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Everything posted by *Karla*

  1. what I'm doing : researching online
  2. Quote: Originally Posted by Jacilynda Place cards are used to guide guests to their seat, w/ their table # etc. If you aren't having assigned seating there isn't much of a need for them. Thanks! This is what I was looking for...I guess I won't do them then, b/c I don't plan on assigning seats.
  3. Hey Ladies! So a little background… This fall I will be entering into my 5th year in education (I’m a HS Counselor now, not a teacher anymore, but that’s not really important…) but it is my first full summer off. I have been in grad school since I started teaching, so every summer I have been in summer school. Last summer I taught SS, then took classes in July. Here’s the deal…I am going stir crazy! What are you ladies doing all day to occupy your time? I have been cleaning the house (very slowly, one room @ a time, LOL), researching wedding stuff, on BDW, and working out an hour every day. But other than the 1hr at the gym, I am basically sitting on my butt all day. My FI said last night I am driving him crazy b/c he is at work all day, and comes home tired, but I have all this energy and want him to take me out to go do something. I need help!!! What are you ladies doing this summer to keep your selves busy and off the couch?
  4. Anyone know how long it takes to get an invite? MegaShay sent me one a couple days ago, but I still haven't gotten anything from Rue La La
  5. Here are my babies! Lydia is the lab and Casear is the german shepard. They are both 4.
  6. My FI was in a wedding last year, and he got an engraved BBQ tools set. It was really nice in a silver briefcase type thing...
  7. Congrats and Welcome to the Forum! Happy Planning
  8. Congrats and Welcome to the Forum! Happy Planning
  9. Congrats and Welcome to the Forum! Happy Planning
  10. Congrats and Welcome to the Forum! Happy Planning
  11. Congrats and Welcome to the Forum! Happy Planning
  12. Congrats and Welcome to the Forum! Happy Planning
  13. Congrats and Welcome to the Forum! Happy Planning
  14. Congrats and Welcome to the Forum! Happy Planning
  15. Congrats and Welcome to the Forum! Happy Planning
  16. Congrats and Welcome to the Forum! Happy Planning
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