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BN Fotografia

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Everything posted by BN Fotografia

  1. Congratulations and welcome to the forum! I hope you have a successful planning experience and are able to find vendors you require to make your day amazing! Happy to help.
  2. Congratulations and welcome to the forum! I hope you have a successful planning experience and are able to find vendors you require to make your day amazing! Happy to help.
  3. Congratulations and welcome to the forum! I hope you have a successful planning experience and are able to find vendors you require to make your day amazing! Happy to help.
  4. Congratulations and welcome to the forum! I hope you have a successful planning experience and are able to find vendors you require to make your day amazing! Happy to help.
  5. Congratulations and welcome to the forum! I hope you have a successful planning experience and are able to find vendors you require to make your day amazing! Happy to help.
  6. Congratulations and welcome to the forum! I hope you have a successful planning experience and are able to find vendors you require to make your day amazing! Happy to help.
  7. Oh Robin - how sweet! I wish you the best for the proposal... and for planning! Happy to help.
  8. Congratulations and welcome to the forum! There are only a handful of BDWF members getting married in Ixtapa - Zihuatanejo (Zihua) (Pacific Coast), or the surrounding area, but it is in fact becoming quite a popular spot to get married - though definitely less popular than destinations on the east coast hence you may get lucky with availability at hotels. I hope you have a successful planning experience and are able to find vendors you require to make your day amazing! Happy to help.
  9. Hello Courtney, I hope you have a successful planning experience and are able to find vendors you require to make your day amazing! Happy to help.
  10. Hello Stephanie I hope you have a successful planning experience and are able to find vendors you require to make your day amazing! Happy to help a fellow canuck!
  11. I hope you have a successful planning experience and are able to find vendors you require to make your day amazing! Happy to help.
  12. I hope you have a successful planning experience and are able to find vendors you require to make your day amazing! Happy to help.
  13. Hi Kacie! Love your wedding date - 10-10-10! A perfect 10! I hope you have a successful planning experience and are able to find vendors you require to make your day amazing! Happy to help.
  14. Congratulations and welcome to the forum! There are only a handful of BDWF members getting married in Ixtapa - Zihuatanejo (Zihua) (Pacific Coast), or the surrounding area, but it is in fact quite becoming a popular spot to get married. I really like the idea of using a spread sheet also - all the key information at a glance - sounds like it would work very well. I hope you have a successful planning experience and are able to find vendors you require to make your day amazing! Happy to help.
  15. Hi Jem I noticed that there are a few more new postings for Ixtapa - Zihua weddings. Hope you have been connecting with great people on the forum who are making your planning process easier. See you soon.
  16. Welcome to the forum Candace!! Great to see you signed up. As you can see there is a plethora of information on here. If you need any help finding specific information, feel free to contact me through the forum or directly. I have noticed a few other new postings for Ixtapa - Zihuatanejo weddings. To find these recent postings, use the search function. Candace, I hope you really enjoy the forum and connect with lots of great people who make your planning process a pleasure. See you in 2010. :-)
  17. Hello Newbride2010 Yes, could you contact me via email [email protected] and I would be happy to pass you our price lists and package info. Thanks!
  18. You seem to have a signature colour tone to your photos that results in photos that stand out. Nice work.
  19. I second that.... Canada can get really chilly! That is one of the reasons my husband and I moved to Mexico as well. We are based in Zihuatanejo-Ixtapa (west coast of Mexico). If you are ever in the area, we'd be happy to show you around. A fellow Canuck, Eli
  20. I love your entrepreneurial spirit!! Good on you for finding a way to make a living doing what you love to do! Watashi to nihongo wa hanasukoto ga dekimasu! Ichi nen gurai nihon ni sundeimashita. Ima wa Mexico ni sundeimasu! Ja mata ne!
  21. I really like the photos on your website of the bride standing in a field of flowers - beautiful!
  22. How wonderful that you are following your passion... and making a living at what you love doing! All the best!
  23. Love your B&W work and use of urban spaces as backdrop... also, love your website layout. Welcome to the forum!
  24. Hi Myles I am terrible sorry to hear about that problems at your storage facility. I wish you all the best in rebuilding your business.
  25. Hi leobunny I'm a Canadian who has been based in Zihuatanejo - Ixtapa for a little over two years. I live here with my husband who happens to be Mexican. We both feel quite safe. The local police are great about cruising the tourist zones to deter problems from arising. Generally speaking the residents of Zihua and Ixtapa are chilled out. Zihua - Ixtapa are nice places to visit and a great places to live. :-) if you have any further questions about the area, don't hesitate to ask. Happy to help. Quote: Originally Posted by leobunny What about Zihuatanejo or Puerta Vallarta (Las Caletas) that are located close to Mexico City?? I found a few articles Zihuatanejo - Cruise Log - USATODAY.com Is anyone concerned about these areas for weddings? I'm considering both of these areas, but I really need reassurance that's it's safe. Am I the only one worried about these areas? I haven't seen anyone mention them on here. Can anyone offers any words of wisdom?
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