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Everything posted by cece9922

  1. Congrats! I'm also getting married on the Miracle this August! I'm sooo excited we are 2 months away!
  2. Ahhh! Thank you! That is so cool!
  3. I'm having a friend do my hair early that morning (probably 6 am) because I'm getting married out of NYC and its crazyyy over there during the week.
  4. I would love one too with an anchor Alicia & Matthew August 12, 2009 Carnival Miracle Also if anyone does the beach pictures with the names in the sand I would love one of those too.
  5. I would say have your sister walk you down. She is your family. Maybe you can carry something on your bouquet like pictures of your parents.
  6. My dress has a corset top so I'm just wearing undies and will save the sexy stuff for later
  7. Thank you for the warm welcome ladies. I just ordered my invites today so I'm excited! Its all coming together so easily and that makes me a little nervous HA HA! I'm sure its going to get harder soon.
  8. and I'm getting married on Carnival Miracle in NYC on August 12th. Hope to find out tons of new info here! Alicia
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