Quote: Originally Posted by MegaShay Ok, so that's what FMIL did a few months ago. Then she calls me this afternoon to tell me they bought FFIL's suit. Turns out, FI and FMIL decided it would look great if they wore the exact same suit!! WTF?! Is it just me, or is that totally not ok? Whoa! Yes, I'd not be a big fan of this either. However, since your FI was okay with it, I'd try to let it roll off my back. As for the FMIL's dress, let's hope people don't ask "Who's the Cougar bridesmaid?" LOL! Sorry for the bad joke, just trying to make light of the things our families do without asking "for" our wedding...
As for my confession, I MAY have accidentally thrown away a box of old photos of my FI and his old girlfriend from medical school that I found when we were moving him into our new loft. I have never been fond of her (even though we've never met). I must say that trashing those photos brought a little smile to my face. But again, I have no independent recollection of throwing away those photos