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Everything posted by angie8119

  1. have you girls found any reviews on this resort? I keep checking in the review section and find nothing
  2. However, I will be honest- not inviting anyone....I have yet to figure out how to say this. This is my latest anxiety.
  3. I am working with Natalie, and she is pretty good for the most part!! I think we are going to do the aqueduct location, has anyone seen this in person? Also any thoughts on which is better- group booking or individual for the guests? I know we get a free nights if we book enough, but my guest will just book on their on if they find it cheaper online.
  4. Jmno9-you have pictures Please email me as well if you can!!! [email protected]
  5. Well I think its great you picked a date, and a site visit is a great idea because you do have time. However, picking a resort is TOUGH!!!! Definetely start researching at the least, but yes as mentioned earlier the rates probably arent published and that may sway you...
  6. okay ladies I love Saab and will most likely go for him. However, I may be mistaken but doesn't Sungold offer video and photograhy? If so, do you think its better to use them and get a package, or hotel videographer and Saab photographer?
  7. THats perfectly ok!!! You are having a AHR, anyone invited there or the wedding is a def for the shower!!!!! Just let them know they are invited to one of them.
  8. THis helps. THanks ladies, once again you guys gave me some enlightenment!.
  9. ladies- is this resort VERY kid friendly? I don't want a Beaches, I want to allow kids but revolve around them and my MOH is telling me it kid crazy?
  10. well, I am not having a AHR and after this discusson, I am thinking I am just not going to invite any. I think it will be worse if I invite some and not all. THose that I have developed a relationship with I think will understand- especially since they more likely wouldn't come either way.
  11. THank you ladies!!! definetely put a better perspective on how to handle this!
  12. for our weddng website. I started looking on the knot but I don't know how i feel about the layout options- I see alot of ladies have some other options besides the knot but everytime I look into them its a little more challenging then my not so computer savvy personality can handle!
  13. whats the etiquette on this? Do I invite the same people that are going to the wedding? What if most people I invite to the wedding go- then the AHR celebration would be small. If I invite the same people to the AHR that are invited to the DW will they think I am just double dipping on the gift?
  14. I was wondering the same thing!!! My parents have been incredible throughout this whole thing, I am so happy you started this post as you girls have some great ideas on what to do for the parents. I definetely need to do something to show my gratitude!
  15. Its a destination wedding, so not everyone can come. Do I invite the entire dept to be polite or none at all? Or should I just invite the 2 people that may be able to come? Not everyone can afford to go, the whole dept can't be empty, and I don't have the bond with everyone for them to all want to come. The fact is we are a team and I would invite them all (without question) if I were doing a local wedding, but I'm not and either way everyone is not going to Jamaica. How do I do this and not be rude??!?
  16. can't wait to read your review!!! welcome back!
  17. pm me your email and I can foward- I got the menu prices last week.
  18. I think i am going to go with this location... its seems to have the most options when considering privacy and the coordinator answered my emails within a day!!! HUGE plus!
  19. Thank you so much for posting!! Everything looked beautiful! I am thinking about Brian for my photographer, how was it working with him?
  20. does the ruins have a website or anything where we can research a bit? this is the first I've heard and it sound great!
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