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Everything posted by mrsrhbtobe

  1. I love the open back! Great dress! You look quite happy in it:)
  2. I wouldn't be offended at all. White is the hottest color right now, and I think you'll be fine, as long as you pair it with a cute top and some shoes that are not white.
  3. conspiracy theories: Marilyn Monroe
  4. She is so precious! I love her name:)
  5. Yikes! I can see Jane Fonda's character now.... Have you spoken with your FI about her icy comments to you? What is his response? This conversation can be tricky too because she will always be his mother, no matter how much he disagrees with her. Have you thought about maybe covering the cost of the honeymoon? Spending several thousand dollars may be worth your sanity if she continues to belittle you guys about your wedding choices. Unfortunately, it sounds like she has a major case of jealousy. Watching adults behave badly is frustrating! Maybe you could take her out for lunch or something and let her know that it hurts you that you feel she disapproves of your wedding choices. Be sure to include how grateful you are that she is giving so much financial support. You may have to fluff her ego a bit to get her to back down from being such an uber-b*tch. Or maybe writing her a letter would help? I'm sorry you're having to experience this, but hopefully venting here and some of our suggestions will help. Keep your head up!
  6. I'm not doing it either. This is my 2nd marriage, after doing the whole fairy tale by the book wedding the 1st time. What I've learned with age and through the demise of my 1st marriage is that a wedding does not make a marriage. Meaning, do what you and your FI want, and don't let outside stress get to you. Just because you don't do the old/new/borrowed/blue thing, your marriage is not doomed. If it happens to work out that you do have all 4 things, then great. But if not, then that's great too:) Just enjoy your day!
  7. mrsrhbtobe


    Congrats and welcome! The "hola!" was cute...especially since you're getting married in Mexico.
  8. 99 more posts to go until I get my sa-weet banner
  9. I'm on BDW instead of sleeping! I was on call yesterday and just got home a few hours ago....okay. Why am I not tired?!?
  10. Congrats and welcome to BDW. This forum is such a big help! And congrats on Ethan:)
  11. Wow Jennie I'm sorry you're feeling such stress and anxiety about this wedding. I agree with the girls above that one of the best things about BDW is that you can vent to unbiased other women, who will support you no matter what. I truly believe that girlfriends are food for the soul That being said, my advice would be to listen to the fears you're having about his past and ask yourself "why?"....has his past behavior in relationships always been a worry to you, or is all of the added drama with the ex/upcoming wedding of his BF/etc just making you focus on it more? Has he done anything recently that makes you think he hasn't moved on from his shady past? We all have pasts and have made mistakes in relationships, hopefully he's learned from those and is willing to treat you as you deserve. Unfortunately, the baby mama drama won't go away. You can't change that....but both you and your FI can change your reactions to it. Some women are just hateful and psycho, but that doesn't mean it has to become your issue As far as the co-worker and same salon drama, have you ever thought about switching salons? You certainly don't need to deal with that high-school b.s. day in day out. Good for you for being so clear about the material things in life not being so important. Sounds like you've got a good head on your shoulders. It does sound from your post that you're bothered by your FI's financial dependence on his family. Will that change after you're married? Will that still be an issue? More importantly, does your FI see it as an issue? Some families are just like that, where the children still are financially dependent on their parents their whole lives. And for some people that works, but it sounds like you may have a different approach. It's okay to let people help you, as long as you're okay with it. If you're anything like me Jennie, you can easily talk yourself into being stressed out. Yes, I think the questions you have about your FI/his past/his drama/his family are legitimate questions to ask. Yes, I think these issues can be overcome. No, I don't think you need to tackle them all today. What I'm trying to say is, take a deep breath, and let this roll off of your back a bit. A good talk with your FI may be warranted about your anxiety surrounding these issues, and what ways you two can overcome them as a couple. You are not wrong for feeling unsure. You are not wrong for feeling so anxious about all the added stress. It just makes you human. Take care girl and let us know how we can help.
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