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Everything posted by negrilbridetoo

  1. Jamin2010: I am in the same situation...not enough points. Sigh
  2. Congratulations and Welcome to the site!!
  3. Congrats and welcome!!
  4. Hi Ladies, I ordered these flip flop STD's from Etsy's seller, Dazzle0604 and I love them! Crista was the best to work with. http://www.etsy.com/view_listing.php?listing_id=24660985&ref=sr_galler y_1&&ga_search_query=flip&ga_search_type=category& category=weddings.invitation.save_the_date&ga_page =&includes[]=tags&includes[]=title
  5. Hi Ladies, MD bride checking in here as well!
  6. We have selected Misha as well and can't wait to see our photos for our May 2010 wedding.
  7. How was your cake? It looked beautiful!! Who was the baker? Thanks!
  8. Wow Claudette! You did an outstanding job in planning your wedding. You looked absolutely stunning!!!! You guys are a very cute couple. I have chosen the same colors for my wedding at the Moon Dance Villas. Your pictures are so beautiful!! Congrats to you and your new hubby!!
  9. Sorry to hear you are going through this now. I too am getting married there in a about a year and I am interested in hearing from past brides.
  10. Please check trip advisor latest reviews. There seem to be sanitary issues and as a result guests have been getting violently ill.
  11. I love watching the show too. The prices are definitely out of my range.
  12. In regard to people inviting themselves...I work with someone who is THE biggest gossip. She told me, "I can't wait to go to your wedding!" As if! It is not going to happen. She would only report everything she would see back to the office. I definitely have to reinforce the 'It's just for family and a few friends'. sigh.
  13. Has anyone hired or considered hiring any photographers from Jamaica?
  14. I too am facing the same situation with my large family. I am the 'baby' of nine and had lots of guilt about asking my immediate family to attend my wedding in Jamaica. Especially in this economy. Somedays I still wonder if I am asking too much of them. But, this is what I want and I don't think I will have any regrets. Also, they are not obligated to come. Yes, it would be nice it they did but I can always have a small get-together at home sometime after the wedding.
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