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Everything posted by angie8119

  1. your idea for the card table-- totally stealing! genius! I love everything the consistantly with your theme and color flow! you can tell how muh time and thought you put into everything, and it definetely paid off.
  2. great review!!!! your dress, ceremony, flowers everything- gorgeous! How was the seletion of music with the steel drum band? Did you review with them ahead of time or they just went with the flow?
  3. ladies- I have asked out to grandegarden, jan's and tai flora. Grandegarden is the only one that contacted me personally on my schedule and went step by step with what I want. Prices between jans and grandegarden are def comparable, tai flora is the most expensive. i am big on customer service (especially with the money flowers cost) and grandegarden is the best so far.
  4. yes...good call on the glass and frame... do I need to bring a stand?
  5. Did anyone use this for the wedding? What is a good size and how did you pack it?
  6. excuse the ignorance but where would you get melted candle wax? and what exactly do you do, just pour it on top?
  7. you had some good music! did you bring an ipod or was your reception dj'd? If DJ- can I have contact info? Thanks!
  8. Quote: Originally Posted by echo2_62 If I'm not mistaken, the requirements to get married in Jamaica are much like they would be locally. I had a friend at work who eloped to Jamaica specifically because there aren't any requirements as far as being in the country for a certain number of days or doing bloodwork or having paper work translated. Are you having a full legal wedding in Jamaica, or just a symbolic wedding? Because if you're having a legal wedding there, then I think the woman was right that you don't have to get a marriage license locally - you would just have to use your marriage certificate and paperwork from Jamaica to register the marriage in the US. However, if you're doing a symbolic wedding in Jamaica and a legal one in the US then you would have to go through the full process locally including getting the marriage license and registering in the US. I'm sure there is another thread for brides who have been or will be getting married in Jamaica and they could give you better details than I can... but the comments above will hopefully get you started!!! totally helps!!! thank you!!
  9. well I emailed grande garden yesterday and they called me today!!! quickest service ever in JAmaica! lets just hope the price is right.
  10. I know in Mexico you need to have blood work done before the ceremony...do you need to in Jamaica?
  11. Quote: Originally Posted by Geralyn we did WC~100 DJ~ 25 Waitstaff~I think we gave $150 Officiant ~not too sure but 25-50 sounds about right your the best!!!!
  12. Quote: Originally Posted by caribbeanLover That's sooo annoying!!! sorry to hear that.... this is pretty much eveything.. I might have deleted a few things but it was more for AHR. Hope this helps. woohooo!!!! i am loving this check list!!! here's thought- I went to inquire about my marriage liscense at my town municipal building and you know what they said... we can't do anything for you, your getting married in Jamaica. As long as your legally married in Jamaica your legally married. Will the USA acknowledge my marriage that lady sounded like a bunch of crap.
  13. here's a question- i have been reading alot of threads on tipping...below is my plan, from your experience as RMB bride am I good to go or am I forgetting someone WC- 100 Photographer- bringing from outside 50 DJ- officient- 50 waitstaff-?? was the tipping allowed and accepted? are the planned tipping amount cheap or over tipping? thanks!
  14. woohooo!!! nothing like tacking on another couple hundred buck to the wedding bill. jk- I am going to tip WC, officicient, dj, photographer, and waitstaff. None of which ever crossed my mind before this thread but if their happy they will make me happy!! def doing 50ish for most except WC i'll prob tip her more.
  15. i paid for half but I got the dresses for 125 and free shipping (all three are in different states) and then I am getting them jewerly as their gift. so overall they are paying 55 for the dress and 40 for shoes. Its cheaper then any wedding i've been in.
  16. Quote: Originally Posted by teshy1 What height were you thinking? I bought a pair of really cute dressy flip-flops with a 2-inch wedge heel. I like them because the wedge is easier to walk in than regular heels, plus the style suits a destination wedding. I got them from Best Bridal Prices online; its the Saugus "Twilight" shoe, $38 USD. Here is the link: Saugus Shoe Twilight [Twilight] - $38.00 : Wedding Dresses, Bridesmaid Dresses, and Designer Wedding Dresses Comes in several colours, even blue, if you want "something blue".... Cute!!! such a good find!
  17. well good thing I came across this thread! I would have had a 4min long ceremony. whats the protocol for a ceremony 1. reading 2. sand ceremony 3. vows 4. the end what exactly is the sand ceremony and is there any talking?
  18. Quote: Originally Posted by jerseykitten Yes Angie - very emotional and stressed. you are not alone! I'm actually going to stop working in a few weeks to make it easier to concentrate! It will be ok. Just breathe deep. Where in Jersey are you? And we are date twins!!! YAY!!! And now my mom wants to do a little AHR as soon as we get back. with 2.5 months to plan....I'm happy she wants to do it but we're really cutting it close! Jersey Kitten-I am in Bergen county but am actually flying out of philly on the 7th...how about you? Carribbeanlover- you ARE SO RIGHT with the lack of head count! Exactly what I have been stressing about, I can't really start these oot bags until I know who the heck is coming. a hot mess. Ladies- can I tell you I pretty much started hysterically crying a few days ago and it was such a relief!!!! Since then, I am booking appointments and making decisions! yay!!!
  19. they took a long time in the beginning to give me a quote, but once they did we have consistently been in touch. My contact is [email protected] but now i am going to check out jans
  20. real quick change of subject- is anyone extremely emotional and stressed between this wedding and their everday life! I think I am driving FI crazy. OOT bags and no favors....great idea!!!!!
  21. are you able to go to another vender with the Riu? Sherika made it sound like thats the florist.. and thats who you deal with.
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