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Destination Scout

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Everything posted by Destination Scout

  1. My only qualm with Paypal is that it costs the vendor up to 4.4%. Chances are, they will just charge it back to you.
  2. Ooh if your thinking PV I would recommend Las Caletas. Super private and pristine. I've seen some amazing slideshows on the forum from girls who were married there. Take a look:)
  3. Welcome Evaleen! I was married in Tulum, MX, which is about two hours south of Cancun. Our requirements were that we had to have a pristine beach so I just rented a car out of Cancun airport and drove until I couldn't see any more high rises. I ended up in Si'an Kaan a natural preserve and had our reception in a home built by Pablo Escobar (the infamous drugloard). Ultra cool and unique experience. Let me know if you need any help!
  4. Welcome Lori! There are so many choices. Be sure to browse the wedding reviews. You'll find lots of ideas that will help you gather your priorities. And then when you know what you want - you'll be on your way:)
  5. Congratulations! Welcome to the forum. You'll find lots of information here and if you're looking for something in particular, be sure to ask.
  6. I also had my engagement diamond reset into my wedding ring. I would suggest the following: A) Go to a jeweler that has a 3-D CAD program. That way they can draw out the ring in three dimension before they make it. You make any changes to the ring right on the screen. Have them set your diamond in a simlar style ring (high setting, inlaid, etc.) Different settings show off different aspects of your diamond and you may not like your diamond in your new setting. It's better to know this before they make your setting. C) Pick out all of the diamonds they are setting into your new mounting, just as you would pick out your engagement diamond. Jewelers can get kind of lazy and throw in a lesser quality diamond if they think you won't notice just because it's smaller. 4) Get a quote based on the amount of diamonds they think they will use. If they don't use that same amount (estimated 1K small diamonds but only used .75 carats) make sure they adjust your price. Make sure you discuss this before you order your ring. Have fun with this! You will love your new ring.
  7. Welcome! I was recently married in Tulum, Mexico. It's a very small beach town south of Tulum. Our guests loved the pristine beach and solitude.
  8. Congratulations! There is a ton of infofmation here. What are you looking for?
  9. Ok. Here are a few pictures of Mil Amores' rooftop deck: Wedding Scouting in Mexico Wedding Scouting in Mexico Wedding Scouting in Mexico It's a really cool location and there is a lot you can do if you wanted your party to flow through the house. Take a look through the entire slideshow and you'll see pictures of the house. There is also Blue Tulum, which is somewhere between a boutique hotel and a resort. It's all-inclusive, high-end, but only has 75 rooms. They do not have a beach, but they have built a dirt/sand pad overlooking the water. It's not really sand, it's white dirt (coarser). 2008 Blue Tulum Resort Photos (Simpleviewer Slideshow Web-Res) Wedding Scouting in Mexico I coordinate weddings in Tulum (and other boutique locations), which is about two hours south of Cancun so I can help you negotiate and coordinate your wedding with either of these hotels. Let me know if you have any questions.
  10. Quote: Originally Posted by Gina Malisa, THANKYOU so much. It helps to see actual photos. I have been so nervous planning a wedding from such a far distance. I love their work. I might consider using them as well. Nathan is amazing to work with. His pictures are beautiful and give you a "Wow!" feeling instead of just capturing an image. He is also a hoot to just hang out with. If you contact them, let them know I said hi.
  11. Welcome bsb! I have a hotel in Tulum that has a large rooftop terrace overlooking the ocean that will be perfect for you. The hotel is Mil Amores and the mansion that I am speaking of was built by Pablo Escobar, so it is a gorgeous textural home. I can't access my flickr account right now since I'm at work, but I'll post a picture later tonight. Don't fret. We'll find you the perfect spot.
  12. My favorite photographer just shot a wedding there. Cozumel Wedding Photography – Yani and Ken – Dreamtime Images
  13. I'm not sure I would want to add a tent at Anna y Jose's. There's room to accomodate it, but it would take up the whole beach. If the weather's nice I'd rather set up lounge seating on the beach at AyJ's - but I thought the weather was part of the issue. I think I'm biased though. I'm just not a fan of tents.
  14. Welcome! I was married at Mil Amores. I am currently hosting thier website at Corazon Maya I am now coordinating two weddings in Tulum and running a scouting trip in Nov. Let me know if you need anything.
  15. I had a morning ceremony. We had an informal brunch at one of the houses we had rented, and then a scavenger hunt. Then people went out on their own and enjoyed the day. We also scheduled a cooking class in the afternoon for those that wanted something to do.
  16. Depends on what you are looking for and how many people. Blue Tulum has an all-inclusive or european plan, depending on your needs. They have 75 rooms. Mil Amores has 25 room at the end of the hotel zone next to the preserve. It's two beatiful mansions made into a hotel and the service is fantastic. There are many smaller, intimate hotels, depending on what you are looking for. I coordinate weddings down there now and am headed down in Nov for a scouting trip. You're welcome to join us if you want, or just have us look something up for you. Here's our Tulum website. Destination Scout
  17. Do you have a wc to help you put them together? I have a friend who you might have someone that you could hire so that it's already done when you get there. It would be nice to not have to worry about that while you were on your vacation.
  18. St. Maarten is ok, but it's very busy and not very serene. I would chose Anguila over St. Maarten. It's only an hour's ferry ride from St. Maarten and has the most beautiful beaches. Here's a few pictures. My Personal Corona Commercial on Flickr - Photo Sharing! Anguilla, Cove Bay on Flickr - Photo Sharing! Anguilla, Shoal Bay Beach on Flickr - Photo Sharing! There are a ton of small hotels along Shoal Bay that would be so nice for a honeymoon.
  19. St. Maarten is ok, but it's very busy and not very serene. I would chose Anguila over St. Maarten. It's only an hour's ferry ride from St. Maarten and has the most beautiful beaches. Here's a few pictures. My Personal Corona Commercial on Flickr - Photo Sharing! Anguilla, Cove Bay on Flickr - Photo Sharing! Anguilla, Shoal Bay Beach on Flickr - Photo Sharing! There are a ton of small hotels along Shoal Bay that would be so nice for a honeymoon.
  20. That's great. I'll be doing a scouting trip in Nov to Akumal/Tulum. Let me know if you need anything or would like to go.
  21. Congratulations Kristen! I was just married in Tulum, which is two hours south of Cancun. Our guests were amazd by the tranquility of the location. Let us know if you have any questions.
  22. I think you are on the right track. If you want rocks and not a lot of extras I would use the north end of Tulum (near the ruins). If you want just bech, I would use th south end of Tulum near Si'an Kaan. If you want underwater shots, use Soliman Bay, but you'll need weight belts.
  23. You could check them, but how about picking them up down there and just taking your labels down?
  24. I was thinking of a scavenger hunt as well, or a cooking class or hire a masseuss (or pair of masseusses) to come in and give massages to any of your guests that want one.
  25. I was thinking of a scavenger hunt as well, or a cooking class or hire a masseuss (or pair of masseusses) to come in and give massages to any of your guests that want one.
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