life is crazy....
here's my real life story.
While in my senior year at college - VA Tech (GO HOKIES!!!) I met the man of my dreams (Steven). After a month of dating and both realizing this was the real deal one day Steven wasnt doing well. His mouth wasnt moving quite right. Well an emergency room visit later revealed the worst possible finding. He had a brain tumor. The scary 95% die within 6 months - 1 year kind of brain tumor. He had surgery x 2, chemo, radiation, and drug trial treatments with the best brain tumor center on the east coast (Duke). And the amazing thing was that he lived. He kept fighting. In fact he flourished just as our relationship did. He got is masters while doing chemo, and helped me get through physician assistant school. We got married and honeymooned at sandals ocho rios in jamaicia. Well one of his closest friends mike lived 300 miles away from where we were living while finishing school back in our home town - he was a groomsmen in our wedding. I met him 2 or 3 times beforehand and thought he was a great guy - lots of fun, and a great friend to Steven. 4 yrs after Steven had been diagnosed he stopped responding to the treatments and the tumor reappeared. It spread dramatically fast and he passed away May 24, 2007 in my arms at duke university hospital. It was the hardest time of my life - I was completely devestated. A few months later I called mike (we were living in the same town now) so see if he wanted to get dinner sometime. I was lonely and simply looking for a friend and familar face. After a few months of casual dinners and few movies one night he kissed me. We have spent as much time as possible with each other since that night. It has been a challenge an emotional roller coster for me and he simply just hangs out there and rides right alond side me. He has been incredibly patient and supportive. Well in January he proposed and I am now engaged to marry a groomsmen in my first wedding!!! I cant wait - and I know there is nothing that Steven would want more than to see 2 of the people he loved most to be happy. I cant believe I get to experience true love twice in my life and I am only 26...