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Everything posted by mrsrhbtobe

  1. YAY runners! I love when people get excited about running! I agree that good running shoes are a MUST. I would avoid the sports stores, however, and go to a running store if at all possible. The staff there should be trained in how to evaluate your gait (how you walk), the wear on your current shoes which demonstrates where you apply more pressure on your shoe, how wide your foot is, how high your arch is, etc... When I 1st started running I was in the absolute wrong shoe for my foot type, and since my change I've been a happy girl:) I'd suggest buying some books on running also. Hal Higdon is a running guru who has some good book out. Before my 1st marathon, I bought and read The Non-Runners Marathon Trainer Amazon.com: The Non-Runner's Marathon Trainer (9781570281822): David Whitsett, Forrest Dolgener, Tanjala Kole: Books. Awesome book for inspiration and to get you ready to finish your 1st marathon. I also was never a runner until medical school. I used to do tons of cardio weekly, but never ran, and when I 1st started running I couldn't even go 5 minutes without stopping! I now run several half marathons a year, and have completed 5 full marathons. The feeling of crossing any finish line during a race is worth all of the training:) Good luck and great goal to set! Once you get started you'll be hooked!
  2. Quote: Originally Posted by Tammy Host stop sharing ideas or let really great ideas slip like this one Hilarious!! Why do I keep hearing banjo's playing?!? I also suggest you stop sharing ideas with her, as sad as that is that you have to resort to being secretive with a friend. How do you think she'd respond if you had a heart-to-heart talk with her about your feelings? She may not even realize you're feeling this way (which would be hard to claim, but I'm trying to be positive!). One positive thing about her using your ideas before you, is that you can see what you did and did not like, then fine tune them for your big day .
  3. Yay for her! She seems to be such a nice woman, and after her heart-breaking 2 divorces, it's nice to see her happy.
  4. I saw this online today! It also said she'd been pregnant for a total of almost 12 years of her life.....HOLY COW! They do seem to have a loving family, and be very happy with the life they've chosen. They also claim to be debt free, and to live on $2000/month, which is amazing! Whatever it is that they're doing, they seem to do it well. I must admit, however, that one of my 1st thoughts when I think about the mom is that she must either have had/or need some serious work (i.e. surgery) on her pelvic floor muscles after delivering all of those babies. LOL!
  5. Of what? Wow....and not too long after surviving that plane crash! I saw him in Vegas a few times at PURE and he was super nice.
  6. What a fun TTD session! You both looked like you were having a blast. You both are gorgeous! These pics look like they could be an ad for perfume or something.
  7. Great thread! 1. I also don't know what I want....too funny I'm not alone:) 2. I am buying him a Golden Tee machine for our bar area in the basement. Kind of an off the wall gift, but he loves to play it when we go to sports bars, and I thought it'd be a fun, different gift.
  8. Quote: Originally Posted by ~Karla~ Spot the Fake Louboutins! | Luxaholics Don't Fall for Fake Louboutins Thanks for these links!! I am a HUGE Louboutin fan and have seen fake sites before...I knew those prices were too good to be true!
  9. Awww...what a sweet proposal! I love the pic of you Eboni with your jaw dropped open when he pulled out the white box:) Best of luck planning, and thanks for sharing such a great slideshow!
  10. Wow! Great pics! I liked all of your different poses. Your FI will enjoy these for sure
  11. I was on this website looking for decor for our reception and cocktail hour when and found these lanterns for sale. It has a link to email the seller, so maybe you can get a better deal!! It sounds like they're the big ones (23" in circumference), and I wish they were orange so I could buy them. Hopefully this link will help someone Hangning Battery Operated Lanterns White'
  12. I was there a few years ago also for a fabulous meal. Unless the ownership has taken a big downturn, your food will be amazing! I don't remember much about the decor, except that it was open air and right by the water. It will definitely be romantic:) I was LOL'ing about you putting "Poop" on your invites...keep us posted!
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