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Everything posted by mrsrhbtobe

  1. Congratulations on your wedding today and AWESOME attitude!
  2. I caught up on my celebrity gossip fix today and saw pics of Speidi (as this quite colorful couple has been named by the bloggers) wearing masks walking on the beach in Cabo. Really?!? Only these 2 attention wh*res would pose for the paparazzi wearing masks. She seriously was trying to look sexy in a mask! Then she posted on her Twitter page that she was "ready to get out of pig flue country." Yes, she spelled it "flue". LOL! Apparently they were in Cabo for a pre-honeymoon trip while she shot her latest music video....gee, can't wait for that one . I certainly am feeling sorry for all brides affected by this epidemic, and thought maybe getting a laugh at Speidi's expense could lighten the mood today.
  3. Quote: Originally Posted by lilmisssunshine Hello Ladies- So I just wanted to post a brief review but will have more details later. My wedding was April 16th. I will say there was good and bad. Honestly if you are one who stresses easily you may want to consider another resort...... I appreciate your honesty!! I can't imagine that type of stress right before our wedding! Ugh! I'm hoping the alcohol helped you relax a bit after dealing with those people. It does sound like things worked out okay and the trip ended on a better note than it began. Can't wait to see your pics ( I just looked up the photogs...wow)! We have set as a goal picking a resort by this weekend. I really like the concept of Azul, but am not sure I want the drama you had to deal with on our wedding day. I'm pretty torn, and my sweet laid-back FI said he'll be happy anywhere, as long as I still marry him:) Congrats on your marriage and thanks again for being so honest.
  4. Melissa, Aren't friends great?!? It sounds like your life has been blessed by them I've always liked the saying that "friends are the family you chose for yourself". I am glad for you to have people in your life like this. I also lost my father this past July, and although I am quite close to my family, my friends and FI were my rocks during my grieving. In fact, Daddy only met my FI once, and died 7 days later. I am sure both of our Daddies are smiling down, and know how happy we are. Take care of yourself, and feel free to PM me anytime if you want a shoulder to lean on
  5. I plan to tan for mine...probably airbrush tan. I've used Mystic Tan before and it tended to make me more orange than tan. There's a salon in my town that has someone who actually sprays you manually. As long as you can stomach standing butt naked in front of another woman, you come out with a great looking bronze tan that lasts a week :-)
  6. Hi Brides:) Can any brides who have had their weddings at Azul in the last few weeks/months report on any of the conditions that worry those of us still trying to pick a resort? I love the looks of Azul, as well as the location and price, but I am feeling serious pressure about making sure my guests enjoy it as well. I was 95% sold on Azul until I read some of the reviews on Trip Advisor....and now I'm having heartburn!! My sweet FI spent all of last night trying to calm my nerves about the resort. Feel free to PM me also if you want to talk about your experience off the record. Thanks!
  7. I probably wouldn't say anything. Will it really matter in 5 years if they didn't get you a gift? I have learned through my own failed marriage 5 years ago, and now my successful engagement to a man who's a much better match for me, that picking your battles is important. No matter how you feel about your FI's family, they'll always be his family...and soon they'll be yours. You have to love (and forgive) them as such. I'd try to just let it roll off of your back and not let it worry you. As much as we brides want people to be as excited as we are for our weddings, not everyone sees it that way:) What's more important than a gift at a shower, is maintaining peace in your relationship. Good luck:)
  8. Thanks so much for this thread! I was clueless about what pics I wanted out of my BD session, until now:)
  9. I swear by Nivea lotion for my body and Aaveno ultra calming lotion as a moisturizer for my face. I also love the Aaveno positively ageless daily exfoliating cleanser. For my hair, my stylist introduced me to Moroccan oil, and my hair has never been shinier or more healthy.
  10. Hi! My fiance and I just got engaged last week and are thinking of getting married in Riviera Maya late this year or early next year. I'm so glad to have stumbled across this forum. Thanks to all the brides who have posted such useful information -Andrea
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