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Everything posted by jerzshortstuff

  1. I read on another forum that MOST closings for Holy Week typically effect Thursday, Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. I am not sure how many places close for the whole week or not. I know I was worried when I was planning, but found out it is before Easter, not after (which is the week I am getting married). Maybe speak to your resort wedding coordinator and see if they can be of assistance! Good Luck!
  2. Is this the same menu for our included reception (the one that is semi-private)? If so, do we just choose 1 from each section or do the guests get to choose when the get there? Also, anyone know cake flavor options? Thanks in advance!
  3. We are getting married April 28th! I will definitely check with HDC... although since we will prolly only do the TTD session (since $ is tight), I am thinking they can book it whenever. I will be excited to hear your reviews when you come back since its so close to my date! Is anyone getting married in 2010? I'm anxious for new reviews, tips, and photos And I know it has been mentioned on here before.... but do we know what our bouquet and dinner options are?
  4. Glad to see this thread active again! I've had a lot going on here so I haven't had time to check in. But it seems like everyone's planning is going well! I would also like to see the script for the ROV/Symbolic Ceremony. I haven't done much planning, but we are going simple on everything so I am not worried. Who is the next Palladium bride to get married? I can't wait to hear another brides review! Our wedding is in April 2011. I am getting nervous because a lot of people said they were coming but they haven't booked yet. Our immediate family booked, but thats it so far. We are fine with them being the only people there, but will the Palladium treat us any different since we might just be a small group? We aren't sure if we will have money for photography, but we are looking into using HDC for the TTD session since its ALOT cheaper! How soon in advance has everyone booked HDC? Sorry for all the questions! I guess thats what happens when your away for awhile! lol
  5. Do you know what colors you are able to choose from for the cake ribbon and the gazebo decor?
  6. Congrats on your engagement! Â What we did was see what wedding packages each place offered and compared it with the rates per night. We ended up choosing Grand Palladium because their package was a flat rate and wasn't a per person fee (they offer a semi-private reception for this rate). Since we weren't sure how many people were coming, it was easier for us to do it this way. Plus, I hate to pay a lot extra at an all inclusive resort. Also, Grand Palladium has 3 resorts plus 1 adult resort so the room prices vary depending on what type of room/service people want. This way our guests can decide based on price and rooms, the section they want to stay in. Good luck!
  7. Does anyone know the color choices they have for ribbons? I see decorative ribbons in photos of the gazebo and the cakes. I was wondering what colors they have. And is the cake with the ribbons included in the wedding package? Thanks!
  8. beachbridebliss... Thanks so much for your input and photos! They make me interested in the gazebo even though I was planning for the beach. One question though... can you see the beach/ocean from the gazebo?
  9. Â the wedding agreement was a form she had sent me that I filled out and emailed her back. It just says our names, the date, the wedding time, and the section were staying in. Â ok thanks! I just don't want her to forget about me since I haven't been bugging her lol. Â
  10. My date is April 28, 2011 and I have confirmed it with Carolina as well as sent her the Wedding Agreement. Is there anything else I should be doing or communicating with her about? I see people discussing menus and stuff so I want to make sure I am not behind on anything! Thanks!
  11. Â what does everyone recommend (or what to avoid) for dinner? and we don't have to decide until we get there right? does everyone get the same thing or will they make an exception if someone is vegetarian or doesn't eat red meat?
  12. I have not ordered my dress for that reason. I am getting married in April and all of these wedding boutiques have been telling me I am "behind" in ordering my dress. I have lost a lot of weight and I am still losing weight. At the same time, who knows when the "perfect" time to order is. Hopefully your dress fits or they can alter it to fit properly. My bridesmaids dress for my brothers wedding was too big and the lady told me she couldn't take it in anymore without ruining the dress... so it was falling off me all night good luck!
  13. So I am trying to get my butt in gear... I ordered STD's and sat down with the FIL's to create a wedding invite list! Woohoo! Its about time I start getting my butt in gear! hehe
  14. Thanks ladies! FI knows I don't care for her, but I don't think the girl really knows because I've never been rude or flat out told her I didn't like her (thats just not my way). So I guess its something we will really have to sit down and discuss. I never really thought I had control over who was invited to our wedding since the resort is a public place, but after hearing all of your advice, I now understand that I do. So, I hope we'll be able to come to an understanding on this one. At the same time, FI doesn't have much family. I hate being stuck in situations like this. I guess the best thing to do is discuss it with him and see where it takes us. I figured I'd ask for advice first since I didn't know how to approach the issue. Thanks for all of your help!
  15. congrats and welcome to the forums! Check out the DR section for people's reviews, pictures, and planning ideas on DR! Good luck and happy planning!
