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Everything posted by angruck

  1. btw, has anyone else felt like December is coming quickly? I remember when I had 9 months---now down to 5?! So much to do still!
  2. Jennifer i just saw UVA---also looks awesome! If they have a private room or patio bar---that also sounds great.
  3. all these suggestions look great---i am sorta intrigued by the irish mexican place In arizona (where i'm originally from) there was a mexican irish place we loved called carlos murphys---make me think of that--great place to eat
  4. I made it October 1, 2009---i figure people are gonna till rsvp but I don't want to make it too late, then we will have a final count even later!
  5. Quote: Originally Posted by *Casey* I'll be just getting back from our honeymoon. Can I join in? Of course! the more the better!
  6. Quote: Originally Posted by northernflasher Angruck and Sunbride, great suggestions, two heads are better than one! Sunbride do you think we should start this in another thread? Suggestions on the following... 1. Start a thread asking past brides to state the issues they encountered, list the improvements that could have been made to improve their service and give their consent to supply their info to AM Resorts. 2.We could also have future brides list their concerns. 3. We could have everyone sign a petition for AM resorts to uphold the stated two weddings per day. Not too savvy at this I.T stuff would it be best to do this as a poll format? Would we even do it on here. I thought so cos its where a big percentage of the DT brides would be able to get involved but then is it possible to copy and paste it into the Dreams site or into an email format? Also by doing it here is it poss we might cause probs for Forum? I really feel we ought to do something but not sure im the best person to lead this little crusade due to my limited I.T knowledge, not passing the buck, just not sure i'd get things done right. I'd be more than willing to help and give full support to someone who knows the best way to get this stuff done? Otherwise I will try to get the ball rolling if no-one else wants to take it on. Just a note for brides that have not encountered probs and think that this is all a bit OTT or doesnt require them to get involved. I really dont intend to make life hard or reflect badly on the already overworked WC's and DT team whom im sure do their absolute best within the timeframe they have. I just feel that as prospective customers we have a right to question standards and discrepencies and attempt to improve the situation BEFORE we spend our hard earned money. However we wouldnt be able to do this without the help, reviews, input and support from ALL our brides. ALL help and suggestions on this matter would be really appreciated. Michelle,unfortunately I am also not IT savvy so I can't head up this task otherwise I would. I will be very active in it though if anyone wants to help out with the technology part. I think we should create the forum for reviews---that would be extremely helpful. Let me know how I can help other than IT items
  7. Quote: Originally Posted by starlitk I definitely expressed my displeasure to Landy and Anabel when we met with them prior to the wedding (about having no options, and being unhappy about 3 weddings/day). After the wedding, I really only told Anabel about the things that went wrong and she apologized. I have been internally debating whether to contact the resort or AMResorts to let them know about the things that went wrong, but had decided against it so far because I had felt like I'd spoken my peace. What did you guys have in mind? I think AMResorts would need to be contacted since they probably handle the resort principles--adding more weddings. It would have to be more than one person though so they can't disregard it. We need to see how the other brides are going to feel as their wedding days come and go. There were a lot of brides end of june/beginning of July. Hopefully we will have more reviews. Anyone who recently got married and have grievances want to share that with the company? It all depends on that. Obviously those of us who are planning can attest to the frustration of not hearing back quickly(or at all for some).
  8. Im still debating whether or not to have an AHR-----I feel like I will be happy to be done with everything wedding after the ceremony in Mexico---does anyone else feel this way? I am excited to get married--its the planning I don't like and I wasn't ever going to be a girl who wanted a big fancy anything---hence the destination wedding
  9. Im still debating whether or not to have an AHR-----I feel like I will be happy to be done with everything wedding after the ceremony in Mexico---does anyone else feel this way? I am excited to get married--its the planning I don't like and I wasn't ever going to be a girl who wanted a big fancy anything---hence the destination wedding
  10. welcome! i am a dreams tulum bride with a wedding date of December 12, 2009---it was a great location and the dreams tulum thread is great. There have been recent complaints but I am holding out hope they will fix these issues!
  11. Quote: Originally Posted by northernflasher Thanks so much for the honest reviews ladies. Your input is invaluable to us all. Im super pleased that you all managed to truly enjoy your wedding days despite some unforgivable errors and poor customer service on the part of DT. Im certain that the co-ordinators are doing their best with the time and resources they have at there disposal but if something isnt done this is only going to get worse. As VioletVixen mentioned I really do think we need to get the management to take notice of this feedback, realise that what we have here is a powerful little community which can affect business and act accordingly.. .any suggestions on how we do this? Hi Michelle, I agree with you totally. Sunbride since you were the one that started the forum, do you have any advice how to do this? I think it would be better for someone who already had their wedding to bring this to the attention so that we don't have to worry about retaliation with less attention to a wedding coming up. Does anyone else feel this way? Would anyone be willing to do this?
  12. that really is all amazing! It gives me hope that I might be able to do even a fraction of what you do and I will be proud! I am not a big DIY but i might try some things now! Thanks!
  13. looks great! Are you going to Paris for your honeymoon or does it have a story behind it?
  14. Okay so i looked at the wedding guide Anabel emailed to me when I confirmed the wedding date. it states that the receptions are included in the packages until 10:30pm. I emailed Anabel stating that the guide she gave me when I booked stated that fact. She had previously told me that we had to pay per person for the extra hour to go until 10:30.
  15. also, thank you for getting your review done to quickly! It is really helpful to hear things that have recently happened.
  16. Great! this is really shaping up! Of course those who already had their weddings can come! All are welcome! The more the merrier---you can share tips with us.
  17. I think a restaurant where we can all talk and unwind about the wedding and just have fun would be great. I would rule out a diner---bar might be great but it looks like we are having a pretty large group so we need some space. Koolatta thanks for searching for great places---I wouldn't know where to begin!
  18. I still haven't decided on a cake---but I know I want buttercream frosting Yum!
  19. I also like "make you feel my love" by Adele---it is originally a bob dylan song but it is sorta sad and beautiful---it might turn out to be a tearjerker
  20. I a flying continental----hope i don't have any issues. I think someone said earlier this would be the one reason they would have a bridezilla moment, ditto to that! There is no way I am putting my wedding dress in my checked luggage.
  21. Quote: Originally Posted by shorty hello everyone im getting married dec 15 2009! i feel like i have nothing accomplished its really stressful hopefully it will all come together... Shorty don't worry, we all felt like that at one point. Just try to do one thing at a time and you will realize it is manageable and you will have everything together in no time. I was overwhelmed but once i found a dress, photographer, and invitations---i felt better. Everything else can come together later.
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