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Everything posted by *Karla*

  1. Sounds like a great cause, just voted!
  2. Love getting to find out random things about people! 1. I still don't really know what I want to do when I grow up! 2. I love shoes!!!!! (You can gain a few pounds, and your shoes always still look good ) 3. A tiny part of me doesn't really want the reponsibility of having kids. 4. I was a dancer for over 12 years (very fit & thin) , and I am often completely disgusted that I have let myself gain so much weight. 5. I am actually glad FI and I had a long engagement (3 years, yikes) because we are in a better place financially than we were 2 years ago.
  3. Not in Ontario, but I think this law should be adopted everywhere, so much safer for all!
  4. http://bestdestinationwedding.com/forum/t48594-65
  5. Congrats and Welcome to the Forum! Happy Planning
  6. *Karla*


    Congrats and Welcome to the Forum! Happy Planning
  7. *Karla*

    Newbie :)

    Congrats and Welcome to the Forum! Happy Planning
  8. Great news! We were really worried and thinking of all you Cabo brides
  9. Congrats and Welcome to the Forum! Happy Planning
  10. Welcome to the Forum! Happy Planning
  11. *Karla*


    Congrats and Welcome to the Forum! Happy Planning
  12. Congrats and Welcome to the Forum! Happy Planning
  13. Quote: Originally Posted by Tracy_S Is it still the tradition to pick out the grooms ring without him knowing which one you have picked?? I am going against what seems to be the tradition by going with my man to buy his ring... is there anything opposed to this?? Or is it a new trend? I just know how utterley picky my guy is and I NEED him to be there to pick his out or he could hate it forever!!! lol.. any thoughts?? We went together. He is pretty picky, so I would not want to worry about him not liking it. I new a girl once whose FI bought her e-ring w/out her knowing. They had been married almost 5 years, and she had never had the heart to tell him she didn't like it. I would never want him to feel this way. I think most girls go with their FI to pick out the bands.
  14. Congrats and Welcome to the Forum! Happy Planning
  15. Friday night usual : date night
  16. Congrats and Welcome to the Forum! Be sure to check out the Jamaica section for tons of info
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