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Everything posted by islandbride317

  1. Woo-HOOOO, MELISSA!!! You're a Mrs. NOW!! Raising a glass across the miles in hopes that you and your new husband had the most magical day ever! CONGRATULATIONS
  2. How gorgeous! And it fits you beautifully....great decision to go with the more "fitted" look -- and I love the sparkly bands that go around the different layers of the gown, too! Simply divine
  3. Congratulations....you look like a grecian goddess! So pretty; LOVE that it's so light and airy, and the beadwork is beautiful!
  4. Darcy -- CONGRATULATIONS, MRS.!!! Happy Newlywed-ness~! You were such a radiant, beautiful bride!! My favorite photo is the one where you are both under the veil (you look amazing)....what beautiful memories you've created, and I can't wait to see more!
  5. So, Karen -- Did you decide? What did you end up using? Well, and IF you are still thinking about it, I wanted to throw the old standby "Cocktail Attire Preferred" into the ring, in case you want something still on the classier-side, but not "over the top" formal. That is what I am going to use for my AHR, which is a bit more casual since the hours are from 12:30 pm - 4:30 pm/during the day, but it's still taking place in a ballroom, so it needs to be a blend of formal and casual. I'm hoping most everyone has a pretty good understanding of "cocktail attire" means... Anyway, just a thought! Good luck!
  6. Beautiful design.....beautiful colors.....beautiful INVITATIONS!!! Congratulations on how well everything turned out; you must be so thrilled!
  7. CONGRATULATIONS -- you look beautiful! And that is a much better problem to have (ie. and easier fix IMO than having a dress that is too tight!)....no worries, I'm sure your seamstress will work her fingers to the bone to make sure that it fits you beautifully, and in time for your departure. HAVE AN AMAZING TIME IN MEXICO and ENJOY EVERY MINUTE OF YOUR WEDDING; You're going to look gorgeous!
  8. Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to you, HAPPY BIRTHDAY DEAR TAM-MMMYYY! HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU!!! Hope it's wonderful, and all your wishes when you blow out the candles come true!
  9. MarieSam , you're awesome no matter WHAT you say......congrats! And CONGRATULATIONS, JESS -- P.S. HAPPY WEDDING MONTH, as well!
  10. It's certainly sexy on you, but if you think you might feel at all at ease, I second what Tammy said, and you might want to find something you feel completely comfortable in. Only reason I say this is because if you feel at even a little self-conscious, it may show in your pics, which are supposed to be FUN and STRESS-FREE! Good luck, Victoria!
  11. You're e-ring and wedding band are going to look STUNNING together....and I totally dig how unique your FI's ring is, too! MUCH cooler than just a plain band, if you ask me! And just think -- it won't be that much longer until you get to wear them together for REAL, and not have to put it back in the box! Nov. 14 is just around the corner! So excited for you!
  12. Quote: Originally Posted by KittenHeart B2B - IslandBride317 - fabulous girl all around! Mrs - KatKen - always so helpful with any questions I have! Aaawww, thank you bunches, Lady! You're too sweet and I'm flattered... (You know what's funny? I already had YOU in mind for my B2B nom so without further or due......) My noms are : B2B: KittenHeart MRS.: MarieSam Good luck to all!
  13. #3 is truly beautiful....but I tend to go for more of the traditional ballgown style, so I LOVE #1 for you! The sweetheart neckline and the beading detail on that gown are spectaular! No matter what you pick, you look phenomenal in ALL of the dresses, so you really can't go wrong with any of them! GOOD LUCK!
  14. YUP -- three months later it will be for us, too! We are getting married in Jamaica on May 14, 2010.....and then having our AHR on August 14, 2010, and we didn't feel that waiting 3 months was too long at all! Actually, it will be nice to have a little bit of a break between the two, and then we'll also have a little bit more time to save that all-important money to pay for it all! Plus, I thought it was fate when we were looking at dates for the AHR (choosing between July & August) that one of the Saturday dates fell on the 14th, so 8/14/10 it is!
  15. Night at the Museum: Ben Stiller
  16. CONGRATULATIONS, MICHELE!!! I am delighted to hear that you found something....it sounds fantastic! And you're lucky to have a friend that was in a position to help you out; even though they say the job market/economy is on the upswing, it's still a nightmare out there for the hundreds of thousands of unemployed, so I am absolutely thrilled for you!
  17. Congratulations -- it's beautiful, and already looks great on you! Once your seamstress alters the bust area/halter, it will fit like a fabulous, white glove! And, don't you feel like a bargainista for getting it at such a great price?!
  18. Oooooh, wow! They are gorgeous, Victoria! Ana does beautiful work.....you must be so excited to send them out!
  19. "Hey KING! What's your first order of business?... Let the WILD RUMPUS start!" (Where the Wild Things Are) ------------------------------------- "Number eighteen in 1988, ___________ ____________ squeezed and pulled and hurt my neck in 1988."
  20. You're welcome, love! The praise to you and your DH is so truly deserved...I was thrilled by it all!
  21. Like! ________________ Driving in a big city?
  22. Yael -- I was just stunned by how beautiful the photo of the chandelier was...but what really GOT me, was the "WATER" photo in the second link -- positively BREATHTAKING! It looks like something from inside a dream..... You both have a great eye for capturing the essence of whatever you were shooting. Even the close up shot of the grapes look totally professional! In my completely honest opinion, it looks like somebody might have a new profession on the horizon....
  23. Although I don't think I ever personally had the honor of speaking with you, I want to say the following: 1) CONGRATULATIONS on your wedding and fabulous newlywed status, Mrs.! 2) CONGRATULATIONS on completing your thesis (amazing!) 3) CONGRATULATIONS on finding a job! You should be sooooo proud of yourself, lady! I too, know that after my wedding next May, I will most likely experience "separation anxiety" from the elation and highs that come from planning the BIG DAY, but that's why BDW (whenever you can find time!) is great.....we LOVE OUR MRS. MEMBERS and you are always welcomed back with open arms!
  24. Ok.....this was a tough one! Here's the answer: "My mum, a strange creature from the time when PICKLES ON TOOTHPICKS were still the height of sophistication." (Bridget Jones' Diary) ________________________ "Ernest Hemingway once wrote, 'The world is a fine place and worth _________ for.' I agree with the second part."
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