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Everything posted by Alexis

  1. We had 96 guests at the Catalonia and I flew my photographers in from San Antonio. They took 1400 pictures! I have answers to probably all your questions and would like to post pictures. How do I post them!!! My email is [email protected] if you would like to email me. Thanks, Alexis
  2. Look at my website at Alexis & Chris wedding in Mexico!. Go to the Accommodations tab and you will see that I posted pictures and rates of all the different rooms. Upgrade is 100% worth it. Our room had a office and extra living area and MUCH larger bathroom.
  3. I just had my wedding at the Riviermaya Catalonia Hotel on May 23, 2009. We had 96 guests. I flew in my photographers from San Antonio and have many pictures posted to facebook. If someone can tell me how to post pictures, I'll be more than happy to. I worked with the staff for over a year, so I can answer plenty of questions.
  4. Mine is too. 106 guests. 1 year of planning and anticipation. It's the exact kind of think you think will never happen to you. I'm so sorry. You are not alone. Are you pushing the date back and keeping the same location?
  5. My trainer is kicking my butt with weights! I'm supposed to do an hour of cardio each day I'm not with him. After breakfast, I'm off to the gym to do a hour of cardio. I think I might split it up between rowing and elliptical.
  6. Like your centerpieces. Cute idea to redo for dinner parties!!
  7. We are going to do it, but where the heck do you buy a decent vase? I've looked everywhere!
  8. I love how you didn't REALLY trash your dress. I want to do something similar. My Mom is soooo against any type of tash the dress photo shoot. I'm even thinking about buying a cheaper dress just for that shoot. What do you think? Did the water kill your dress?
  9. I would say that the lack of communication is the only pitfall. We visited the hotel for a week before we decided to book it. We toured at least 10 other hotels. We have 101 people that have booked!
  10. do you remember the prices at the spa? Did you go to the spa to get your hair done or did they come to your room?
  11. It took forever for me to get responses from Elena in the beginning! It gets better. You just have to continue to be persistent.
  12. I am doing the same! 5 weeks until we leave for Mexico and I am including so much of your information in my newsletters. Thanks a million!
  13. I've gone to working out every other day. It's much easier on my sleep schedule!
  14. At the gym now! I've got 4 weeks until bridal portraits, ahhhhh! I wanted to be 5 PBS lighter by now. I hired a trainer, I'm hoping it will help keep on track. I just get so bored doing my hour of cardio on the bike! Thank God for iPhones!
  15. I am also a Texas girl (San Antonio/Boerne), but graduated from UT Austin. Do you still have the file of your brochure?? I LOVE IT! If you still have it, would you consider sending it to me?! I would love to use it as a base and fill in my own pictures and information. Your map and layout are just spectacular! My email is [email protected]. I am obsessed with your thread of getting ready! It's been very inspirational! Thanks, Alexis
  16. I'm so happy you posted your pictures! I'm having my wedding there on May 23 2009! How was your florists? Did you go through the hotel? What time did your ceremony start? I want plenty of sunlight and time for pictures!
  17. I'm getting married there on May 23!! I've been in contact with the hotel for about a year now. I've had so many communication issues with the changing of the staff. Have you?? Are you doing a sand unity? Where does everyone get the colored sand?? I have lots of questions, but I'll wait for your reply on these first!
  18. I'm so excited I found this forum!!! Memorial Day weekend is our big weekend. I live in San Antonio and we are getting married at the Catalonia Riviera Maya. We visited the resort for a week right after we got engaged. We went resort shopping, stayed there, shopped many resorts and ended up choosing that one! I can't wait to get in touch with those of you getting married there!!...and those of you who have already tied the knot! Alexis
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