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Everything posted by mrsrhbtobe

  1. Thanks for the great review! Your wedding day looked amazing...and I loved the pics. My fave was the one of your DH looking at you (I assume during your vows) and his eyes are teary. So sweet!! Thanks for posting and I'm glad your wedding day was all that you wished for
  2. oops....selfless:the love of a parent
  3. That's great that you two laugh about her being so psycho! It's funny that she actually thought by writing that email that she'd ruin his day. How very noble of her Bitterness as they say is a dish best served cold....and it sounds like she fits that description
  4. all for one and one for all!: Bryan Adams song
  5. Ashley, I agree with a lot of what Josie said above. People deal with stress and grief in their lives very differently, and often in the only way they know that works for them. It sounds like your FI has chosen to set a boundary with his mom by cutting her out of his life and not allowing himself to be hurt further by her. He has made it very clear that he doesn't want her in his life by changing his contact information and not giving her his new #s. I do respect that he didn't drag her through the mud with her family by telling them all what she had done. While I agree with your premarital counselor that your FI needs to address the severed ties with his mom, I'm not sure inviting her to your wedding and acting like their relationship isn't stressed will help. Forgiving someone for any abuse takes years of therapy at times, and I'm so sorry that he'll have to go through that. Cutting her out of his life probably was quite helpful to him if she was that toxic. True, family is family, but that doesn't give his family a free pass to treat him however they want. I'm also sorry that she has breast CA because if he isn't at peace with his relationship with her when she dies, that will stay with him for a while. I am sorry that his mom's family is putting pressure on you to invite them to the wedding....because this is not about you, or them for that matter. So try not to feel responsible for mending the severed family ties in your FI's family:) If they continue to be pushy about the subject and put pressure on you about being invited, you don't have to tolerate being treated that way. This is your wedding girl, and you don't need anything dampening your day!!! He has to be the one to take the initiative with her and her family, and have the desire to do so, when he's ready. I think the best thing you could do for him would be to let the stress put on by his family roll off of your back, and just be a source of support to your FI when he needs your ear to listen. Best of luck, and just try to remember that this isn't a stress you have to own right now....especially on your wedding day
  6. My faves are PYT, Wanna Be Startin' Somethin', and Thriller.
  7. Fun thread!! 1735 (that's 5:35pm for normal people): Just came in from the pool, trying to find that yummy Thai Basil Beef recipe FI loves to surprise him when he gets home...but obviously not trying too hard b/c BDW doesn't have that recipe. Busted!
  8. I have a 2006 TL (no navigation) and I LOVE it. It's actually my second acura, after trading in my TSX. My commute is only 14 miles to the hospital, so my driving is a mix of highway and city miles. I get about 23-26 mpg, and am amazed how far I can drive on 1 tank of gas on road trips. The only problems I've had with it are that I needed my battery replaced a few months ago, but it was free since it's still under full warranty until 50,000 miles. I also had an issue with my ac not blowing as cold as it usually does. I took it in to the dealership, and a hose's connection was lose, so they just replaced it (again free due to the warranty). I like that Acura uses higher quality oil, so you don't have to get oil changes every 3 thousand miles and the car will tell you when your oil life is low. I also don't know how I lived previously without my built-in XM radio!! Feel free to PM me if you have more specific questions too. Great car, you'll be pleased:)
  9. This is so sad! I grew up to his music and remember how scared I was when my older brother used to make me watch the Thriller video. There is no doubt that he was a weird man, but I certainly respect his musical talent.
  10. Wow Yael! The hotel looks so gorgeous! I'm so glad that you finally got your happy ending after the "challenge" presented by the swine flu. Congrats :-)
  11. Gorgeous new ring Deanna! I loved the 1st one too:) Lucky girl! Mine is very similar, except that is doesn't have the middle band, just has the outer two bands.
  12. Fabulous review! I loved your dress, and your colors were so pretty:) Thanks for posting pics with each section of your review too. The plaza looked great with your lanterns. Can't wait to see your professional pics!
  13. Wow...you're a seasoned pro ;-) I've had 3 office "surgeries" (wisdom teeth removal, ingrown toenail removals....OUCH, and a pre-cancerous lesion taken off of my skin). I had a breast biopsy last year for a suspicious mass (which thankfully was benign, but it was ironic since I'm a surgeon who in 1 year will be performing only breast cancer surgery).
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