!" (The Sandlot) ___________________________ "Of all the gin joints in all the ___________ in all the world, she walks into mine."
  20. Quote: Originally Posted by future_mrs2010 " What we've got here is failure to communicate" -cool hand luke "I feel the need, the need for _____________" "I feel the need, the need for speed! (Top Gun) ------------ "I'm the _________of the WORLD!!!!"
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