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Everything posted by *Karla*

  1. Congrats and Welcome to the Forum! Happy Planning
  2. Congrats and Welcome to the Forum! Happy Planning
  3. *Karla*

    Hello All

    Congrats and Welcome to the Forum! Happy Planning
  4. I would do some research...$3000+ just does not sound right. Bands in JA do not charge that much! How much time are you going to get for $3000?
  5. Erika, everything looks great! I am so excited for you, w00t w00t!!!!
  6. Marne, where are you getting married? I have a 3 piece steel drum band on New Year's Eve for $600 for 4 hours. I would not pay $3000+, are they insane?!
  7. I got my starfish from bridalbox.net, but you can do a search for starfish bouquet jewelry, and a bunch of sites should come up. UPDATE: Karla's Blue Starfish Passing List - Wedding Date in () 1. Flasong - Jamaica Oct 23-30, 2009 2. Maggie (lolasmama) - Dreams Tulum Nov 13-24, 2009 (Nov 17) 3. Karla - Negril, JA Dec 28-Jan 9, 2010 (Dec 31) 4. Toni (T&KJanuary2010) - Barcelo Maya Palace, Jan 16, 2010 5. Kelly (Bakersgirl) - Whitehouse, JA April 30-May 9, 2010 (May 2) 6. brezzie - St. Lucia Aug 4-Aug 14, 2010 (Aug 4) Anyone else, let me know!
  8. That sounds awesome! Tahiti is also on my list of places I want to go. The movie Couples Retreat was filmed in Bora Bora, and it was absolutely beautiful!!! YOu will have an amazing time.
  9. I have to fully agree with you guys about Ashley. I didn't like her from the beginnning. She always makes crazy faces. Also, I don't think she's that great...I wonder if she made it on just to have a husband and wife for ratings? Someone needs to say to her, "YES, we know he's yours, you don't have to say that everytime you're on stage together!" Insecure much?
  10. So, what did you guys think? I enjoyed tonight's show, but am super excited for tomorrow. Are they moving to Tues, or is this a one time thing? Also, since when do the judges kick off the first couple? I thought the audience voted, then the bottom 3 couples "danced for their lives," and the judges decided from there. I don't remember the first episode last season though.
  11. Glad you had a great wedding! Can't wait for pics
  12. It all depends on where you have the wedding, if your budget is 5k, I would say an AI is out of the question, unless your guests will all be staying there. Are they already in JA, or traveling down there? There are a lot of factors to consider. I have a lot of family in JA, so I did a ton of research on venues for the same reason. Are you hoping for a full dinner or just apps? I don't mean to be a downer, but I honestly don't see a dinner wedding for 200 happening for 5k. And you know Jamaicans will expect a full dinner, not just apps. Unless maybe you have a morning wedding. Where in JA are you hoping to have the wedding? If you give some more details, I may be able to help. I personally have a 5k budget, but I am only having 40 or so people.
  13. Everything looks awesome! Cabo then Hawaii?! Lucky girl, I'm jelly
  14. I have never seen your invites before today Heather, so original! They turned out awesome!
  15. Awesome, thanks! I know this will be a hughe help to a lot of brides. BTW, your work is beautiful
  16. Happy Wedding Day Bev! I hope your day is everything you hoped it would be....and that your guests love all your DIY projects Can't wait to see pics!
  17. I'm kinda sad, I'll def miss her choreography!
  18. Quote: Originally Posted by ~Karla~ I'm sorry I missed again. I was thinking about withdrawing b/c until a couple days ago I had been so busy @ work I hadn't been on BDW for almost a month! Needless to say, there was no dieting/exercise going on Anyway, things have calmed down a bit and I would love to still participate. Well, I am still not able to get on the forum regularly to participate in the thread, so I am withdrawing. It isn't really a big help/motivation if I'm not able to be an active member of the thread. On a side note, I really don't understand how this thread turned so neg in a couple of days. Some people seem to be egging this on... I hope that this can stop. Ginalyn, thanks for taking time out of your week to keep track of everyone's stats. I can't even imagine what a big job that must be. Anyway, Good luck to all the girls participating!
  19. *Karla*


    Congrats and Welcome to the Forum! Happy Planning
  20. *Karla*


    Congrats and Welcome to the Forum! Happy Planning
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