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Everything posted by erinbrooke124

  1. Definitely not lazy! We just get so many GREAT ideas here that we HAVE to have that it makes it difficult to DIY for all of them! I can't wait to see all of your goodies! I'm still working on old, new, borrowed, blue...I actually HATE the color blue (weird I know), but I'll have to have it somewhere hidden. 25 days for me! Although we're doing a civil ceremony here first, a week before, so...really 18 days! Wow! We got our license yesterday...very real now!
  2. Super cute, Jessica! Your guests will love the pre-travel goodies and it will definitely keep them excited! luggage tags.docx
  3. Me too! I keep having dreams that the wedding is only hours away and I have nothing planned in terms of hair, makeup, etc. So, I start rushing around trying to find a salon and my dress. It's awful!!
  4. I'm not sure...I only bought them maybe two weeks ago. They were in the front of the store with some kids summer crafts.
  5. Thanks, ladies! I'm very happy with the final outcome. Now I just have to figure out how to get it ALL down to Mexico! Ay yi yi!
  6. They really weren't too bad! I used templates from people here on BDW, then printed and copied them. I used a paper cutter to cut them in half and a single hole punch to tie the ribbon. I had some down time while my students were taking their state tests to assemble them.
  7. Hi Girls - I finished my OOT bags! Yay! Here is my post: http://www.bestdestinationwedding.com/forum/thread/72996/erinbrooke124-s-oot-bags-pics#post_1598899 While I was at it...I took pics of something other wedding stuff Parent gifts - Photobooks Garter -- I wanted something classy and elegant, but I realized I didn't want to spend a lot of money on something most people would never see...so, I went with the good ol' camo and trouts - favorites of my FH Charms for my bouquet and FH's pocket (?) of passed granparents from ShutterFly Wedding bands (yippee!!!) Hope everyone else's planning is coming along. My checklist is dwindling
  8. I finished my OOT bags and must say I'm happy to have them done a month before take off! EVERYTHING in my bags was inspired by other brides here on BDW! I've been saving ideas and templates for over a year! So, thank you to anyone and everyone whose ideas I might have stolen!! Hope these help someone else Tote Bag: $1.00 @ JoAnn's Craft Store Welcome Books w/ Vista Print cover Pen: Vista Print Plastic Steins: Factory 21 (etsy) Door Hanger: Vista Print Chapstick: MoreandMore Originals (etsy) Oh Sh!t Kit: Target, Bath and Body Works, miscellaneous Magnet: Vista Print Key Coil: BDW member Postcard: Vista Print I also thought about adding mini tequilas and playing cards..but, I'm out of dinero!!!
  9. So cute, Jenn! I love all the quotes you included! I was thinking of using one of those thumbprint tree guestbooks. Still haven't decided though...Time is running out
  10. Absolutely adorable, Amanda! What a fun theme! I had two showers last month! Definitely fun and we got some awesome new things from our registry!
  11. Wow! Everyone is getting so much done! It's how I know we're getting sooo close! Here's all I have to do (I think!): -make tags for OOT Bags -print/assemble Welcome Books -final dress fittings -buy hair extensions and get a Brazillian Blowout (with the hopes the humidity won't be as detrimental ) -finish buying gifts for FMIL and grandparents -print menus & programs (although I'm still undecided on the programs...) -PAY the resort $$ -PACK! (I've already started...just OOT bag stuff) -finalize ceremony script -- I can't decide if we should just use their basic one, or give them something else? -confirm with photographer, hair stylist/make-up artist I'm sure there's more!
  12. Great! I'm glad someone can use them. They are formatable in the powerpoint, not so much in the word doc.
  13. Thought I'd share my "Oh sh*t! Kit" label bag-toppers If anyone needs them... ohshitkit_template.docx Ohshitkit_label.pptx
  14. Awww man! Jszy10 -- I just ordered them last night. I did get 30% off and free shipping! But, still a bummer! Thanks, anyway!
  15. Awww..thank you! I was just telling my man the same thing! I feel like I've bought a lot, and want to buy more for the girls, but my wallet also disagrees. And, I just put it all together tonight and it doesn't look like much. Oh well! I'm out of money! @aeluzu - I love the cocktail ring idea! Those will look so cute and are totally reusable/memorable. We're getting ready to order parent gifts (photobooks of fiance and I through the years with e-pics), but that stuff adds up as well!
  16. I bought my girls their shoes, earrings, beach coverup, clutch, and probably their hair to be done. I always feel like I could get more, but I'm also running out of $! Girls' Shoes Girls' Earrings I'm wearing a feather-flower fascinator -- no veil. I didn't want to have something that might be blowing in every picture, although I think they look beautiful. Here is my flower: @ june11bride I also LOVE headband/tiara pieces. I think they are stunning - almost wishing I had done one myself.
  17. Blue by Enzoani "Casablanca" -- the model makes this dress look scary! So much better on anyone else!
  18. In the last month I did both my BD pics and our E-pics! I am sooo happy with both! Nothing But Miracles Photography Alice Hu Photography
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