  16. Quote: Originally Posted by caribbeanLover You should be fine for bring it back with no problems. For the punta cana sand...they'll never know since you've got it mixed with colour sand!! So your totally safe!! ;-) Sneaky idea! Thanks! hehe
  17. So FI's friend who we really have only hung out once with even though FI has supposedly been friends with him since high school wants to come to our wedding. The problem is he wants to bring this girl (not his gf) who every time I met her makes me feel uncomfortable and acts like she is better than everyone. Why he is bringing her and not his girlfriend is beyond me to begin with, but anyway. I told FI she wasn't invited and explained why. We only sent out STD emails to close family/friends so we never even sent one to this guy, and I am really hesitant to do so. I was going to send out STD's by mail soon, but I don't know what to do. Has anyone ever been in this situation? I know because its a destination wedding you really don't have much control over who people bring, but WHAT DO I DO? I refuse to be uncomfortable at my own wedding/honeymoon! HELP!!!!
  18. Quote: Originally Posted by caribbeanLover Like I was saying in my past post just above, I had no problems, they just want to see it, so if you can...carry it as suppose to putting it in your carry-on and I can assure there will be no issues!! Quote: Originally Posted by MilitaryMrs.s-to be I just used a glass water bottle for my sand ceremony, and had no problem getting it home, it has a stopper in the top and I just filled it with beach sand before we left put the stopper in and then put band aids around the top to keep it on there (which I haven't taken off cause I think it will take from the moment..hahha...I'm so gay) I wrapped it in one of my dresses and put it in my carry one, which was just my beach bag so they considered it a purse and it went through the screening thing, they never opened it all. I had no problems getting it home. Ok I wasn't sure if having sand from PC was allowed coming back into the country. Glad you girls had no trouble! And glad to see the containers survived the trip back without getting damaged! My luck, I'll end up with sand all over my bag hehe
  19. Quote: Originally Posted by caribbeanLover amazing, keep the spong that comes with it, it's def useful!!! what colours did you pick for the sand? For the bottom part (the part that the person doing the reading is suppose to pour, I used Punta Cana sand to always remember, you can do the same!!) Sounds like a great idea! Did you have any problems coming through customs with it?
  20. Quote: Originally Posted by caribbeanLover You should head down this way, we're having amazing hot weather!! A.C almost doesn't feel like enough some days!! But Edmonton is known for not having a summer, or having an amazing one right? I know you guys get crazy horrible winters. Ahh, I was so excited to get my sand ceremony kit, but I had gotten it last min I was worried it wouldn't come in time before we left (but it did!!!) I just found a saying on the internet, I googled it. I also found a lot of wording on here as well... I'll look to see if I still have my speech. I asked my SIL to do it (who has stage fright, she did freaking amazing!!!) it was nice to have someone up there that knows us. (I pick a whole bunch that I like, and just put a few phrases that I liked) As you stand beside the ocean, may your love always be as constant as the tide; waves flowing endlessly from the depths of the sea. Just as water is the eternal force of life, so is love. Love is the force that allows us to face fear and uncertainty with courage. Love is the force that completes us. You have just sealed your marriage by the giving and receiving of rings. Although you will be sharing one life, never forget that you are two separate people. Cherish and affirm your differences. Love each other, with everything you can imagine. Keep your commitment primary, and nourish it, above all else. Together you will laugh and cry, be sick and well, be happy and angry, share and grow. In your lives together, you will no doubt be faced with many challenges, but also many joys. Embrace all of these together, as partners, as one. To symbolize this union, two separate colors of sand will be combined. Each one holds its own unique beauty, strength, and character. They can stand on their own and be whole, without the need of anything else. However, when these two are blended together, they create an entirely new, and extraordinarily more intricate entity. Each grain of sand brings to the mixture a lasting beauty that forever enriches the combination. Please pour the sand into this common container to symbolize the union of your two lives. [XX and XX pour the sand into the centre vase] XX and XX, just as these grains of sand can never be separated and poured again into the individual containers, so will your marriage be a molding of two individual personalities, bonded together forming one heart, one life, and one family. Congratulation!!!! I love your sand ceremony script! I was debating on whether to have it or not since were traveling there. Did you encounter any problems bringing the stuff there or home? I am nervous it will break or something. Did you use a glass container?
  21. I need to lose some weight before my wedding in April as well. I am going to look back through this thread hoping to get some ideas on exercise and nutrition. But, does everyone do WW? I am really tight on money so I am hesitant to spend money on WW meetings. Any suggestions? In the meantime, Im gonna look through the previous posts! We can do this girls!
  22. Congrats on your weight loss! I am sure having the extra skin can be quite annoying. I am all for tummy tucks for people who have lost so much weight that need the skin removed, even though I have never had one done myself. My only thing would be if you planned on having children. I think personally I would wait until after I had all of my children before I had a tummy tuck because most likely you will have the same problem after the babies. Good luck on your decision either way!
  23. Quote: Originally Posted by sap Thank you all for the well wishes! We are leaving in 5 hours to head to the airport. I just got online now. lol. All bags packed and house is cleaned. phew. I've been making a point to make sure I'm getting sleep, so except for tonight I've been putting in at least 7 hours. Kayla, come check out DJ Mannia! I hear he's awesome. We have 50 people and rented the dance floor for the beach so it should be pretty awesome. I will update first chance I get!! Have a fun and safe trip! Enjoy every minute of it! I can't wait to hear all the details when you return!
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