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Everything posted by MexicoBeachBride2010

  1. Charm idea is great! Where are you girls buying the mugs? I only need 35 and it seems alot of sites have min. quantities!
  2. Don't worry...it only makes things worse! Only you will know what place is the best for your wedding. I picked the Majestic Colonial because it has gotten rave reviews, is within my price range for my wedding guests for 7 nights, has many options, and I had the opportunity to visit it and loved it! But you need to figure out what is important to you. Is having guests come a priority then check into resorts that are within that price range, etc. Use facebook groups or these posts to help but make a pro/con list too...it helps me alot with decisions!
  3. Absolutely love your bags and kits! I may steal some of your ideas! I love the Oh Sh!t kit!
  4. This book is absolutely amazing! Thanks for sharing! Your daughter's wedding was beautiful and she is lucky to have such an amazing and creative mom!
  5. Hi romeets22, Feb and March are the most expensive, and prices go down after April 15. I haven't heard about shutting stuff down...as far as I know they are always going at the resorts. I had the same problem you did with price so I moved my wedding to May when prices are cheaper. Good luck and happy planning!
  6. Hi Erin, We are getting married at the Majestic Colonial and staying there for a week. We area then moving over to the Elegance for a week. Both resorts are reasonably priced and I went to the Majestic for a site visit and loved it. Feb is prime time so expect things to be higher than other months but I was quoted 1250 for 7 nights at the colonial with a nonstop early flight out of Newark, NJ. Hope this helps!
  7. I was just there the first week of June for my site visit for our wedding and I am a picky beach goer when it comes to my feet touching things. I can honestly say the beach and water are beautiful! The do clear out a swimming area and I know there is some coral in the ocean where you may kayak and things but you really aren't supposed to swim in there. I normally bring water shoes to the beach on the east coast but never have I to swim in the caribbean...I love that you can see to the bottom so you don't need them!
  8. Hi all...this is just my opinion but I went to the Majestic Colonial a couple of weeks ago and i would say both resorts are beautiful. My fiance and i are leaning towards the elegance because the gazebo there is better compared to the colonial side. The prices seem to fluctuate but I have seen about a $60 difference between them. I think we are going to see who is really interested in booking and then make a final decision.
  9. Alot of resorts haven't released their rates yet for that time of year. I am getting married May 18,2010 at the Majestic and I am waiting for the prices from the resort. When I search on their site for availability it says unavailable which is what I think is happening to you. I would definitely contact a TA because it will make things alot easier for you. Good luck and congrats!
  10. Hi Josh, I was just at the Majestic to do a site visit and vacation. When you say the terrace is $300 to rent was that just for dancing, cake, etc. after the meal or did they get a private dinner in addition to the party stuff? It was my understanding that you still had to pay per person if you wanted the private dinner on the terrace and pay the $300 to rent it. Let me know because I liked the set up but def. can't afford to pay person for dinner since our wedding is approaching 40+ people. Thanks!
  11. The free wedding is only good if you have 15 rooms booked for 7 nights. Each room has to be booked for 7 nights and doesn't count if you have more rooms but they are for shorter stays. Additionally this can be for the colonial or elegance I was told and they do not offer any group discount or free wedding for more than 20 -30 people. I don't mind because I love the Majestic and it's my wedding and although I have more than 20 people coming I am not close to the 15 room/7night requirement. Goodluck and if anyone hears anything different let me know.
  12. Quote: Originally Posted by TA Maureen I'm in South Jersey near Philly and I have rates for April 2010 if you need help for your friend feel free to email me. Actually I have rates for the resort for the end of April. Airfare will be published in the next few weeks so I can give resort rates but package rates will take a few weeks. Hi TA Maureen, Any news on rates for May 2010? I am getting married May 18, 2010 and am anxious to see the rates for 2010.
  13. Hey Brides, Another thing to consider is the time of year you are talking about getting married. Jan, Feb and March are the most expensive months to ask guests to travel. April 15 and on prices go down and this was a consideration when I was picking my day. We chose May because it was less expensive for guests to attend and we are getting married at the Majestic Colonial. I know I was quoted from Philadelphia or Newark airport and 7 nights accommodations with taxes and everything $1270/person. If you like the Majestic consider another month, if you are set on January look elsewhere if too expensive but generally every resort is more expensive in January, Feb, and March because it's prime season. Goodluck picking your resort and with your wedding! )
  14. AKelly, The resort said it was fine and we are using the symbolic ceremony and getting married before we go. I'll post something after I meet with him. )
  15. Hey Girls...I am using Pastor York too. I will be traveling to Punta Cana to do a site visit at the Majestic and if any one has questions or anything let me know and I can ask them. )
  16. I agree with all you fellow brides...I love this forum. My fiance makes fun of me because I read it every day multiple times a day lol. I appreciate all the ideas and willingness to share ideas it really helps and saves alot of time! Happy planning ladies! )
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