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Everything posted by mrsrhbtobe

  1. Hi Gail. I found this link today and thought I'd pass it along: Wedding Programs - program wording for deceased grooms parents - Your #1 Christian Bride Magazine Online! sponsored by ForeverWed.com Hope this helps:)
  2. Their bronzer photofinish face primer is a must for me! It looks really dark when it comes out of the bottle, but it is not that dark on my face. I don't normally wear foundation, so I like how this product adds just a hint of bronzer & evens out my skin tone. Plus, it feels really light on my skin & natural-looking. I wear it to look like I'm not wearing make-up:)
  3. Congrats on your legal day!! Your wedding's right around the corner!! How about wearing a cute white sundress? I don't know how tall you are, but maxi dresses (those that go all the way to the floor) are pretty "in" right now, and they can look sexy without looking too cheap. Plus, they're super comfy. I've seen lots of whites and lighter colored pastels this season in stores. Or, what are your wedding accent colors? A pretty sundress that coordinates with your colors could be cute...plus you could wear it again on your honeymoon:) You could always throw a pretty flower in your hair to add a tropical feel to your attire. Good luck!
  4. Does your FI have an opinion on it? I will be putting "the late" in front of my Daddy's name in our programs, under "Bride's Parents". I would think the small number of guests that we will all have at our DWs would know if a parent is deceased, so you don't necessarily have to indicate that in your programs if you don't want to. Best of luck. Your wedding's less than a month away! Yea!
  5. makes me sick: Captain Morgan
  6. Yea!!! Congrats on getting all the planning finished...now it's time to relax and enjoy becoming a MRS Can't wait to see pics when you return!
  7. I personally was too old to get Gardasil when it came out, but would have gotten it if I had met the criteria. Several of my friends chose to get the vaccine, as did my two younger sisters, all without side effects. The good thing about this vaccine is that it is a personal choice between the woman, or girl and her parents, if they chose to get the vaccine, with full informed consent. Gardasil is a "dead" form of the 4 strains of the HPV virus, 2 of which cause 70% of cervical cancer cases, and 2 of which cause 90% of genital warts cases. Given to the right patient at the right time, the resulting protection against these 2 problems is very effective. Unfortunately, all of the drugs and vaccines currently prescribed have been linked to deaths or undesirable side effects in a few patients. As a physician, I struggle with the extent to which drug companies are in bed with our legislators and lobbyists. Money certainly talks, and people are quick to approve new drugs as "magic bullets". Side effects and the dangers of vaccines and drugs should never outweigh the benefit. I agree with you ladies, knowledge is power. Thanks for keeping the BDW girls informed
  8. dishes: LOVE the ones on our registry (FI picked them out too!)
  9. Oh bless your heart LaBre! I am so sorry about the drama. Unfortunately, some people can't see past their own selves...but great positive attitude about the monster in law Key West is such a beautiful place and the weather is pretty good year-round, so it's almost always gorgeous. Have you thought about Lake Tahoe? I was in a wedding there last summer and it was GORGEOUS, easy to travel to, and fairly affordable. Although weddings in Vegas can be kind of cliche, I attended a wedding at Ceasar's Palace a few months ago that was also very beautiful and classy. Plus, I think it was fairly cheap for the bride and groom. It certainly was TONS of fun for the guests. As far as notifying the guests of the change in venue, I'm with the other girls and think changing the website or phone calls would be fine. If you want to do something more, what about a fun little postcard with the new venue on it and something funny about the swine flu? Good luck girl and keep up the great attitude!!! I'm sorry that you had to change your dream DW, but sounds like you and your FI have certainly weathered the storm. What a great reminder that your relationship is pretty awesome!!
  10. Sex in the City!!! I watch re-runs all the time, and got 3, yes 3, copies of the DVD movie for Christmas from different friends:) He sighs when I turn it to an episode, but then he always wants to know whom Carrie is dating, how Charlotte met her 2nd husband, etc. Cracks me up how he tries to act like it's too feminine for him. I just let tell him that it is our little secret ;-)
  11. Someone pass me some major Kleenex!! I unfortunately know the pain of having lost a father, as my Daddy hasn't been gone even 1 year. I have thought about what I am going to do for both the walk down the isle and the father/daughter dance. I love both BillysBride and Dodd's ideas. I think I will walk by myself down the isle. I wear my Daddy's diamond from his wedding ring to my mother in a necklace everyday and will surely have it on my neck as I marry my FI. That way, I won't be walking alone, but with my Daddy in heaven. Whew tears!!!!! I really like the idea of "Dance with My Father" and having me dance with my FI and the other Daddies in the room dance with their daughters. Thanks BDW ladies for helping make a difficult decision pretty clear....but not without a few tears:) Whew! Whatever you chose, know that your Daddy will be there, smiling. I think as long as you feel good about your decision, your Daddy would approve. Best of luck.
  12. some white wines: so good on a hot summer day:)
  13. Thanks for the tip! My FI loves JoS. A. Banks and we eyed a suit there a few weeks ago that may work for our wedding! Yea!! I can't believe the linen pants are also BOGO! Yea for saving wedding dollars!!!
  14. Thanks for posting such great pics Andi! Glad you had such a great time Congrats!
  15. rare: how I like my steak! (LOL on your answer MegaShay!)
  16. LOVE the dress Savannah! The colors are awesome together and those type of dresses always look good on a beach:) Great find! BTW, how are you feeling? Did you get your drain out?
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