I personally was too old to get Gardasil when it came out, but would have gotten it if I had met the criteria. Several of my friends chose to get the vaccine, as did my two younger sisters, all without side effects.
The good thing about this vaccine is that it is a personal choice between the woman, or girl and her parents, if they chose to get the vaccine, with full informed consent. Gardasil is a "dead" form of the 4 strains of the HPV virus, 2 of which cause 70% of cervical cancer cases, and 2 of which cause 90% of genital warts cases. Given to the right patient at the right time, the resulting protection against these 2 problems is very effective. Unfortunately, all of the drugs and vaccines currently prescribed have been linked to deaths or undesirable side effects in a few patients.
As a physician, I struggle with the extent to which drug companies are in bed with our legislators and lobbyists. Money certainly talks, and people are quick to approve new drugs as "magic bullets". Side effects and the dangers of vaccines and drugs should never outweigh the benefit.
I agree with you ladies, knowledge is power. Thanks for keeping the BDW girls informed