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Everything posted by blushingbride

  1. Quote: Originally Posted by iwantadreamswedding airampz, my plan is to just have dinner on the beach for the 2 of us, as our reception. There won't be any music, just a romantic dinner. We are doing the same! We are having a beach ceremony, and then when we return we will have a casual BBQ AHR. When we first started planning, I was so overwhelmed with everything that it became a natural choice for us to do it ourselves. And ever since the decision was made, we have been having so much fun with the wedding planning process. It's like a breath of fresh air! I think just the two is soooo romantic too. I can't wait!
  2. Oh man!! I just found this thread. I love reading! I'm currently engrossed in a memoir, The Glass Castle by Jeannette Walls. Not sure if it's already been a mention, but very good book. Before that, I was reading Eat, Pray, Love...another good book is The Help. Also notable!
  3. Wow, these readings are great! I don't know how this would fare in terms of sappiness, but I found this in a wedding book and immediately liked it. One look One smile One touch One embrace One kiss One love Two people Two minds Two souls Two destinies One road One journey One ending Together.
  4. We knew we wanted to get married either March, April, or May as it would give us enough time to save; plus those are the best months to get married in DR. We really wanted March but the resort had those dates booked when I first submitted the request. It was also important for us to have a Friday or Saturday, because of both our jobs, so when the WC told me our date was available, we immediately jumped on it! So, it worked out!
  5. I used to listen to my iPod here at work, but it became annoying having to take off my earphones everytime someone needed me, lol. Now, the radio is more convenient. But like most of you, I would not be well without my music!!!!!
  6. Quote: Originally Posted by Lindsay521 How do you get all those cool things in the bottom of your profile? I tried following the instructions but could not figure anything out! Hi Lindsay, is your pic within the max dimensions? You can either upload your sig from your computer or if you have a photobucket account, you can upload it from there. Full instructions are here: http://bestdestinationwedding.com/forum/t866 and then you can test it out here: http://bestdestinationwedding.com/forum/t25474 As for the tickers, use ones with codes: PseudoHTML, UBBCode, or BBCode. Some good sites are daisypath, tickerfactory, wedding countdown. Once you have it, you paste the code into your sig area under UserCP. Hope this helps! Let me know if you have any more questions...
  7. How many of you listen to music while at work? I know that some companies don't allow personal radios at your workstations, but thank goodness I have always been lucky in my jobs with respect to that. I'm glad that I am able to shake what my momma gave me 9-5!! I find that I'm not as productive without my music! It must be mental, lol.
  8. I definitely agree with this method!! I have lost and continue to lose weight this way. I eat healthy during the week then on weekends I splurge a little since we tend to go out to eat versus cooking at home. During the week it's easier for me to eat healthy since I or FI is cooking. For me, its tougher to make healthier choices at a restaurant which is why I allow myself a "cheat" day or two on weekends. I eat mostly fish and chicken during the week; meat and pork very rarely, but I don't deprive myself of it either. I think it's safer for you to try the cheat day rather than totally deprive yourself of what you really want. Go for it!
  9. Coffee is what I look forward to every morning!! The local coffee cart lady knows how to make it the way I like, and she makes it spot on ever morning. Mmmm! I drink it very light, with half-and-half, 2 sugars. I only drink one cup a day...2 if I really have the taste for it. The last year or so, I've been drinking it at home too since my FI loves the way I make it....so for me, its usually one cup a day, 6-7 days a week. I also love green and black teas with a little half-and-half. I'm running off to the pantry right now! Ha!
  10. Thank you!! I just bought my wedding jewelry from there last week. Thinking of returning it and getting even more of a discount! Yea!!!
  11. Quote: Originally Posted by Royal_lady10 Oooh I love LOVe LOVE hot yoga.. its weird as my boss is my yoga instructor.. So today i did Latin mix and body pump.. but I am down 1lb! every pound counts I love it too, lol! Besides bike riding, no other exercise gives me such a rush!
  12. Although the legal ceremony route is a pain having to obtain all the proper documentation and all, its the right choice for us. What you decide to do should be what works the best for you and your FI. One of our main reasons is that we both want to remember our ceremony on the beach as the moment we became one...so the choice is a very personal one.
  13. I am May 2010, so no flights yet. I was able to price a package through a TA and he was able to tell me what flights are listed for May as of now, but he wanted to make sure I understood they are not conclusive so we play the waiting game for now. We were able to book our honeymoon stay though. Some resorts still don't have that option, from what I've been reading.
  14. Hi Gemma, warm welcome to the forum!! Here you will find lots of info on planning your perfect destination wedding. Any questions, feel free to ask!
  15. Welcome to the forum, Deb!! Congrats on your upcoming wedding!
  16. It is very rude for people to assume they are invited, especially if you haven't even known them that long! There are some people who are very forward like that. Unfortunately, once you announce your engagement, people automatically think it's an open invitation to your money! Do what you want, not what others say...cuz of course when it comes to YOUR wedding, everyone is going to have an opinion. Tell people who ask that you are just having a small, intimate wedding with your very close friends and family. If they don't get the hint, that's their problem. They'll eventually get the hint when the invitation doesn't arrive in the mail, lol.
  17. Quote: Originally Posted by iwantadreamswedding Well, the ones I'm looking at are in the $175-$300 range. Also if you search Ebay for Dinair, they sell the airbrush and the makeup with it for like $250. I don't think that's super expensive, not cheap, but not as high as I was expecting them to be. Ok, thanks!
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