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Everything posted by *Karla*

  1. Congrats and Welcome to the Forum! Happy Planning
  2. Congrats and Welcome to the Forum! Happy Planning
  3. *Karla*

    Newbie Here

    Congrats and Welcome to the Forum! Happy Planning
  4. Congrats and Welcome to the Forum! Happy Planning
  5. Congrats, I hope you have the wedding of your dreams in Greece!
  6. I would go with #2, the first a little hard to read. Also, ask one of the mods to add a poll, that's always an easy way to get votes
  7. *Karla*


    Congrats and Welcome to the Forum! Happy Planning
  8. Quote: Originally Posted by OchieBride Thanks for the instructions, I'm about to print mine and I was a bit confused. Is it hard to get those little corners? How many did u do and how long did that take you? Thanks!!! The corners weren't hard because I used the corner punch. I made about 60 invites. We did 30 one weekend, and 30 the next (FI's mom was late with her guest list). It did take a couple of hours. FI was on the paper cutter, and I perforated, cut, and glued the ticket jackets. Good Luck with your invites, be sure to post pics
  9. *Karla*


    Congrats and Welcome
  10. Quote: Originally Posted by smith3576 I LOVE Maggie. I got my dress free (a sample) and it's older so I'm not sure of the name. I haven't worn it yet, but I already love it because I don't have to worry about it wrinkling. I traveled with it once already and stuffed it in the overhead bin. Took it out - couldn't even tell! The picture isn't of me and it doesn't come with the neck thing. It's a gorgeous dress, and ummm free?! Way to go!!!!
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