Quote: Originally Posted by ashey063009
The shins-- they hurt so bad. However, it is worth it. My advice: pop two advil 20 mins before you go. It'll help ease the of it. Only 2 ibuprofen?!? I used to take 4 ibuprofen (800mg total) before I waxed! LOL! The shins were the worst! But not having cactus for legs was worth every bit of pain
I don't wax anymore since I decided to get laser hair removal. It was BY FAR some of the best money I've ever spent. I only have to "touch up" shave every 10 days or so, and the hair I do get is very fine and not very dark. I started with super coarse black hair, so I'm thrilled! Lasering hurt about twice as bad as waxing IMO, so I went in to my appointments with a nice thick layer of Lidocaine cream on and numb skin, which made it a piece of cake! The things we women do to ourselves in the name of beauty...