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Everything posted by mrsrhbtobe

  1. challenge: logging off of BDW and getting some work done
  2. hung up.....somewhere: tough one!
  3. Congrats on the 7 week countdown BBtoB! My FI got his initial passport this winter for our impromptu vacation, and it only took 7 business days, without the expedite fee! I remember how long passports took right after Sept 11th, but they must have improved their system quite a bit. I'd assume that since your FI is renewing his, it will be even more speedy. Keep us posted and I'll keep my fingers crossed for you!
  4. Construction worker: hard hat
  5. Wow there are some emotionally healthy ladies on BDW and I love it!! I agree with the girls above, and also know how easily we women can obsess ourselves with our FI/DH's past lovers. But the truth of the matter is this: THEY CHOSE US! And every time we allow ourselves to dwell on their pasts, we are letting those girls who have hurt our men rent free space in our heads. So take a deep breath, and let it out....along with the thoughts in your head about how "great" the ex was. Josie, you are obviously an awesome catch for your FI. So let yourself enjoy being caught and try not to worry about the other "fish in the sea" . He is a lucky man to have lost in love and then found his true prize. Best wishes girl!
  6. It sounds like a contact dermatitis to me, or the heat rash. Have you tried aloe vera on it? That's pretty non-irritating. Or try a cool washcloth. Whatever it is should go away in a few days as long as the irritant isn't reapplied. Good luck! Your posts were cracking me up because I'm guilty of googling anything also:)
  7. love it!: that I'm marrying my best friend
  8. Wow! Thanks for sharing all of your details with us. I love your pre-wedding brochures.
  9. not having one: any drinks tonight (I'm on call)
  10. Welcome to the forum Audrey! I was just at Frenchman's Reef this winter for a week and thought it was a great resort. I have no info about any weddings there, although we did see one during our stay, and another arrive the day we left. The wedding gazebo area is fairly secluded, but did seem a bit small for large weddings. The wedding reception we saw was held on the main level, on the veranda that over looks the harbor.....FABULOUS setting. That area was also smaller (maybe would hold 60 people comfortably) but the view was breathtaking. We attended a wine auction that was held downstairs in the ballroom, and that large area was nice and well-kept. The staff was always attentive, but again I can't comment on the WC b/c I have no knowledge of her. Yes, there were iguanas running around occasionally, but they never were a bother. In fact, I thought they were kind of cool! The beach was AWESOME and had great snorkeling located just off the beach. Our room was nice and clean, beds were super comfy, and there was always hot water:) We watched the sunset every evening from our balcony and it was breath-taking. I also liked the water taxi that takes you over to the town to shop directly from the Frenchman's dock. I will say though, that Frenchman's Reef is a good taxi ride away from any other spots in town, and be prepared to spend some $$ unless you rent a car. It cost my FI and I about $40 each time we'd take a round-trip taxi ride into town, and the rates are set by the government. I am glad we didn't rent a car b/c they drive on the left side of the road, even though their cars have the steering wheel on the left side (just like the US). The roads are also very steep in places, and there isn't usually a shoulder on the roads...so I'm glad we just left it up to the professionals. St. Thomas is GORGEOUS, but quite expensive. Our cheapest meal was probably $120 for the two of us. I will say that this resort is one of my favorites I've ever traveled to due to how relaxing it was, however. My FI and I joked about moving there and opening up our own very part-time medical practice. It truly is paradise. Plus, the day excursions to the other islands nearby were a once-in-a-lifetime experience. Feel free to PM me if you have any ?s or want me to email you some pics of the grounds/resort. Welcome to the forum, and GOOD LUCK planning!!
  11. hungry: what do I want to make for dinner?
  12. Yamille, They're called Golden Original Oreos....basically vanilla cookies with the same center filling. Deadly good. I advise you not to try them... Kristy I'm cracking up about you saying "I smell Doritos". LOL!
  13. LOL Erika! I had the same "issue" with hummus and kalmata olives. That's one way to take care of a craving... The blond Oreo's are my crack. I never ate sweets before those little b*stards were produced.
  14. I can only imagine how this feels, and I'm mentally preparing...I honestly think some people don't realize how important RSVPs are to us brides! My mom taught me to always RSVP, but I think some people just toss those cards into their mail pile without thinking about how much time and energy we have put into planning our weddings. It takes 2 seconds to drop that little card back into the mail. Good luck with your calls!
  15. CUTE idea! Please post a pic of them when they arrive:)
  16. makes me anxious: trying to figure how to break it to our families that we're having a DW
  17. Here's an easy, yummy recipe for Cheesy Bean Dip that I poached from my future MIL: 1 can refried beans 1 envelope enchilada seasoning 1 block cream cheese 1 8oz sour cream 1 4oz chopped green chilis Mix together and bake at 350 degrees for 15-20 min. Sprinkle with shredded cheese (she uses the Mexican mix) and chopped green onions. I use all the low-fat (no fat free...doesn't take right to me in this recipe) ingredients where I can. This is an easy dip to make and it always completely gone by the end of the party. My co-workers call this my "Crack Dip" because they can't stay away from it. Just serve it with some tortilla chips and you're ready to go! Hope this helps:)
  18. FABULOUS album! My favorite page is 14. You crack me up about your aversion to seeing kissing pics. LOL! I think those pics are fun!
  19. Amelie, A wise friend told me after a sad breakup with my college boyfriend, "The only person you're 100% compatible with is yourself". I fully believe this, and as I've gotten older I now understand it. Love alone is not enough for a solid marriage, and the best marriages don't necessarily get along perfectly....they just are able to talk about their feelings and communicate well. BillysBride said it perfectly. Enjoy this time, don't beat yourself up about being realistic about your differences with your FI, and work on communication EVERY DAY. Keep your head up girl.
  20. I stayed at the Marival for a week in 2007 and really enjoyed the resort. The food was fabulous and the drinks were plentiful. I also thought the staff was quite attentive. I will say that there were a moderate amount of families and kids around, so if you're looking for an adults only resort, this may not be the one for you. I'm not sure if things have changed there, but I hope not because it was an excellent vacation spot.
  21. A shorter veil would be nice. Have you thought any about just putting flowers in your hair? It sounds from your post that the wedding will be more low-key, so maybe some no-fuss but gorgeous flowers? The style of your dress is gorgeous, by the way! It looks like the type of dress that lends itself to almost any accessory. I think you could easily get away with not wearing a veil if you decide. As far as this being your 3rd wedding, don't feel bad! No one on this forum will judge you for your past. Welcome to "happily ever after" Best wishes.
  22. My California favorite is: Welcome to Cakebread Cellars For whites: Chardonnay..... that's all there is! I LOVE LOVE LOVE Cakebread's Chardonnay!! It's super buttery.....mmmm I may have to open a bottle of it tonight. Cakebread is one of my favorite wineries in Napa, along with Charles Krug and Rombauer. The Charles Krug Cab is to die for. Then again , it was the last of the 5 wineries we tasted that day, so the wine's always better at the end of the day. My FI bought me the best kitchen apron that says "I cook with wine, and sometimes I even add it to the food." He knows me well . Keep the good wine suggestions coming Ladies!
  23. I saw that kissing pic of them and was thinking what idiots they were for that pose. I'm also a Perez junkie, followed closely by TMZ, A Socialite's Life, and The Superficial.
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